My teenage son came out as gay last night so I informed him that when he turns 18 he's either going to start paying me...

My teenage son came out as gay last night so I informed him that when he turns 18 he's either going to start paying me rent or find somewhere else to stay. I'm also going to use his college tuition fund to take my wife and daughters on a nice caribbean vacation.

I still love my son but I was planning to send him to college because I was under the impression that he would start a family someday. If this is the lifestyle he's choosing, he can support himself by being a bartender or grocery clerk.

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you know he was sexually abused? it's why he's gay, you can straighten him out if you actually exercise compassion and look into what happened to him as a concerned parent

Why don't you just shatter his kneecaps and call it a night?

Your pandering to your daughters is why he became gay.

Give him paxil.

i would have punched him in the mouth and told him to pack his shit, go suck dick somewhere else

Tell him he can pursue a degenerate gay lifestyle or stay hidden and celibate. At least try to drive him away from degenerate lifestyle, so he can still be socially tolerable. You gave up pretty quick there.

Honestly OP, you’re a piece of shit.

There’s a difference between not promoting and supporting a gay lifestyle and not supporting your progeny who is actually gay. This makes you no better than your run of the mill absentee father... think about that.

I mean I guess If you enjoy destroying the rest of your family dynamic and teaching your kids to resent you. Maybe you should take responsibility for your parenting. Obviously it was something you did.

You failed to protect your son and you failed to be the man of the house. I bet your wife runs the show. Good parents DON'T produce globohomos.

He may as well be dead already. He's a genetic dead end and in all likelihood, will probably someday develop fecal incontinence and HIV. It's not like I'm kicking him to the curb, but educating him when he's never going to continue my bloodline is just a bad investment.