Only a fraction of the people ruining everything are Jews so why do we blame the Jews for everything that goes wrong?

Only a fraction of the people ruining everything are Jews so why do we blame the Jews for everything that goes wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:∴A∴

Zionism is the problem. Israel is the problem. OP is gonna die to Iranians soon.

right wingers literally dedicate their lives to cutting Mr. Greenberg's tax rates lmao

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Women are a way bigger problem than Jews.

Only a fraction of nazis were Adolf Hitler so why do people blame Hitler for everything?

The Jew is a spirit, a mindset of evil, greed, and cunning. The Jews are always to blame, but not every Jew is a Jew. Jew.

Because they are the most vocal. They gloat and boast the most, and they are extremely hideous people that need to be removed from the entirety of the human gene pool.

Homosexual, femisnism, and black movements were all started by Jews

Marxism, Bolshevism, and Socialism all started by Jews

Middle east conflicts, Arab springs, and wahabism all started by Jews

Psuedo science / modern incest psychology started by Jews

Anti-Christian movement started by Jews

Porn, Hollywood, and media all run by Jews

Major banks, loan, and finance operations all run by Jews

Women go along with the prevailing trends of the time. Women in the third Reich were good citizens who looked after their families and honored their commitments, while the same women just ten years earlier in the Weimar Republic were degenerate hedonists. Women will do and believe whatever is popular because they are biologically conditioned to avoid conflict and minimize social risk. For a woman, being ostracized from her community is like being castrated or becoming paraplegic for a man.

then why call them jew lol

Yeah but what about bagels? Checkmate, bigot.

>implying you are going to do anything about this
>implying that they will instantly die since you said this
keep larping edgyboi

>implying all jews are involved in the actions SOME jews did

oh if only you knew.. if only you knew..

it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan

the fraction is about 1/1

>>implying that they will instantly die since you said this

Jews amass real wealth and take it away from goyim through things like abandoning gold standard and usury
>oy vey, you don't need the stable currency goy! Inflation is good for the (((economy))), I swear! What if we run out of cash? We need to print more!

How jews make money if they themselves deflate the money they steal ? Makes absolute zero sense lol

Oh shieeeeeet I dun gon dunnit nah

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Most jew are smart, hard-working and making money while you are larping and hatin' on Jow Forums ahahah faggot

Jews got the ball rolling and still drive it all today. It doesn't make sense for Europeans to intentionally wreck their own massively successful societies and destroy their people, does it?

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1.4% of US population

0.025% of world population

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>1.4% of US population
>0.025% of world population

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>1.4% of US population
>0.025% of world population

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>1.4% of US population
>0.025% of world population

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Obviously EVERY Jew is not plotting behind the scenes, but I still cannot support pretty much any of them when my choice are limited to "far left Democrat, pushing all kinds of progressive agendas" and "Zionist neo-con who wants me to die, protecting Israel from Arabs". And yes, I know there's exceptions there too, but I have yet to encounter very many.

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>Implying I'm not gonna move to Boston in a few months

>1.4% of US population
>0.025% of world population

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If you don't completely destroy jews and Judaism there will forever be a top class victim group for the real evil parasites to hide within. Jews must be destroyed so that the parasites killing Humanity can be eradicated.

>1.4% of US population
>0.025% of world population

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Nice strawman you Jewloving frog eater.

The elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

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>it's why they are so 'successful'

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>1.4% of US population
>0.025% of world population

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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because we're bored and it's funny.
t. a merchant

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Some are.
That is a lie. They're like NEETs, which is why they've been able to influence things as they have. They've got so much free time to observe and plot.
>making money
Of course. Well, not so much "making" or earning, but leeching off of the public. Having all of their cousins networking to make sure they never have to actually work helps a lot. The ADL, Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer are a few examples that immediately come to mind.

>p-p-please don't look at the reality
>normies mustn't know
>we'll gaslight the conversation anyway we can

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>Only a fraction of the people ruining everything are Jews so why do we blame the Jews for everything that goes wrong?
1/1 = 100%

Are parasites 'smarter' than their hosts? It depends on your perceptive, I guess.

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jews and arabs are alike. still don't get how people don't know that.

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They don’t make anything. They just take.

