Tell me how you met your girlfriend/boyfriend so that I can learn from your experience.
I want to know where/how I can find a qt3.14 gf
Tell me how you met your girlfriend/boyfriend so that I can learn from your experience.
I want to know where/how I can find a qt3.14 gf
>usually got rides from my mother or a friend
>she offers to drop me off one day
>does this a handful of times for me
>one night we get into a super deep conversation about life and the absurdity of it all
>she inches her hand closer to mine
>i notice, turn to her and we make out
>rest is history
>usually got rides from my mother or a friend
I mostly want to know from adults, but thanks anyway kid.
mutual friends brought her over to a kickback at my place, we exchanged numbers, started talking, started dating, etc.
really good date off tinder, but we're broken up now
just go on as many dates as you can and eventually you might find someone cool
I met my boyfriend on /soc/. We hit one year two months a couple days ago.
>find out we have same views/interest in music(just listening to a lot of it and actively broadening our knowledge of it)
>invite her out to see a show with me, she accepts
>we get food beforehand, have easy flowing conversation about random parts of our life
>after the show we get a bus and sit shoulder to shoulder, figure she's probably attracted to me because she's letting us touch skin to skin and not saying anything
>invite her out to do something again, end up just us hanging out at my place, feel the tension so I tell her that I'm attracted to her and want to get to know her better
>she says the same, we make out for a few hours
Roommate's co-worker. We went on, then off, then we've been on since. We've known each other ten years.
A lot of the problem is successful relationships endured over time. A lot of these people, though, are trying to make it all happen in this compact span of time.
It's not the where of meeting. The thing that kills most men is they're constantly putting that 'girlfriend' pressure on girls before they've even dated, or dated for a while. Six months in, pressure is fine. A week after talking to her though, most of these guys are laying on the pressure and shit.
You need to be someone people can relax around. Be a walking no judge zone
here's a recent one then
>match with qt emo nerd on tinder
>she messages me some stupid normie shit
>show her some underground emo bands
>ended up dating her for 4 months
im 24 she's 22. its not too late op
So I have been off facebook for about 4 years now because privacy and whatnot.
It has limited me severely with regard to dating apps. Should I consider making a super limited facebook account just for trying out Tinder?
Is it okay to have a bare account on FB for this purpose?
I've had very limited success with tinder. Again, I only ended up dating this bitch for 4 months and she turned out to be a parasite. Of the 300 matches, I've only fucked 6 and dated 2. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to make one anyway, but that's what you're dealing with.
So how is OKC different from Tinder? Is everyone there a whore? Aren't you afraid of STDs?
I make it known that I'd rather date first before doing anything sexual.
Not everyone is a whore. Some of them are. The last 3 I fucked were begging to be fucked hard, with one even asking me to fulfill her rape fantasy. The other 3 were very pleasant and hadn't had much sexual experience. There's no concrete answer, though.
I've landed more likes on OKC, but have never had IRL success from there.
>At a very small party of about a dozen relatively close friends including a girl I liked
>Notice the girl vanished
>Later on that night find her sitting in a bedroom with the lights off crying
>I was apparently being autistic and letting tension build before doing anything for too long, so she went and fucked another guy at the party to try to light a fire under me
>She was crying because she decided this drunk but realized how retarded it was halfway through when it was too late to quit
>Told her straight up that I liked her back
>Told her that I wouldn't fuck her that night (the other guy came in her) but if she wanted to give me a bj I'd be down
Let this be a lesson not too stall too much, and to grow a pair and talk to her. I'm lucky enough to have still gotten her in the end though.
Her Ex was my Bestfriend at the time and my Bestfriends sister was my ex... After we all split, me & her just clicked we had common "enemies" I guess
met in college, hung out, both introverted. Big tiddy goth. Were friends for a couple years before I told her I was in love with her, she had the same feelings, now we've been together for 10 years. Married
>match on Tinder
>go on a first date
>be awkward since I hadn't been on a 1st date in over 5 years. Think I blew $50 on a bad date
>have a courage to ask her out again
>she actually says yes
>be more confident and do better the 2nd date
>just keep seeing her more and more until she became my gf
>now we're going strong and shes about to meet the senpai for Thanksgiving
>I'm pretty sure she's the girl I want to marry
>coworkers for 3 years now
>convos are mostly hello goodbye because I'm shy as fuck
> last February he invites me to play dnd with another coworker
>start playing regularly
>March we start texting regularly
>July I offer to help him with a work project
>walk to his place after work
>just before I leave he kisses me
>been dating ever since
He is my first boyfriend and pretty much my first everything else as well. We haven't been dating for very long, but I'm very happy. I have never been very good with people or talking, but he gets me, at a level I thought only my family would ever understand or put up with.
