Guys. This is Big. My supervisor told the Press that there was a fire in the data center and that were working on restoring everybody's app access and debit card access.
Meanwhile I can't get into any of our databases everything's encrypted. We've been hacked.
I was just at wellsfargo the system couldn't access my account Had to do a paper withdraw
Camden Cruz
I swear to God get everything out while you still can
Jonathan Kelly
>there was a fire in the data center Did it get hit by (((white lightning)))?
Eli Martinez
>mfw closed my wells fargo account years ago and went to a credit union loving the low interest rates btw
James King
This is basically the plot of Mr Robot. Nice try Shlomo.
Parker Wilson
If the tellers have no access to accounts then they can only really issue small withdrawals on a trust basis, so unless you are known to staff as a richfag, good luck with that t. Worked for a bank migrating their systems with days of outage
Carson Reed
Serves you idiots right for trusting Jews of the Wells Fargo caliber. Other threads are saying it was the military that took WF down.
Jack Brooks
Post proof
Jaxson Flores
hackers are probably more trustworthy with the data anyway.
No I'd imagine its due to some Pajeet writing shit tier code with poo security.
Bentley Peterson
Five Nine when?
Logan White
>works for wells fargo >busy shitposting right now This actually seems plausible
Logan Thompson
funny af
Luis Sanders
Plz be this timeline
Hunter Torres
Just checked my old account. I can't access it through the web portal but can through the app.
Aaron Jackson
I mean what did you expect would happen after Wells Fargo scandals every other month? Banks are ponzi schemes in general but Wells Fargo has to be the most corrupt of all. You reap what you sow.
Anthony Bennett
I'm calling bullshit, if you really are a security person you would have been in the barrel for the past 16 hours if not more. t. IT fag
Jonathan Taylor
whole lot of puters catching fire as of late...
Alexander Brown
You'd better pray this user is kidding. If Wells falls, a shit ton more are going to fall. (The government made them all issue Shit Tier loans to people they knew could not pay back the money. Now all the Mega Banks are sitting on a bunch of Shit Tier property that they over paid for by about 66%.)
You don't want to see what comes next when Joe Sixpack can't afford his six pack, TV and enough food for himself, much less his family.
Asher Hall
the show was always a cookie-cut mockumentary of this timeline.. imo
For some reason I believe this man instead of the muh fire guy.
Chase Russell
For once I'm a fan of the left.
Camden Morgan
I can confirm something serious is going on. I work at a wells fargo branch and my boss just got off a conference call and looks like he saw a ghost, told me he can't talk about it.
Samuel Lopez
>mfw I have a Wells Fargo account but there’s no money just a maxed-out credit card. Burn baby burn
Dominic Hughes
Well fargo? More like not well fargo
Alexander Torres
Nathaniel Gray
my uncle work for nitendo and i just got off the phone with him he told me explicitly how fucking gay and the OP are
Bentley Taylor
Yeah, you just watched some episodes of Mr. Robot and thought you'd look cool making a larp with inspiration from it. Fuck off and get banned, underage shit kid
Nicholas Thompson
Lol generators failed as well when the power went out. If you don't test your power failover monthly or quarterly, it will fail. Power failures also nuke hard drives badly.
t. worked at AWS
Dylan Cook
What if it's orchestrated by Wells Fargo themselves to dump everything and walk away to let FDIC cover losses?
Wells Fargo has a shit reputation anyway. Anyone doing business with them is crazy.
Alexander Powell
they are predatory lenders. they did this to themselves. they fucked me hard on overdraft fees so i told them to suck cock
Jace Adams
Operation mayhem proceeding just fine.
Michael Lee
So nobody remembers when HSBC was found to have laundered money for cartels? Just checking.
This is probably that. Get the fuckers before they get to their private Jets and sekrit bunkers.
Parker Johnson
checked. 11's have been consistently some pretty based posting in the last two threads
rundown: We received a tip from an employee within Wells Fargo with knowledge of the issue.
According to the employee, the outage is a result of a fire at the server farm located in Shoreview, Minnesota. As a result of the fire the servers had to be shut down.
According to the employee, the servers may be down until Friday.
Remember right after meme flag tipped us a source showed up.. GLOW IN THE DARK AS FUCK
Blake Hill
You think its a coincidence they are doing a military exercise with the bank? Haven't you caught on that before every big happening, there was a military exercise that day?
>The information on this website may be harmful and has been filtered for your safety.
Jeremiah Clark
this is obvious state level industrial espionage
likely Chinese retaliation for ongoing trade war
Ryder Ross
so you're saying put options on wells fargo yesterday?
Caleb Collins
Guys, take out some cash now. And load up on fuel. This is not a joke. Something is about to go down.
Carson Thompson
oh dude even if you can fix the problem, we're still going to crash society
Jack Powell
“Fire” at CNN “Bomb scare” at Facebook “Fire” at Clinton’s house “Fire” at Wells Fargo
Oliver Evans
Wells fargo is expecting everyone to believe a single incident took down everything... BULL SHIT we can't let them white wash this. I refuse to accept (((they))) are this retarded
You're an idiot if you think this is the end of the world. How many years are backed up? There's no way to reset the financial system without destroy ALL of those.
Dylan Rodriguez
I work at a datacenter. Relax, you must be so new they haven't told you about the backups. You think the elites have everything kept at one location?
Carson Kelly
Kinda creepy, couldn't access my account on my mobile app. Can't take a picture because I can't screenshot that app.
Anyone else?
Carson Martin
> uh, guys?
Bentley Jones
i don't lol. link me to it.
Jack Collins
They would have switched over by now. The switch wouldn't have taken more than a few minutes. THEY HAVE NO BACKUPS
Leo Ward
I closed the tab but some gasden flag fuck was the one that started the fire "official story" saying he worked there or some shit
Charles Bennett
Wells Fargo's automatic system have been having trouble for a while now, i very much doubt today is any different
Asher Brooks
Office 365 had a "DNS" problem that prevented any authentication recently and a bunch of government agencies were hit with a DNS hijacking attack now there's a ledditor that claims a fire and and their business continuity plan isn't working because their DNS is fucked