>why do we
Nice memeflag

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They have a satanic cult called sabbatens that run jewry at the top, most jews are normal

>muh satan gaslight
>most jews are normal
hey rabbi

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The Jews at the top are atheistic, hedonistic people who would much quicker sell Israel and its people back to the arabs than face any strife

t. buttblasted rothschild mad that a lowly peasant like me is laughing in thier face

you have NO power over me. I however, steal money from you and then spit in your face as a return

>Only a fraction of the people ruining everything are Jews so why do we blame the Jews for everything that goes wrong?

Because then white people would have to admit that white people can be as bad as Jews.

This, well said my good sir

>I'll ignore that 1.4% of the US population utterly runs the US government/media/academia
>The goyim will never know!

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Because it subsequently gets inflated again you worthless French cunt.

>Only a fraction

Because Jewish ideology is behind all of it.

So they can mark future "Nazis."

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0.99 is still a fraction

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Someone explain; how are jews racially inferior but also control the world.

Are ticks superior to their hosts? And if you say they are, does that make it ok? Why?

Your life is being controlled and influenced by a tick?

Is it? Is yours?

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Ever hear of lyme disease?

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>tfw poor kike with no jew gold or assets
just gas my shit right up

WTF I love jews now!

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Daily reminder Lymes is either an escaped government biological weapon or it was set on us as a test run.
>first cases are among kids
>who played in woods near by a government CDC building
>is entirely different from any other types of "disease"
>built in biological mechanic to go into a cyst like cocoons in your muscles when your system becomes inhospitable (trying to kill the parasite with anti-antibiotics or herbs)
>attacks every organ in your body in an endless cycle one at a time
>debilitating and deadly if not treated
>only people affected are outdoors people or people who live far from cities (people the government fears)

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>Le daily wacky conspiracy posts by JIDF
Kikes like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), le lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.

This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.

9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "a energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).

Fuck these kikes and fuck JIDF.

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Get fucked nigger. I posted real things.
Deflect all you want with "muh JIDF". You newfaggots love to use that word so much it ruins any meaning behind it. Legitimate shills post here and you attacks reasonable assumptions. Read a little on Lymes faggot. I have.

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>There were no planes!!!
The thread was not about "government biological weapons", rabbi. You know this.


America needs to be nuked as well.

>Anti-Christian movement started by Jews
anti-christian movement started with science, not jews
christianity is inherently jewish in itself
thank science you're able to shitpost in Jow Forums , faggot

>Porn, Hollywood, and media all run by Jews
not all of western porn and western hollywood is run by jews
the porn website looks to rip you off, then it's run by jews
mainly the government is run by jews and they can enact laws that's why it seems that way but that's not the case for these individual categories you tranny shill

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Jew is a word for occupational burn-in.

We have a right not to house soldiers.

Stuck in Canada too... Wow truly a fate worse then death.

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Stuff plastic grocery bags down the throats of Jewish children.

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There’s no way this is real

They are all the children of Satan. It is inevitable that all of God's children will join our father and defeat them in battle. We must not wait for his return as no one knows exactly when he will return. We must oppose the evil of Satan's spawn and let the world know of their ways as they cannot speak with lying

Kkk, alt right, white supremAce ideology as well, funny how that works, spooky

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jews are 1.4% of the US population

the more you know

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>jews are 1.4% of the US population
perhaps the most sacred "the goyim must not know" information

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I would actually say the information that the goy must not know is...
They lie about numbers all the time.

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And want you to not see what they're doing.

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And disarm those who could know what they're doing.

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They want you to feel bad for them.
Even though nothing is actually happening.

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all of this anitsumedisism is really starting to trigger me. all you guys have is stupid photshoped pictures ugh

They want to make sure you are at their disposal, and that means the whole country.

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you truly get it and don't stop fighting, truth is winning out, don't let them blackpill you otherwise

Most of all they would want to hide their true nature.

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Oh, their true nature.

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Their true nature.

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And how they have been persecuted for it.
All while maintaining a straight face and telling the ones they wronged, that they are the ones doing wrong.

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Please stop hating on China. I really enjoy dim sum.

To put it eloquently, Hitler was a very nice man.
He wanted to move them to Madagascar.
Being nice when a power struggle is happening is difficult.
But when the struggle is against someone who has no empathy, who manipulates others emotions...
Psychopaths are apex predators, and the most capable of getting into positions of power because of their lack of empathy, but are not useful to any society.

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Mind you, I say all this when the legality of saying this is in question, as they, the Jews are trying to make criticism of Israel illegal.
Violating the 1st amendment for their own sake, as they care not for this country only their own.
These "Jews" are psychopaths, and they're the ones telling you what to think.

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