We met through a friend, lost contact and then reconnected after her ex was a total dick. Now 4 years together, 2 kids 1 year married and happy as clams.
You too
And you!
This is a lot of good endings in one thread for this board.
Eh. I've fucked girls for stupid reasons and girls that I consider way beneath me. I'm not thrilled about it but it isn't the end of the world.
>I'm lucky to get sloppy seconds of a drunken, jelous whore
The absolute state of men
I got invited to a Discord server and from there a few more servers. On one of the servers, I met a guy from my state who liked to tease me a lot. I didn't care much for him until I started voice chatting with him and realized he was just a funny, flirty guy. Also quite smart. Didn't think much of him until we had some pretty private chats, with just him and me (everyone else bailed/went to bed). He had always been a tease, but I thought he was just kind of that way with almost any girl since I was one of like two or so. Anyway, we got to playing a game together and the flirting got worse and I just kind of was like fuck it and started flirting back. Things went from there.
>Was friends with now gf for over 4 years
>After 2 years I knew she was the girl I wanted to marry
>Had a bf for like 5 years
>Bf is a tool and never hangs out with us and our friend group
>We go on a friend vacation to Chicago, me, gf, two friends
>During the trip, one friend wanders off around midnight to walk around, other friend goes to sleep
>We get drunk and she makes out with me
>We fuck
>Super awkward aftermath
>Breaks up with bf when we get back
>Met up with her and confessed that I liked her for real and didn't want a quick lay
>Went on 3 dates with her
>Fuck on third date
>I asked her to be my gf immediately after we finished having sex
>Still dating almost 2 years later, she's the love of my life.
I know I'm going to hell for making a girl cheat, but we're so happy together, the drunk fucking was out of character for us both, but it's no excuse for being terrible people. However, I don't regret a thing. I trust her completely with my life.
Also bonus points, this is how I lost my virginity
There isn't all bad in the world. To be fair I just got professional helpful for my depression and anxiety.
>Browsing Imgur because out of things to do.
>See post talking about being depressed and isolated.
>Talk to person, provide counsel.
>Person asks if we can talk.
>Do, it goes well.
>A few days later we're drinking together and she asks me out.
Going well so far.
inb4 she goes on another trip with new friends and fucks some guy, comes back home and dumps you
once a cheater...
Eat shit. Could you be any worse at being presumptuous of character?
t. cheater
Hired her to be my translator when I went to China
>0.5 (never fucked and I don't even recall her name so don't think she counts fully)
>be me
>go on some stupid one week trip organised by some religious fags (made a deal with mom to get a new phone for this crap)
>sit next to a gorgeous girl on the bus
>bond over how we both don't want to be there and how great my taste in music is
>we spend majority of the week ignoring everyone else
>on the last day, upgrade to hugs and boob/dick grabs, talk about wanting to fuck, make out on the bus ride home
>meet up after the shit is done and have a super awkward time
>be new kid in new school
>get lost
>most popular girl in school shows me the way
>we're in the same class
>exchange notes, numbers, get to talk, start doing dumb shit in class to ensure maximum attention and street cred
>eventually (two months later?) she invites me on a date
>repeat last two steps couple times
>2 (long distance still counts, r-right?)
>start playing WoW again
>relatively small private server so it's easy to get e-famous through world chat bantz
>have dozens of people wanting to group/chat with me
>bond with another e-famous girl over shared love for e-drama
>talk for hours every day despite almost no other common interests
>repeat for a year
>meet up for 3 days, have insanely great time
>repeat every 3 months
>fuck around on /soc/ to satisfy my narcissistic attention whoring side
>have girl contact fag me
>hit up right away, official after just a month
>move in with her after she inherited a fucking mansion
>walk home after getting groceries
>stopped by a car
>mom of a childhood friend I haven't seen in a decade
>invites my mom and me over to her
>my childhood friend is there during a semester break
>have a great time catching up, exchange numbers
>go on dates, have an even greater time
>repeat for a week, then upgrade to FWB
/nostalgia trip over
Aw gee whizz how observant. :^)
It's okay to be a kissless virgin. Just don't project your jealousy so hard.
>Having a sad time.
>Tag along to a house party with my platonic male friend.
>Get wasted.
>Some guys show up later in the night.
>Convince them to come into the city and go out.
>Pay for a $140, 45 minute Uber.
>In the car, almost throw up between one guy's legs while he pats my back.
>Fall out of the Uber on arrival, throw up on boots.
>tl;dr went dancing, had fun, didn't really talk to them that much or have any interest in them as people, went home alone.
The next week the same guy I almost threw up on texted me asking if I wanted to go out with them again. I said yes because I'm a sad friendless loser. We've been together every single day since, almost two months.
