Fuck Gillette faggots

Bought pic related with feather blades

How do I not kill myself with it?

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You could start by learning how to shave properly, Hans. Personally, I own a Merkur similar to your pic that I keep in my travel bag, but at home I use a straight razor.

I too would like to know. I am afraid of chopping my face up like a little bitch and have been growing a beard.

My merkur safety razor and feather blades came in the mail just yesterday.
It took a tiny bit of getting used to the right shaving angle but the shave was excellent.

I just got my shavette today

Attached: download.png (201x250, 7K)

Pretty much the same as a disposable, just with less pressure
Also don't buy the Astra blades everybody, P&G owns them as well

just got mine today and did a test shave, just do it like a shitllite but work at an angle. Shits easy man

ok what your going to want to do is get a palm sander and pre grind your facial hair. nobody will admit it but thats the trick to shaving with old timey shit. its fucking material science. you dont have to cut the hairs to get rid of them but you also dont want to get rid of all of your skin. the learning curve is steep but without the pre grind you will die. you know you cant shave your self. your just a boy

Couple years ahead of you...biggest thing to remember is that there is no longer that hinge that will allow the blade to flatten against your skin at the correct angle. You go at your shit at a 45 degree angle, there will be blood. Go slow til you get the hang of it. Also Feather is like the sharpest shit in the world, you are starting at max difficulty.

Used the last Gillette blade in my pack this morning. Where do I got from here, if I don't buy more does it mean I hate women?

It's really not dangerous. Good luck getting under your nose above the lip though. Go slow until you get the hang of it.


Can I use these on my balls as easy as a normal razor? Or should I keep a disposable for my smooth scrotum?
Serious question

>Where do I got from here, if I don't buy more does it mean I hate women?

I haven't used anything but scisors for the last 10 years or so.

Get a Philips one blade. Fuck that old timey shit. I grew up using that crap and a shaving cup with a badger bristle brush. Pure garbage.

You did it wrong.

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just watch a youtube video. 30 degree angle

>How do I not kill myself with it?
Learn to use it, and you will do fine. I shave my balls with mine, and have never had an issue. And no, in advance I am not posting pictures of my balls.

Probably buy a closed comb for your first razor bud. Open comb + feather blades = advanced territory

Faggot hipster


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At least I'm still armed even when naked in the bathroom shaving.

Come at me faggot.

17 fucking minutes

I did fine as a first-timer. You will too.

Top kek literally had the same one arriving today.

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Get a milder blade for starters, feather is one of the most aggressive. Starting with a mild blade, only had a couple nicks the first days now it’s easy. Let the weight of the handle do all the work, no pressure and at a 30 degree angle.

Thanks Finland bro

apply pressure
use it horizontally

Don't go against the hairs, only along and slightly sideways.
Wash with hot water first and use a good shaving soap. Don't let the beard get too long between shaves, although the safety razors have alot better tolerance for long beards than the modern cuck razors.
I think feather blades would be a little too sharp for that. Either way I'd use separate razors.

Too late did not realise that :/

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Straight razors are the most cost-effective shaving implement on the market. Only a good goy would buy packs of razors that last less than fifty shaves for $30.

You don’t. I’m bleeding just from reading the word “feather” asshole.

Be a real man

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I bought three packs of these for 15 dollars..meanwhile three new "blades" with gillette costs 20-25 dollar.

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Trim your nails, fag.

Lol like just buy an e razor from philips

I was about to order them when I decided to read some reviews and realized who makes money from them. Went with feathers.

its woman

Step it up, OP.

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Pussy nigga

I've a straight razor but no idea how to sharpen it without buying an expensive as fuck honing stone, any tips? Its too dull to strop into a fine razor.

This guy gets it.

A German who can't sharpen a knife? Wtf is wrong with you? You must be a kebab

YES /POL!!!!

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That's illegal in UK

>e razor from philips
>not being clean shaven

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Unless you damaged the edge somehow, rarely do you need to hone them on the stone. 30 strokes on a good deerskin strop will keep the edge fine. DO NOT use a hone unless you know what the fuck you're doing- you'll roach it.

