Is it worth holding on?

I’m fifteen and I’m going to attempt to commit suicide tomorrow morning. I’ll livestream it if anyone is interested. I’m in a program for my anxiety and the class has a very small number of people (including my best friend since third grade.) She told me a story about when a girl who was new to the class overdosed right before she’d walked into class and could barely get the words out to explain what was happening. It sparked something in me. I just got a refill on my antidepressants and sleeping pills the other day and I’ve decided that tomorrow when I go into school I’m gonna pop in the bathroom real quick, take every single bit of the medication that I possibly can, and hopefully just go into class like everything is fine. I’m not typically one to sleep in the middle of class but if I talk about how tired I am and how sleep deprived I am before going into the bathroom and doing my thing then maybe it’ll pass a bit better and I can take my peaceful little nap. I’m honestly exhausted but ultimately it boils down to the fact that I’ve completely fucked my life up and I’m only fifteen. I’ve already lost all of my friends but one, dated three guys this year that were either physically or emotionally abusive (from slapping me out of anger to stabbing himself in the wrist when I try to break up with him), and I’ve lived in four different households in the past 14 months. My relationship with every single one of my family members is, to say the least, beyond repair. I feel like I’m starting to go insane. I’ve been confusing my dreams with reality. Small everyday noises completely enrage me, I could kill. I used to be a straight A student and I’m now failing because I can’t function as a person should. I’ve ruined everything for myself and I might as well end it before something else inevitably comes along.

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a) underage
b) pills are a shit suicide method youll likely survive and get stomach pumped

If only the world could stop for me every time I was stressed out. Actually you know what, every human on earth can just stop the entire world whenever they want and everyone else has to give them attention! That way we can become a weak species! That way the way that humans solve problems is by not solving them!

Go burden some happy people with this shit dumb fuck plenty of people here have shitty ass lives and you want to take them into a new hole like a selfish faggot and that's why you deserve to have your cry for attention heard? Validation denied.

I have two ex-girlfriends like you. Both of them were institutionalized for suicidal idealation/suicide attempts. Both have horrid relationships with their family. Two years later for the first ex, and a year and a half later for the second ex, they are both better people than when I first met them with goals they are aspiring towards.

Suicide is pointless your going to die anyways might as well see how shit plays out

Daily reminder that people like faggot op are the people who want to make me get charged with murder for telling people to stop being whiney attention whore pussies if the truth makes them end up killing themselves , despite my method curing suicide in the long run. Therefore we are better off without parasite faggots.

Short answer: life is worth living. Yours hasn't even started and you can't quit just yet.
Keep reading:
Listen buddy I want you to think for a moment not from your perspective but from your loved ones they're trying their best to hold on to you and see you grow and live your life.
Just because you made mistakes doesn't mean you're done for. Sit back and think how you got into this situation and how you're going to get out.
See you in 30 days.

I hope somebody contacts the police about this thread and you have your life ruined by the psych industry for trying to put people here in a situation where they could be literally arrested for telling you to fuck off and kill yourself if you are that weak and end up doing it. Never fucking coming here again. Spread the word. This is a free speech zone. This place is for transcending weakness.

I’ve been in and out of hospitals this entire year. Nobody can tell me anything I haven’t already said to myself.

Do not fucking validate these whiney suicide posters enabling them means they come back. A girl got her fucking life ruined because some whiney kid kept bitching to her about how he wanted to kill himself, she was a loner having her own problems, then finally she was overwhelmed and said alright I'll help encourage you to kill yourself so you shut up , and she got charged with fucking murder. DO NOT FUCKING ENGAGE THESE PEOPLE ITS A TRAP THEY WILL NOT RETURN THE FAVOR EVER AND WILL JUST PUNISH YOU IF YOU DONT HELP THEM ENOUGH, YOU GIVE A PARASITE AN INCH THEY WANT A MILE.

Having zero friends is better than having fake fucks who make you get drunk and get a DUI then abandon you because you can't drive them anymore. Everyone is out to get you.