I don't know how an incredibly shameful experience (I don't usually drink) turned into meeting an 11/10 qt and becoming a proper power couple, but I guess that happens sometimes. It was a complete coincidence that we get along so perfectly.
Oh, I left out the important detail where he only invited me out because he was hoping I'd get drunk and be equally ridiculous/entertaining again.
The last one? I worked with her. Went to her line a couple times on purpose. Ate lunch with her some more. Asked her to the first Deadpool movie. She hit a lot of the right buttons. But it didn't last forever.
my best friend's girlfriend's friend is my current girlfriend
we just met at a mutual gathering once and we struck up a good convo and shit just started moving fast and fast forward and were still together
I rejected most of these girls or stayed friends with them, but this is how it has occurred for me.
1. I met them at a party with mutual friends.
2. They approached me in a lecture
People meet in the weirdest ways though, I've heard so many stories of people meeting online through random game matches or a shared hobby that brought them together in some weird internet circle. I think it mainly just comes down to how much you put yourself out there and dumb luck.
Literally man up and talk to ur crush
>theater 1951
>i told people in theater i had a crush on her
>one day she compliments my shirt
>game on boiz
>i say hi to her ocassionally around school
>strike a convo here and there
>go to PR get her a necklace
>bring home said necklace and give it to her
>graduate without me and her exchanging info
>one day she adds me on Fb after a break up i had with a terrible gf all looks desu
>dated literally! 2 weeks after talking or so
>1 year relationship came out of it
That's some cute shit with some nice twists. Sounded pretty hopeless in the middle. Congratz, user!
I no longer have a gf, but this is how I met my first ex
>did the same sport in high school
>naturally started to talk to her during breaks
>cheered for her
>started crushing
>pirated Frozen because she told me how much she loved the movie so we could sit together and watch it
>started texting
>eventually went on a date
Gf 1
> senior year of high school
> hang out with a bunch of ugly girls because im a quiet loner and they dont walk when i come near
> they start inviting me to hang out with them after school
> one says to future gf "dont worry, we will crack mr oblivious".
> eventually get drunk/high with that group make out with the girl
> relationship lasts 1 month, no sex
Gf 2
> freshman in uni, a roommate knows a girl from back home
> she comes by our dorm every so often
> one day offer to walk her back to her dorm, ask if she will go out with me
> she says yes, we start kissing and i dont get back to my room until late
> lasts 2 months, tried sex but couldnt stay hard
Gf 3
> still freshmeat in uni
> another roommate has lots of friends
> one day says "come with me"
> takes me to a girl, puts a plate on the ground, forces me to stand on it, and says "i brought you your hunk on a plate"
> relationship lasts 1 year, loose virginity to her
Gf 4
> go to party with same guy who got me gf 3
> he goes up to a random girl and says "hi, have you met user?" Then walks away
> relationship lasts 2 months, lots of sexy time
Gf 5
> same friend that got me gf 3 and 4 breaks up with his girl
> he also decides to move to a new place without telling me (we lived in the same house)
> hang out once or twice but basically no contact from then on
> ffw 3 months, see his ex at uni and strike up a convo with her
> exchange numbers and grab dinner together because nothing better to do that night, eventually date
> relationship lasts over 4 years, lived together
Gf 6
> girl from a class in gradschool asks me to send her pictures when im abroad for a conference
> blank and forget to ask for her number
> send pics via email instead, ask for her number then
> relationship lasts 2 months, no sex
There is a common theme here. None of them did i aquire on my own. Not sure how i can get gf number 7 unless i try something like tinder
Worked next to a starbucks And after a month of frequenting it I asked out one of the baristas and we’ve been together since.
My advice is to build a reputation first, then ask her out.
I’ve asked her about this plenty and here’s the two things she said was important to her.
1. I talked to all of the employees, not just her.
2. I handled wrong drinks and other mistakes calmly.
All of them have been either directly on or indirectly through Jow Forums. My girlfriend and I met on a weeb general for example.
the person on imgur just happens to live in the same city as you? i didn't believe you until i saw your cute fucking image.
also all of these seem to be through coworkers? tips for an ugly but fit and rich neet?
>>fuck around on /soc/ to satisfy my narcissistic attention whoring side
>>have girl contact fag me
>>hit up right away, official after just a month
>>move in with her after she inherited a fucking mansion
story? how big was the mansion? why did you break up? how good looking are you that you get a literal sugar momma.
>be me
>6'2" samoan
>meet girl at bar
>she has scrawny little dweeb boyfriend
>rejects me
>wait in alleyway
>beat him up and rape him to show dominance
She dumped him for me on the spot.
Online, through video games. We voice chatted all the time, webcammed occasionally. Eventually we met up despite living on opposite ends of the coast, now I live with him :3
Although he left without warning. The guy who you gf 3 4 5 is a complete bro.