Another tip to preserve the edge: don't use the straight every day. Let it "rest" for a day and the 'fin' will spring back to normal. It's not necessary to strop them before every use, and don't strop them during use. If it needs a little polish, 6000 mesh or so lapping compound and a piece of old jean material glued flat on a small board does a nice job is you don't have a canvas strop for lapping.

thanks bro, it doesn't cut paper, so thinking it needs sharpened. Just looked on google and theres a sharpener nearby

she's not wrong

NP. Yeah, sounds like it needs a hone and lapping. Taking it to a pro sharpener is the safe bet if they have experience with it. If you were local I'd do it for you and teach you how to maintain it since I make them, but at least you have an outlet you can take it to.

P&G shill squad out in full force.

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Is it actually a butterfly razor which opens when you twist the tip of the handle?
The other (cheaper) sort which screws tight when the head turns is liable to slip - I definitely do not recommend that type unless you're into blood letting and enjoy the sting of styptic alum.

step 1 take a shower or make sure your face is wet with water
step 2 apply shaving cream
step 3 wipe off excess shaving cream
step 4 shave with the grain (down on your face, up on your neck)
step 5 repeat steps 1-3
step 6 shave across the grain (horizontally across your face and neck)

here are tips
use trial and error to get the angle right you will know when the angle is correct

you have to adjust the angle yourself as move from one part of your face to another

because of this you should only shave with short strokes 1-3 inches

use light pressure

do not shave over the same area more than 3 times total

do not shave over an area without shaving cream

have patience and go SLOW shave at night so you have some extra time you will eventually get fast enough to shave in the morning/under time constraint

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Congratulation kids on finally having discovered the most efficient and cost effective way to shave. Now you just need a beard.

Remember boys, you are the men of tomorrow.

>How to shave as if you are in a leisurely spa or barbershop

Fuck off please--some of us have to work hard manual labour for a living.

damn, you could give me a handjob anytime bro

How long does it take you to shave with the straight razor

trial and error
and stop being a faggot

id like to point out that when i started it took me 10 minutes to shave and i would get nicked at least once

now it takes me 2-3 minutes and no nicks so this is a good quick method to use

also you dont need a fancy brush or shaving gel/soap i just use my hands and a can of barbasol works great

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Where you at user I'd love to learn.

Me personally? about 4-6minutes, somewhere in there. I recommend novices to slow down and take their time until they learn the feel of using one,

There is absolutely no difference in handling thab with a modern razor.
>Moisturize face
>Apply cream

There. Done.

Feather blades are the sharpest around man, you should only use them with enough experience with double edge razors. Use some duller blades first, something like Derby.

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You realize the whole point of being a neckbeard is not shaving right?

big differences
with a cartridge if theres stubble left over you just shave the same area again but with added pressure
with a safety razor you want to use low pressure so if theres some stubble left over its best to instead shave it again from a different angle that is why i recommend shaving twice. the first time shaving with the grain the second time shaving across the grain

the next difference is the flexible head on a cartridge
with a cartridge you can start from your cheeks and shave all the way down your neck in a single stroke because the razor angle adjusts automatically

you can theoretically do this with a safety razor but you have to manually adjust the angle to the contour of your face

its still just as quick and easy once you get some practice

Kill yourself with a gun instead

>not buying generic cartridges on amazon
you NEET faggots need to get a real job and realize you dont have 20 mins to shave every day

shaving with a safety razor takes 2-3 minutes once you get some practice

Nice. Just don't press down with it. Let gravity do the work.

Use shaving soap and Astra blades

>Bought pic related with feather blades
>How do I not kill myself with it?
Dumb Germ, you didn't buy Merkur and wilkonson sword blades, feather are way too aggressive, fine blades though.
>you NEET faggots need to get a real job and realize you dont have 20 mins to shave every day
Doesn't take 20min to shave with a safety razor you retard, doesn't even take that long with a straight razor. 1m to make the lather and load the blade, 10m tops if you take your time shaving and 2 or 3 passes, I've shaved well in under 4m and even faster when in a rush.

