So I watched some of the Shit flinging match between Joe Rogan and Alex Jones last night and I just had a realization...

So I watched some of the Shit flinging match between Joe Rogan and Alex Jones last night and I just had a realization here a minute ago.
I swear the joe rogan response clip is an actual real time example of genuine gas lighting. Joe concern signaling to Alex and his guest low key dropping comments about his mental health and schizophrenia at the same time. I think it’s literally an example of social engineering and a perfect example of a gaslighting operation. Am I wrong here?

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Oh look. Shills trying to make this all about alex jones and e-celebs.


anyone who watches alex jones in a daily show realizes that he's obviously unstable

I just think it's so it's so critical that we start talking about the things that are facing all of us not just one nation I do think you know that that's where our current model really puts the world at a disadvantage because it incentivizes more of the elk Echo Chambers which lead to things like nationalism instead of taking the broader picture and looking at what's happening around the world to all people to all of humanity.

no one predicted Twitter right so to all the sudden have this responsibility order change and everything and your young guy how old are you forty-two to be in control of that much I quit in to have it over the time of what is it been 11 years or like for you it's been it's been both beautiful and scary and uncomfortable and learning and it's just been a ton of learning in the balding and like I said it shows me every single day where I need to push myself and what I don't know and and I think a big part is like just the realization that we're not going to be able to do this alone and I don't think we have to either that these are these are what the technologies that continue to allow his weekend

it if if we have to have all the answers around enforcement or policy wouldn't not we're not going to serve the world we have aspirations to serve every single person on the planet and we we have aspirations to you know be the first consideration for the global public conversation and you know if we're the bottleneck for all this work we're not going to reach those aspiration so it just thinking deeply about how we might distribute more of this work and decentralized more of it look at look at you know the platform itself in like what we need to change to reach that reality

e-celebs are fun and I legitimately don't know what you are referring to with the second thing.

Kek. Iranians are gonna kill inbred kikes like you real soon.

just tell me what you're referring to lol

Kek. I can't fucking wait to watch Israelis die. Kek.

no one fucking cares about your ecelebs get fucked leaf

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>neither will have E Michael Jones on as a guest
Who cares about them