Hourly reminder males in WMAF couples are losers
Hourly reminder males in WMAF couples are losers
Ryder Torres
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Ethan Thomas
Racemixing is degenerate, but calling people losers is reddit
Jackson Ward
theyre still better than the single men and women.
Dominic King
damn, detected one already
Ethan Williams
t. reddit
Matthew Anderson
no they are not
i would rather be single than with non white race woman
they are, they cant get white women
Nolan Nelson
hi im your asian gf's 5th white ex
Michael Parker
yea, they are. dont you mean "man"?
Jayden Jackson
They seem pretty happy from my experience.
Justin Ross
10 years ago we were all fapping to liz vicious and avril lavigne. you can thank obama for White men literally fleeing the west for asia.