>Harry's, Dollar Shave, Gillette
>Owned by P&G
Hi, shill. I suppose we should vote for a different Clinton this time around, yes?

I got down to about 10 minutes with a straight edge. Ended up going back to a mach 3 just cause I could get the same shave in about 1 minute. Now I buy these and they actually last twice as long as Gillette. And I don't mind spending the extra money to save a few hours in the morning because I'm usually still drunk or hungover to want to deal with a straight edge.

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>Suck at time management
>Suck at priorities
>Suck at going to bed and waking up at a decent hour
Learn to code, ex-journalist.

No it doesn't you idiot.
The whole process will take about 10minutes at best if you actually have a fucking beard.

This. Waiting for someone to explain how to do the jaw and chin with this shit. Those who tried are probably dead by now tho.

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i shave everyday so i only deal with stubble ive never tried growing a beard so ive never shaved a beard

im not lying when i say it only takes me 2-3 min but then again i only ever have 1 day of stubble so yes it would probably take longer if you have a beard or your trying to clean up a beard/mustache

Better recommendation:
Stop importing the third world, they have low carbon footprints when they're living in mud huts. Leave them where they are.

$22.99 at Costco $1.64 each. Not made by Gillette.

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let it grow for 2-3 days before you waste resources on a useless shave you mong
i still think you have bitchpube facial hair

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You're always supposed to shave twice. One to get the cream off and then a second time

I stick to my straights overall, unless I'm traveling. The time I quoted is start to finish, including whipping the lather though. Actual shave time razor in hand is only about 2-3 minutes. With practice you can get just as fast as any other shave. I just encourage new straight users to slow down. That innate fear of seeing a big ass blade tends to make people nervous, and they slip.

hairs on the jaw and lower chin grow in funny angles so you have to shave in different directions

a safety razor with the safety de-attached and a snapped in half single blade is the sharpest and most cost/time effective
straight razors are a meme you fag, have fun wasting 30minutes sharpening a blade to perfection before youre able to shave your sissy face

just feel it out
i was fucking with my grandad's safety razor a couple of years back and it's basically identical to a new age one
just go slow and gentle
same way i do your mum :^)

lol what the fuck you should never shave without shaving cream
if you cant get a close shave while shaving cream is on your face you need either use less shaving cream or splash some water on your face to water down/thin out the shaving cream

Pic related is going to be my next brand. No faggot hinge like cartridges and no lubricant band.

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ive never let it grow more than 2 days people would notice and think somethings wrong with me

There's still residue. I'm saying right after you remove the cream you redo the same area right away...not actually shave twice

First, straight razors have been used for millennia, and they are still effective. Second, it doesn't take 30 minutes to sharpen one to "perfection." You may go fuck yourself now... hurry up, before you make an even bigger idiot out of yourself in public. Being a Dane isn't a viable excuse anymore.

Fuck. I didn’t know man

also i really enjoy shaving so thats another reason why i do it everyday when i could probably get away with doing it every other day

That's cute.

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I wish aids didn't exist as men used to be able to get a clean shave from the barber.

Then again it would probably be a Mexican doing it.

i do 2 passes
first with the grain (down on the face up on the neck) second across the grain (horizontal across the face and neck)
i reapply shaving cream in between passes
the razor never touches a given part of my face more than twice and theres shaving cream both times

i think you might be using too much shaving cream on your first pass
try watering down/thinning out the shaving cream by splashing water on your face after you apply the shaving cream.
i use a very thin layer of shaving cream and water the shaving cream down enough where i can actually see my skin through the shaving cream

God didn't give you facial hair to scrape it off everyday. I like this line from Duck Dynasty HAHA.

Anyways, I've always gotten terrible ingrowns, so I keep a tightly trimmed beard. Jealous of you alphas with the good skinz.

theres a barber in my town that will shave you with a straight razor and he has this thing that heats up the shaving cream

i always go to him for haircuts because he uses that to clean up my sideburns and back of my neck and it feels great

Schick is a thing you know...