A total fucking understatement. The nigga is wingman of the year.
I met her in French class and asked her out.
You depraved fool!
NORMIES GET OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was a friend of a male friend of mine who I met on an internet message board. I simply talked my way into her liking me to that degree. I guess I can be charismatic. But I don't think you need to be so special. I think you just find the right person using the internet. Not dating websites, but places where you have conversations about your interests, and then you become friends and then you become more than friends.
Listen I'm aware there's no way I could defend her without sounding like I'll get cucked eventually. You don't know her like I do. I trust her fully no matter what. I'm not going to bring up anything more because it just isn't worth the argument. Point is that we're happy together and there's no chance of something like that happening ever again with other people.
In 2012 i used to play LOL with a group of guys from an all boys school(i go to an all girls school)
I was the only girl and two guys there liked me(the two were friend with my bf) thanks to them i started talking with D( my bf) and i took me 3 years to tell him that i liked him(i was a little bit shy at that time) he didnt like me back so i got rejected,i was really angry but i couldnt hate him so i stayed as him friend for 3 years more(in tha time i had o lot of bf and gf)we were friends....last year(2017)i meet a guy who i thought was the love of my life,we were in love but he was so smart that he got an scholarship to study economic in china for 5 years,he left the country and we dated for another 2 months in thata time i started to go out more cuz i missed him way to much and i needed my friends
For a month i went outh with D and others friends,until one day my bf at that time broke up with me in september(my mom suicide and her bday is on september i was really unstable so i undertand why he did it) that day i cried so much that my family had to retire me from school and give me an sleep pill
D went to my house and take care of me all afternoon and 2 days later he kissed me(it was his first kiss) and then we started to date
Beyond the 4chains beginning and the speed, it felt like the most vanilla relationship ever. We just clicked very fast and very well (and holy fuck, the sex was unreal, can't overstate HOW WELL we clicked), despite coming from different worlds and her being a STEM fag and me a wannabe artist. It all felt so unreal but at the same time, very right and natural. It's extra comical how wrong we both were.
>how big was the mansion?
I am a poorfag, man. Grew up in a 40 sq/m flat and shared a 13sq/m room with my sister for almost ten years; don't think I could answer it objectively enough.Under 800 sq/m, so not quite enough to get lost but large enough to awe you; needed a renovation outside, there were no overly crazy extra stuff like a pool. BUT, the kitchen was larger than my living room back at home, four bath rooms, fucking statues, and enough rooms to plan for "this is going to be my hobby room" Looking back it feels like some overly long holiday stay, and too large to feel comfy.
>why did you break up?
My desire for space and her being too clingy (for me, objectively she acted perfectly reasonably of what one would expect from a relationshit), but I am just not the type to spend days with their partner and the type of weirdo who rather sleeps alone, while she was very cuddly. So basically different expectations, it just took us a while to realise it. (Okay, mostly me. Didn't know that I do need space before living together with someone) Can't find a negative thing about her, she'd be a dream for at least 8/10 of guys.
>how good looking are you that you get a literal sugar momma.
You wouldn't notice me in a crowd. Average high, average equipment, skinny ass otter-mode, still can't grow a real beard as a mid twenties boomer. I did fit her ideal body and my face is reasonably cute though. Most of it was down to sense of humour and uplifting attitude. Also sugar momma is a bit too much, she did expect me to pay for my expenses sans rent.
>notice girl usually has lunch alone in the canteen
>one day, walk up and ask to sit with her
>later talk to her on social media
>ask her out on dates
>saw a cute girl smile at me as we passed each other on college campus
>clenched my nuts, walked up to her and asked for her phone number next time I saw her
>she agrees
>we end up going on a few dates
>fuck a couple of weeks later
current gf
>stated a new job, second day is orientation in a different city
>hear a girl complaining about how shitty the flight was over lunch
>tell her mine was way worse since I'm taller
>she doesn't believe
>tell her to stand up so I can demonstrate
>she's annoyed, but we're having a conversation now
>notice she's really cute
>end up talking throughout that day and the next
>when we have some free time one day ask if she wants to grab dinner
>"sure, why not, user"
>have dinner and drinks, end up in her hotel room after a few hours
>"hey user, I went shopping the other day - turns out they have a victorias secret here"
>"oh really? show me what you bought"
>sex ensues
she sounds like the dream man.
lucky and mature of you to meet and leave her since she didn't fit your criteria.
I met my boyfriend from plenty of fish, and we've been together for 3 years. Went to Natural History Museum for our first date
I followed this for a while. I was drinking at a second bar with a friend I met through my primary bar. Two girls came up and talked to us. I've been dating one of them for 3 years now.