You are posting online , putting people here at risk since somebody might get worried , and also if you kill yourself then people will subpoena the site and charge anyone who doesn't kiss your ass with murder. It's against the law to commit suicide or attempt to. You can be committed if you are a danger to yourself. You clearly state that you are a danger to yourself and you may possibly be a danger to others. Might have a gun and want to kill others because "fuck it". You are a fucking psychopath. You deserve to have the cops called on you and have the state handle this from here on out for putting this burden on others. It will teach you a valuable lesson about crying wolf and stealing the little bit of sympathy that's left in the world for what is most likely attention whoring.

Crying wolf? Attention whoring? Mmm, okay. If you think so.

I almost killed myself on two occasions and neither time did I post on Jow Forums about it or risk telling anyone about it. You sound like you're crying out for help rather than someone who's really about to send it. On the off chance you really do want to end your life, don't take pills, make an exit bag

Do not validate whiney why me suicide posts . There is no reward for helping them and somebody who tells them not to be a weak bitch, the only possibly solution to them being a weak bitch, can be IMPRISONED.

Some dude was choking in a restaurant, somebody who knew Heimlich or whatever saved them , AND HE FUCKING SUED THE PERSON WHO SAVED HIM.


Your life has barely even begun. You haven't ruined anything yet.

I just forwarded this thread to the police. Have fun getting your life ruined because you thought it'd be cool to put others in a situation where they had to "stop you". Not as much fun now that your head games have been flipped against you?

My life was already ruined.

to be 15 again

Feminazi has entered the chat

Waaaaaaaaah look how hard my life is waaaaaaaaah I'm phrasing all this in a way so you feel bad for me , and that's because I'm not an attention whore faggot trying to burden others with my stupid problems!

You are on a site where people routinely tell others to kill themselves trying to bait others into saying something so they can get charged with murder. That is the honest analysis of this faggotry. The only things that can come from this post are you get validated and feel special, you get to fuck with people's heads by holding them hostage with your life , or somebody tells you to fuck off or provides a legit method and then they get charged with murder.

Go to jewgle you braindead loser the fuck you think this is the cia we are random rejects on the sewers of the internet and you think your problems matter

"help I want to commit suicide"
"Dude shut up faggot"
"I'm not a faggot , I could ignore you but I'm going to engage you"
"Fine kill yourself attention whore"

People literally think that if that person kills themselves then the person who said to kill themselves should be charged with murder. Do not validate these fucking oeople there is a website for faggots called faggit where you can cry with other weak people.

Life gets way better after 18.
Smoke some weed, get some exercise and sunshine, and go volunteer to help animals.

If somebody reads this post and sees your suicide method and then tries it you should be charged with murder and spend life in prison. Why are you spreading information about killing people on the Chan's?

... does it?
i turned 18 and i think everything since has gotten subsequently worse
7 years later and season 5 walter white is my spirit animal

You did not fuck your life up.
Life is a weird ass journey friend. Your brain is going to get beaten into a pulp and then fucking kicked when its on the ground and beaten up again. But miraculously there will be times where things feel so good its like you've never even known pain. And the good times will change you and make you see things differently. The world is going to look one way and then a year after that maybe something happens and the world look a total other way.
Smells and tastes and sounds coming back to you in a dream that make your day all different.

You didn't ask to be born, and I can understand the anger. It's not fair. But why not ride it out and feel all sensory feelings everything this life has to throw at you? At least you won't be boring. At least 10 years from now when you're in a bar with some friends you'll have a story to tell them or a wise perspective on a situation that arises.

Also, if you told a trusted adult or a counsoler at your school everything you just told us you know what is not going to happen? You are not going to see confusion in their face. You're not going to hear "oh this ones a fuckin lost cause". No, they're going to be warm and good listeners and tell you exactly what you need to hear. And help you. Thats their job.

I think so. You have complete free will. Make this life what you want of it.

you have agency i guess
wont stop other people being bastards

You don't realize how young you are, you've been fully conscious for less than 5 years and you have 70 years of that,
You aren't miserable, your life isn't irreparable, it's just the hormones in your age that make think that way, it's okay we've all been through this once. You'll grow to realize this by yourself.
Don't deprive your self from the miracle of existence, from the joy and adventures you're going to go through in the next 70 years. No matter what this board says, life is awesome, a one time thing you'll never ever have again. Don't fuck it up
Now go to your room and do your homework, remember your life is never as bad as you think

and jesus don't waste another minute on Jow Forums