Literally all of 8th grade, across both history and english class
>Holodomor and Soviet Gulags
Literally not a word
Literally all of 8th grade, across both history and english class
>Holodomor and Soviet Gulags
Literally not a word
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It's the motive of the genocide that makes it the holocaust more significant.
It serves as a warning to the future about the dangers of antisemitism and prejudice
So I assume the Soviet motives were all fine and dandy then right?
Fuck off kike
Communism is based on pleasant sounding theories. Nazism is based on hateful ones.
Communists killed far more people than the nazis, but killed mostly their own people. Nazis killed very few fellow germans, kind of like how blacks killing other blacks in africa garners no respone from world opinion.
the indoctrination really worked well on this one .
have you read either? You don't sound like you've read either of them. Very foolish comparison.
>The Holocaust is the first time a population was partially eradicated during wartime
My teacher made us read 'Night' by Elie Weasel while all the other kids in my grade got to read Hunger Games
Germans have apologized for the atrocities they committed under hitler. Russians have done nothing of the sort to apologize or atone for communism. Lenin is still largely revered in russia.
Class and anti religious hatred not being hate
We must protect Israel! Don't you feel bad goyim?
Aside from the motivations, the execution was also many orders of magnitude worse
Jews were not regarded as humans, experimented on like animals, and stripped of all dignity and material possessions.
Are you seriously debating the holocausts significance?
>Germans have apologized for the atrocities they committed under hitler
Yea because they lost the war and if they didn't they were going to hang at the kangaroo courts in nuremberg.
Solzhenitsyn says that Russians don't apologize because they don't want to remember. They're embarrassed. I imagine now it's been long enough where not enough people honestly remember. Lenin was a rat. The storming of the winter palace was bad enough, but then he went on to opportunistically seize power from the menshivists, populists, and other socialist groups via violence.
The reason why there is so much shit against the germans and what they did was because they all elected it as a positive choice for their people. They were on board. The russians had jewish bolshevism hoisted upon them by people that hated christians and regular russians.
You accuse others of what you yourself are doing. It's the old jewish tact.
>Are you seriously debating the holocausts significance?
I'm arguing that we get such a one sided propaganda version of WWII in our public schools that it makes people stooges for israel while completely ignoring the jewish crimes committed under the bolshevik revolution and holodomor.
>Are you seriously debating the holocausts significance?
It didn't finish the job and rats like you stayed around.
he's probably not even jewish, public schools here in america do such a good job indoctrinating the kids that defending jews is the highest level of moral valor.
Mao killed 45 million Chinese in the Great Leap Forward, millions more in the Cultural Revolution. Stalin racked up tens of millions of kills as well and this is all just in the 20th century. And yet, we aren't allowed to forget the Holocaust even for a moment. I wonder why that is?
The holocaust didn't happen, your words mean nothing here.
killing millions of people is ok as long as it's not about race.
Thank you for providing the official communist position on the matter.
Its because the ruskies, (soviets included) are and have always been bitches of jews.
because the future of germany was free to be shaped by rewriting it's past
(((they))) never had the same opportunity with soviets
Recent redpilling of my uni; the commies started claiming their genocides never happened, and that they were justified if they did.
These people actually believe the context of mass murder matters.
It's simple.
Jews care about their community and do everything they can so the goyim remembers that they are the victims to stop prosecution of Jews (very often they go overboard).
Holodomor disinfo stories only relevant in Ukraine to brainwash and set them against Russia.
Gulags horror stories are no longer relevant due to no threat to the western bankers
But user, he was just killing the Jewish bourgeoisie. :^)
Slavs don't matter
Do people talk about the gulags anymore? What's the general reception of marxist-leninism in russia? Is it just talked about in whispers like Solzhenitsyn says?
>Jews were not regarded as humans, experimented on like animals, and stripped of all dignity and material possessions.
If only...
Daily remind, goymany surrendered because russian girls threatened to take off their socks.
They sprayed their feet odor over german crops to wilt them and starve the defenders.
Our Neo-libs constantly bitch about ebil Stalin and how terrible Gulag was.
>What's the general reception of marxist-leninism in russia?
None of your business
Also not a word on secret CIA torture prisons that are around the world not just in one country. Not some ancient history, its happening today.
that's because the holocaust has maintained it's relevance due to a resurgence of antisemitic attitudes. Eerily similar to those recorded in the years leading up to the holocaust, so awareness is vital
I sense this isn't about the holomodor for you, it's simply a resentment for Jews isnt it?
most significant by many orders of magnitude
I'm not Jewish but I'm sympathetic to their legitimate fears
what ignorance
Why do you think people have problems with Jews? Why do you think they have been kicked out of over 100 countries.
Was every single country that expelled them evil? Or is it possible that they were up to something?
