Warning Anons Avoid 5G Networks At All Cost Not A Drill

The globalist are beginning to test new powerful networks capable of reaching bandwidth speeds up to 10GB per second. Scientist are claiming these significantly more powerful networks (almost 100x the speed of4G) CAN KILL YOU.

“The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law,” the petition states. The US rollout of the new network has already begun in cities like Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, and Sacramento.

“This could become a global catastrophe. When the first satellites were launched in the late 1990s for mobile phones, on the day they were launched people sensitive to these things got very sick. The mortality rate rose in the US by 5-10% too and there were reports that birds were not flying,” Firstenberg told the Daily Star
Link related

General Information on 5G

Petition to stop

Attached: 5c5ab539dda4c843548b45b5.jpg (980x551, 104K)

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I use a $50 phone with a no contract monthly plan for work, I barely get 4G.

Fuck off luddite not every technological breakthrough is a globalist conspiracy.

Your brain is already fried user enjoy your drone status.

Isn’t China who has the most advanced 5G network?

Also high population density perfect for a culling
You may be on to something user godspeed.

>radiation powerful enough to fry birds in minutes
>not a single human harmed

rejecting technology is the ultimate redpill

all technology brings us further from God's light and human interaction as it was intended to be. just look at the internet for example, people isolate themselves instead of building real world connections.

Most dual band home routers already use 5g.

Imagine thinking WIFI modems and mobile networks are the same thing I swear to god you mutts have all this technology and none of you faggots understand how it actually works.


In 2018, an International Appeal to Stop 5G in space and on earth was launched and to date has over 26,000 signatures from scientists, doctors, building biologists, engineers, citizens etc. 5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal/

5G will include the higher millimeter wave frequencies never before used for internet and communications technology. The 5G deployment proposes to add frequencies in the microwave spectrum in the low- (0.6 GHz – 3.7 GHz), mid- (3.7GHz – 24 GHz), and high-band frequencies (24 GHz and higher) for faster communications. Higher frequencies do not travel far and are blocked by buildings, so the high-band systems will have to use a dense network of fixed antennae outdoors every 300 meters as well as indoor systems. These will be placed on lamp posts (new led street lights), poles and even under manholes. This radiation, like the 2G, 3G, 4G telecommunications systems, has not had pre-market testing for long term health effects despite the fact that people will be exposed continuously to this microwave radiation.

It is argued that the addition of these 5G radiation frequencies to an already complex mix of wireless frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome both from both physical and mental health perspectives.

Environmental effects of existing RF radiation have also been ignored. 5G will massively increase the microwave and millimeter wave radiation in our environment, and will have a detrimental effect on wildlife and trees. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio–frequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has already been proven to be harmful for humans, animals and the environment.

Didnt say it fried the birds the radiation probably has an effect on the birds ability to fly Im not a fuckin biologist bro.

What's wrong with making whites infertile? They don't want to breed anyway

5ghz band wireless and 5th generation cellular are two completely different things

I hope the guy beside you wipes his hand on your neck.

>The US rollout of the new network has already begun in cities like Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, and Sacramento.
Houston here. I'm starting to feel dizzy. I hear a faint sound like bees thrumming in my head all the time now.

I wish 5G would kill the schizos

Most 5G will use existing 4g frequencies. The higher throughput is from different coding schemes and smarter implementation most likely.

*turns on salt lamp*

>rejecting technology is the ultimate redpill
So fuck off from this board, the internet and your computer. Fuck off.

fuck off with the conspiracy theory shit. you dipshits make us look like /x/ tier retards trying to summon succubus

God damn shizo pol was just making fun of Jill Stein for this months ago.

Pol is In bed with /x/ how new are you

>American education

>I barely get 4G.
The bandwidth of 4G would be more than enough for me and most people...but we only get full speed in few places in the cities.