what a little bitch lol please dont hurt his feelings
What a little bitch lol please dont hurt his feelings
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Bitch mc bitchface.
aww did someone bully him again?
Poor wittle baby is being bullied
There's literally no such thing as "presidential harassment".
>it's called oversight
Obama didnt complain.
>Nigger is sitting on the key to shut this down
>Nigger is sitting on the key to expose corruption
>Nigger is sitting on the key to take down king nigger
>Nigger is sitting on the key to take down all countries meddling in our election
>Instead of releasing the FISA info he whines on twitter.
He's getting what he deserves.
Obama was the complaint
t. (((How do you do fellow kids?)))
he's right he's being pointlessly harassed
but in my opinion this is how politics should work, politicians should be busy arguing over bullshit and not passing more laws restricting people's freedoms
Obama spent his first term blaming Bush for everything that went wrong for him.
All these discord tranny faggots brigading here is so obvious.
so he was wrong when he did it to obama all those years?
White fucks wrecking the place and serving zog.
Obama at least got us out of Iraq.
I'll never understand the mental gymnastics it takes to believe that jews would somehow shill against the man who has given more money to israel than any other president.
>Implying Trump isn't one of (((Them)))
Did you miss SOTU speech last time?
I know Trump loves blaming Obama for everything
>gotta ban bumpstocks cause Obama said they're for the people
posting in a ghost thread
I’m starting to think that Trump is a legit controlled opposition. He was elected to simply derail the growing nationalist movement in America. Which could explain why he hasn’t done shit.
If that Jewshit had had balls he'd have tweeted pic rel
He's taking the piss out of the far-left and it's HILARIOUS
It’s more about exposing people. The way he complains about it shows that it’s not a burning, passionate, personal thing.
FIRST STEP Act is good enough, imo but he’s done other things, deregulation and shit.
Yes because Israelis and American Jews have the exact same platform. That’s why Bibi is loved by all the liberal kikes over here
So this is the system in action. Impressive. It’s not over yet though.
He did it to Obama. Now it's his turn! How does it feel, bitch? Does it feel good?
Okay, so...do something about it? You're the President, chief.
give it up, ya'll are too transparent with this shit
>The people complaining about him being a little bitch are the same people claiming presidential harassment should never be allowed to happen if it was Obama, Hillary etc
Yeah "PRESIDENTIAL HARRASMENT!" in all caps with an exclamation mark. It's comical. The left has started calling everything "harassment", and he knows that people are sick of it. His base will eat this up and love it.
>israel are the good jews
Lying presidents should never be allowed to happen again
Thanks for showing that the Left continues to be hypocrites
>rules for thee but not for me
He's probably crying on the phone to bumboy bibi right now. What a bunch of meanies!
every single time he says "presidential harassment" he sounds like such a faggot.
someone should tell him to let it die.
The right are hypocrites, I thought you guys were against PC culture/snowflakes?
This is just fuckin sad
Keep pushing those buttons.
>calls someone a faggot or nigger
Such alpha! Tweeting like a real man!
So every President?
>people in power don't lie
Like it or not lefty faggots have turned the world into the oppression olympics
Christcucks are the original moralfags And that’s a fact
Omfg what a snowflake
Ban free speech for lil donnie
>I thought you guys were against PC culture/snowflakes?
Honestly, how retarded are you?
>implying Jow Forums is one person
>implying President Trump is against PC culture
At least try pretending you have a brain please
They play all sides
I can't tell if this is b8 or if you're actually retarded
t. edgelord
>n-n-no bully pls
Can't fucking handle the banter.
How many of your friends killed themselves today, shills?
Shit you’re right
Went over my head
Trump has just completely given up.
2-dozen FBI agents raid Roger Stone's house, the guy has no criminal record and isn't charged with any violent crime offenses. Trump indirectly controls the DOJ and FBI through the Executive Branch and has absolutely no control over it.
Meanwhile, MS-13 gang members are shooting each other on NYC subway platforms, the Left is talking about tearing down every building in America and rebuilding them and 90% tax rates and wealth taxes, and all Trump does it hang out on Twitter.
at this point, I think even Mitt Romney would have been more effective and stood up more to the Left, and he is as cucked as McCain was
What a whiny little cunt. How can anyone respect him?
>blaming Bush
I thought Trump's whole election was basically about what a fuck up bush was? Seems like Obama was vindicated?
True. Problem is WE suffer because he wont fucking punish these people. If he lets them all slide he's a failure and has failed. He doesn't see it that way though.
you look lost, faggot
Suicide Attempts Among Gay and Bisexual Men: Lifetime Prevalence and Antecedents
Suicide and Suicide Risk in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations: Review and Recommendations
Depression in the LGBT Population
Did you know that trannies kill themselves before turning 30?
Lol, what a bunch of weak faggots.
Trannies are such filth, I hope they all get aids and die a slow painful death.
So glad their families don't give them any support and let them be isolated with their mental illness.
>Trump indirectly controls the DOJ and FBI through the Executive Branch and has absolutely no control over it.
Not yet, no. Whitaker is a "temp", so any moves he makes will be condemned as sock puppetry by Congress.
Change is coming, however.
Hmmm its almost like secret courts which rubberstamp warrants were a bad idea!?!?
Who could have seen this coming?
That means nothing. That does nothing for the average white American who are the only ones who can be American. You’re just saying words at this point hoping someone will peice together some coherent thought that makes Trump sound good. MIGApede cope posting is funny.
right-wingers are the biggest snowflakes ever
this. Trump has never been held accountable in his life and is now throwing a temper tantrum.
>Joseph Farah
>founder of The Western Journalism Center
He legitimately is starting to sound like a liberal SJW now. The speech he gave the other night was so nauseating. Muh womens movement.
cute, you arent old enough to remember how petty obama was
>The shills have nothing left
>N-N-Now what we were just doing is bad
>Look at us we fit in with (you)
God. He just keeps making things worse every time he opens his mouth. He's going to have Hilldawg levels of audience come election season.
Stop giving money to Israel and I'll care
if russians have had the brains to learn proper english they would have not looked like total fucking retards everytime they posted some retarded shit online, but since russians have low iq and malnutrition, that's ok.
i made a mistake in that sentense if you can find one lol
4D chess
pls post more of this asshole
what ancestor of homo sapien would one need to mix their genes with for the offspring to look like ron perlman?