I don't harbor any hatred for jews per se, I just don't like being lied to.
damn i'm getting the iron curtain over the internet
Thanks for confirming that communists are nonces that don't bathe, now fuck off back to lefty/pol/ to join the other perverts and weirdos.
fascist shitskin your entire country will be gassed my smelly ruskie feet
Explain to me how it is the "most significant by an order of magnitude". Make an argument, surprise yourself.
Well, unlike the Holodomor and Gulags, there's not much evidence for the Holocaust, almost no physical evidence and all the eyewitness testimony is suspect, so they need to brainwash while you're young and malleable.
Makes me mad that Peterson keeps grandstanding Gulag Archipelago.
If Peterson is the introduction to it, he can control how it's perceived because a majority of the people aren't going to read it. The more i read about Peterson the more I wonder if he's a bad actor.
Yeah yeah you love to talk about anti-semitism but you never mention why anti-semitism exists. Are you jews innocent and they've never harmed a fly? Everyone is simply an antisemite even for daring to question or outright deny that the holocaust happened?
Read this thread, try to remove all your biases and prior knowledge and opinions and then give me your answer
>come and play with us
>for ever
>holocaust museum twice
>not "Drag queens come in to read books to kids and tell them why they should trust* the LGBTQ+ community"
*get molested by
>Why do you think people have problems with Jews?
There are many baseless stereotypes that follow the Jewish people wherever
they go. They're antisemitic prejudices
invented long ago by those that felt threatened by them. Convenient scapegoats because they're a nomadic people
>I don't harbor any hatred for jews per se, I just don't like being lied to.
as you sit and lie about the Jewish people yourself
The inhumane ways the jews treated and killed, including poison gas, mass shooting operations and medical experimentation. Deprived of all dignity throughout. Motivated by religious hatred, which isn't something jews have control over. They were unable to lie to save their lives as their penises were cut
Even if you believe in the 6 million, you also need to understand that Stalin did essentially the same thing. Look up the doctors purge
Common core to the rescue!
I love how "Holocaust Denier" page on wikipedia doesn't really address the best arguments, it just burns strawmen and attacks the psychology of anyone who questions the holocaust.
My global history teacher in high school, 10th grade (2005-2006 school year) showed us a documentary about the Soviet Gulags. He was based and red pilled. He actually liked Mussolini and made a joke about how he was ahead of his time with suits way before P.Diddy. Funny guy. He was also Italian-American. Miss you Mr. Lombardo
>behind most pro-immigrant and open borders NGO's in America
>Literally running the media and banking institutions in america
>literally running our foreign policy direction via NGO's and lobbyist organizations
>Literally run the porn industry
Do you even know what you're talking about? Seriously I hope this is bait.
italians all have smelly feet
Lol all my teachers were Irish or Italian. The italians are good, noisy smelly people.
Oh, okay. So, because starving in a miserable Soviet gulag before being executed, or being tortured in a Chinese prison, these things are not so bad because the victims enjoyed more dignity than Jews on trains. Pol Pot bore no racial hatred toward the Cambodian people, so the Khmer Rouge uprooting, tormenting and murdering millions of people isn't really worth remembering, not like Jews in the shower during World War II, at least. Right? After all, what could be more American than protecting Jewish interests, right?
>Yeah yeah you love to talk about anti-semitism but you never mention why anti-semitism exists.
They make convenient scapegoats certainly. Jews are international people due to their nomadic
history. Because of this they were often called
upon to handle matters of inter-country finance and commerce. The aptitude they had for intellectual
endeavors made them a common boogieman
to be hated by the working class. As with all groups they've had their criminals but were
otherwise law abiding people, but often
seen as malevolent outsiders due to their religion being perceived as strange
>I'm not Jewish but I'm sympathetic to their legitimate fears
Had to read pic related in high school. Ironically, it was my first redpill. Starving and emaciated child successfully ran 20+km nonstop (because they shot anyone who fell behind, he says), with no shoes or winter gear, through the freezing cold? I started digging just because of that part, and the inconsistencies snowballed from there.
Doesn't help when Wiesel explicitly admitted to making things up.
I think you could bench the argument of whether or not the holocaust happened, and there's still a very serious and reasonable discussion to be had about what seems to be intense and obvious indoctrination happening to children in US public schools on the subject. There's nothing else that gets so thoroughly taught and explored as the holocaust, and it happens at a peculiar age. You'd think the subject would be better suited for high school but you have it hammered into you at a crucial point in your developement around the age of 11-13. I didn't really think anything of it at the time, but looking back on my experience that shit was noticeably weird.
>Holodomor and Soviet Gulags
It's because the Jews did that, can't have people learning about the evil Jews.
Yea it certaintly was strange.
