Some of y'all factors need to read Siege. Why is Jow Forums just full of dumbass movementarions? To much bullshit about "Le based Trump". Let's start a Siege thread
Read Siege Faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
Memeflag shilling for faggoty ideas. This is a jew thread.
"Is X White" threads
"I'm not racist anymore" threads
"I have a hot non-white gf" threads
"You are a kike if you are not xtreme like me." threads
"My religion is based, urs isnt" threads
>At least put a link faggot.
Right because jews want you to read a book that is all about hating jews, thats some nigger tier reverse psychology there user.
Based and SIEGEpilled
Its not about hating jews specifically, they don't care if you hate them. What they can not have is you organizing.
If you actually read it, you'd know that it doesn't encourage the reader to carry out violent attacks. It mostly tells you to prepare for the eventual downfall of the system and find ways to start living outside the system before it happens. kike faggot
I haven't read it so I'm sorry if im being presumptuous, but I dont see how that's mutually exclusive with supporting mass movements
Imagine believing you can overthrow the US Government. This is something you impliment when the currency collapses, which I predict will happen when we are old af, and the decline in whites pushes unfunded liabilities over a tipping point. Our children (assuming you have any) are the ones going to have to deal with the horrors of brown bringing everything down.
reed seej goys!
>trust a memeflag read siege faggot on Jow Forums
>click their links, watch their youtube videos
>end up on a cia nigger list
don't be dumb
anyone advocating terrorist attacks is not your friend
type sage in option field, hide thread, move on
>end up on a cia nigger list
If you're posting here its already too late.
>defends siege
>calls others kikes
How long until the feds come up with something other than "read siege" -and when will they stop spamming their shitty satanic fanfic here
>reading things is illegal
Imagine being this much of a cuck. gtfo my country.
I'll lay siege to your mom's vagene, memeflaggot.
Whats it about
>Hoxha’s spirit smiles, knowing that his dream is still alive, and that the great Albanian race will continue to exist.
>Even in Greece itself, Albanians run amok, causing countless trouble for the Baltic Greeks, who have to go easy on the Albanians due to the PC laws that the Greeks themselves passed.
>The Albanians care not for the Greek rules, they live naturally like God intended.
>The Albanians are possibly the last great hope for us all. Someday, I hope to live there in peace, after my victory against the Greeks. That day may never come, but it is my dream, my desire, my very essence lives in Albania.
>I have acquired multiple shirts with the Albanian flag on them, and I shall wear them exclusively until my last day.
Trench doctrine, mining and countermining, wall assault tactics, use of palisades, and how to use and set up siege engines.
read cockshott faggots
>forceful shilling of a federal honeypot satanic fanfic on Jow Forums
>w...why dont you like reading you c...cuck
You guys try so hard its kinda cute
I hope to god you don't read it. People who believe and support the idea of an omniscient state who will kill your dog for reading a book are of no worth anyway. Especially when they're suppose to be American.
Acting retarded and ignoring my arguments wont make your posts seem better friend. Please entertain us and tell us all about "American values" contained in a book written by a pedo fed agent that promotes satanism kek
What arguments? All you've said is its a honeypot and feign over muh satanism. Meanwhile being the christcuck you are donate ever last man and dollar to Israel and when you're not doing that you're advocating for BASED minorities to immigrate into the US.
That book where a crypto-nazi terrorist group called atomwaffen promote?
Nah, its basically the nazi version of the Quran
siege has nothing to do with satanism or random killing.
you jokers haven't even read it.