Why aren't Nazi movements bigger in Latin America?

Why aren't Nazi movements bigger in Latin America?

Attached: Hispanic Nazis.jpg (800x800, 106K)

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Are u sure?



Attached: lunpark.nazi0_.jpg (728x500, 119K)

Here was ultra big until a bunch of kid took a ministerial building and the army kill them all. The hype ended and the most radical form others politicals parties, in fact the far right (U.D.I) is in government right now.....the lite version sadly.

Attached: 0304_HALCONES.jpg (1024x576, 64K)

Fuck lad what can we do now.We need to save our country from the nigger migrants.

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Faggots get in here

How can I start a facist movement in my country guys? any tips?

you never heard of the mnsch or miguel serrano?

cz they are catholic

Because most latin american cultures are inherently socialistic in spirit and want gimmedats

t. I used to live there

Just start a club of like minded individuals who meet regularly to discuss politics.
Start organizing to do volunteer work for local communities. This is when you start adding people you don’t know.
After a few years, start fundraising for charities and shit you support.
Then, start running candidates for small time local offices.
Once you get that, it’s off to the races!

I think a fascist movement in Mexico would be great. Although, it would probably have to be clerical fascism since the Catholic appeal would add even greater numbers to the movement.
They could run on the fact that their entire government is bought and paid for by narcotraffickers.
Although, to be honest, it’d have to be a violent revolution.

i mean these Guys arent Strong like they Used to be, But they are still here, Still Latin, Still Nazi


Attached: Union_Nacional_Sinarquista-1-.png (800x480, 15K)

We are mutts. How can we possible unironically be Nazis for fucks sake.

Just make your own verison of it

That didnt Stop you, It seems

Attached: Brazilian-Nazis.png (602x339, 368K)

A lot of Latino countries had "fascist" governments in the past. We had Getúlio Vargas. He liked the Nazis and he would have joined the Axis if not for German agression and because of Roosevelt. He came here and convinced Vargas to support the allies instead.

Attached: Vargas.jpg (1350x774, 402K)

These guys seems to be nationalists, not nazis.

not in nature but coz (((ussr))) turned tricks here big time + niggers want gibmedats by nature but niggers weren't a majority until (((commies))) started fucking around here.

a real high spike of nigger birth rates went up after 30s, before that you'd hardly see any niggers here(except for shitholes like central america, bolivia, peru), even Brazil was very white until 1930s. It's like magic how niggers just started to pop out of nowhere since around 60s.. it's like somebody was making sure every nigglet girl got pregnant every year with tripplets.

it was all (((planned)))

to be honest Uruguay is quite social nationalistic.. but very very leftist.. sort of part anarchist too.
i'd say that Uruguay currently is almost National Bolshevist.

maybe because nazi movements are stupid and aren't big anywhere in the world?


Uruguay is a diamond in the rough that’s known as Latin America. It’s a shame Spaniards only then realized that killing natives was a good thing once they went there.

Outside of the german communities in these countries, fascism will always be a preferable alternative than national socialism.

Those are skinheads tho.

How about these Guys? Apperently they were news over your side of the pool

Attached: Arrested-Brazillian-Nazis.jpg (1086x652, 88K)

This is a next lvl LARPing.

Yeah, i just find out about that a few moments ago, Still this is about Current nazi movements in latin america, so i just checked what i got on my archives, unless you want to check in history records

STOP putting the hakenkreuz in every aspect related to fascism, we got our own symbols

the opposite of the (((Star of David))) ???

At least around here, you'll mostly find LARPing tier skinheads like IRL
But these kinds decreased a lot along the 21st century, most natsoc, fascist or traditionalist groups are found only on the internet nowadays, and they actually try to follow their beliefs past the LARP.

synarchism, and one of its tenets is that we use our own symbols

most of latinamericans are mutts

let me google what that is

Considering Latin America isn't white. This is fucking oxymoron.

doesn't look very anti-jew in my opinion

Attached: 2019-02-07 15_07_23-synarchism - Buscar con Google.png (486x459, 38K)

Well, thats kind of sad, i was expecting they were Huge in number, oh well better luck next

We need greater Chili to save us from the tide, quickly capture more western coastline!


Or just roll with it, greater Chili sounds delicious.

fuck, I thought it was Texas

Have you never heard of the integralist movement?

Integralists weren't nazis. Far from it. In fact, they pushed for race-mixing.

It's mostly spics that still adore that Nazi shit. Literal untermenschen that dream about wearing a fucking Nazi uniform

I am aware, but they were a form of fascism, and the closest Brazil ever got to national socialism, but they should have dropped the race mixing aspect.

I already said we had a kind of "fascist" government under Getúlio Vargas

Why in the fuck would an ideology with monoracialism as a core element ever catch on in Latin America?

Socialism tells them what they want to hear, national socialism, and fascism tells the truth, it says to get a nation worth living in, you must sacrifice your time, energy, money, status, and possibly your safety to fight, and struggle for something greater, you cannot acquire something marvellous, and lasting without struggle, and obviously in this world hedonism is prized over virtue, so the people follow the communists who promise everything, and then some.

Chile literally uses horst wessel lied for one of their military songs.

Your thinking of national socialism, in the case of fascism, race is not actually a major part of it, and their are plenty of forms of fascism that can fit a multi-ethnic nation if required.

I'm well aware. NatSoc is actually abnormal among the various forms of Fascism for its autistic obsession with race. I simply missed the conversation. The question still applies to OP, though. It's obvious that NatSoc could never get a serious following in Latin America, given the demographics.

>Glowing eyes

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I wouldn’t say that national socialism was wrong in its obsession with race, race is a unifying thing, a race is strongest when they are United, and whole, national socialism wanted to remove the dividers that broke a people from within such as political party’s, religion, class, foreign ethnic groups etc, and instead United the people under a commen goal, that being the preservation, protection, and advancement of a single homogeneous people, national socialism does not ignore nature, and the differences of man like communism, instead it embraces nature, and fights alongside it rather than against it.

nazis hate subhumans
latin americans are subhumans

You are a subhuman too, we call you white apes.

And your womans arent conservative and they dominate men, your police is a joke picking drunks and checking domestical violence.

They’re niggers