I had some jewish english teacher that literally spend what felt like 6 months having us read about gas chambers in 7th grade.
That's the same excuse the Jews gave for rewriting the Bible and removing or altering all of Gods warnings about the evil Jews.
>but often seen as malevolent outsiders due to their religion being perceived as strange
Yeah its kinda strange cutting off the foreskin of an 8 yo boy for no reason but no way they would trick an entire nation of hundreds of millions of people to do it as well. Wait a second...
I will say this again. Read this thread, make sure you comprehend it correctly without prior bias, knowledge and opinions and give me your answer. You are not fooling anyone with this generic brainwashing answers that you have for our questions. They are like rain to a raincoat for us. No, anti-semitism exists because the jewish nature is evil and not the other way around.
>I don't remember what I was taught
>it must be the education
what is antisemitism and prejudice
>Do you even know what you're talking about? Seriously I hope this is bait.
Bait confirmed, wanted to test the lads rhetoric.
Defending jews is exhausting, mental gymnastics for a white like myself
I'm amazed sometimes at their complete lack of ability to feel shame while they lie repeatedly
always dragging out the same old bag of rhetoric
im also amazed it works so well on so many Americans
I remember what i was taught. In 8th grade social studies they mentioned the berlin wall and that was it. We weren't educated on anything about WWI, the complicated causes leading up to WWII or anything that may have put marxism or jews in a problematic light.
Wasn't until I started reading on my own that I learned about it.
8 day old* my bad
>not knowing state '''''education''''' is just commie propaganda for the cattle
I thought you would know better, user
I do remember what was taught, and the holodomor was mentioned exactly once, in a footnote in the textbook.
>or anything that may have put marxism or jews in a problematic light
Are you a shithead nazi?
just 8th grade?
You almost had me , fren.
You know nothing about true Nazis.
Everything was fine with Nazi national socialist systems until the Jew declared war on Germany and began doing terrorist attacks.
Then the Jews being professional victims claimed victimhood and said it's Nazis.
Britain being broke took up arms against Germany because the Rothschilds where paying Britain to do so.
Worse yet, never a fucking peep about the German civil war and the Spartacus league.
>Ask for truth
>get called a nazi
lol yep seems about right .
Fuck you, I should have known. Your answers were too generic.
No Jews really where I grew up, didn't spare me and my young peers from spending months on the Holocaust in gruesome detail. Then to top it all off a field trip where we went to watch the diary of Anne Frank in theaters. Definitely all meant to have a serious impact on impressionable 11 year olds
The holocaust happened, but its severity was dramatically doctored and exaggerated.
I had one Jewish acquaintance growing up. His parents used to give me a hard time about going to a private catholic school and then one day their shithead druggy son got busted for weed while I was with him and he blamed me for it when his parents found out.
They all have good jobs now and went to prestigious universities.
The holocaust as they say, did not happen. There was no plan to murder jews. Also, its not a fucking holocaust. The word holocaust is a greek word and it means self-sacrifice, heroic sacrifice for the greater good. The jews in the holohoax story did not sacrifice themselves for the greater good, they were supposedly rounded up and murdered like cattle(or goyim as they call their "cattle", meaning us non-jews). Nothing heroic about that.
>americans have an entire class dedicated to the holohoax
what did (((they))) mean by this?
I don't even remember us talking about the holocaust in history class.
i graduated hs last year and i never had that class.
I live in nyc also.
Jews are the most frustrating people in this aspect. My mom's side has Jews and they would stalk my fb and snitch to my immediate family I was posting anti-Semitic shit. Luckily the other half of my family doesn't give a fuck or hates Jews
Into highschool I thought the only genocide in history was the holocaust because we never learned about any others.
>Communism is based on pleasant sounding theories. Nazism is based on hateful ones.
Nonono, Nazism is based on love of your countrymen, hence why they never committed any genocides. Communism is based on hatred of those more successful than you, hence their OPEN calls to violence, robbery and murder. Which they carry out in practice as in theory.
i remember asking my parents at like 6 or so about all the assholes with the tophats, jew curls and black suits.
I remember not liking those fuckers and didn't
miss them when we moved out to the suburbs.
The same Jew would literally come to my dads business ever week for a year
always offering to buy the property for a fraction of what it was worth
always had a different reason for why the value will soon drop
Sold in '99 for 300k, last time I checked it's north of 1mil
This story is so common that it made me realize there's something jews are being
taught in private about their dealings with nonjews
If ever land in legal trouble, call a jew lawyer immediately
saved me one time in a big way - for a fee
Is this nigger serious? Lmao go watch your Schindler's list.
Salty mud replying lol on everything
I guess it explained why they ban antisemitism a capital punishment in the USSR
Blame your shitty state. I learned about all of those in high school.
>Leaving out the Armenian Genocide.