
Lets get it started boys

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>no papers
>no fear

I could literally ice half the people down at the warehouse district here.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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Plese do it.

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Do it user. Do it.

Does ICE also handle yuropoors who overstayed their US visa?

I kind of wanna ruin an idiot's life.

do it.


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I've been to southern cali and southern texas, I know


I'll muster up the courage one of these days. A person can only go so many days with cunts asking him why he doesn't (espeak espanish) or responding (no hablo englesh).

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He's about to marry an American this summer so this should be entertaining.

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I posted a thread earlier I have access to a database of the majority of undocumented aliens in the United states addresses and all due to special privileges granted to me that if revealed would lead to massive lawsuits and jail time. What would be the best way to release this information without being found out.


fuck it, just become the next edward snowden, it'll be worth it, you'll go down in history

if you're too much of a pussy hand the info over to me, i'll have a friend who lives outside the US leak it

Do it user

Their greed has done it to themselves. Due to applying for foodstamps for the anchor babies they put themselves into an exclusionary list which flags them for life as an undocumented alien and the list updates every time they move. If trump really wanted them gone we can track them at every move they make because they're helplessly addicted to welfare.

>Immigration and Customs Enforcement

when people ask me why i dont speak spanish i respond with german
because thats the second fucking language my dad made me learn.
i will never utter a single fucking word of that disgusting fucking spic language ever.

Why stop at ICE? Why not become right-wing-reporting squads?

Seriously. Just start mass reporting all the illegal and fucked up shit that globalists, dogs and degenerate criminals do?
Why can't we turn this into a cool new game where Jow Forums act like Santas little helpers for the police so that we can get the degenerates thrown in jail where they belong in general?

We have the resources, we have the time, we have the technology, the numbers, the autism...

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>spic language

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i dotn give a fuck where it came from speak fucking english in fucking america

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Then why doesn't the emperor do it?

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Ahhhh no shit. I always thought it meant Icky CentralAmerican Ejection

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Because he's a shill with no backbone just like every other politician

Just recently reported my local Macy's. Cocksucking Corporate shitbags. Probably about 5 - 15 undocumented, illegal, FULL TIME workers.

What do you call a dead ICE agent?

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If you really wanted a mass ICE operation you'd look for mexicans on social media and report them.


Don't tell me....you're Q

Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Tip Form


Name, Email, Phone Number fields are OPTIONAL

It wasn't for you, you dipshit.

I'd get behind this. Turn it in to something we can do

corner cafe and bakery 93rd and 3rd avenue

Oice, mate.

What do you call a million deported illegals?


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what did he do to you?

Imagine if ICE offered cash bounties for every successful ejection as a result of your tip like the IRS is(was?) doing for tax-evading webcam roasties.

bad up here near Maryland

>tfw all my customers are probably illegal
Not worth losing money lads.

do it

What's more important, making money for yourself, or the future of your country, the place you're children and grandchildren will live

Why exactly do you need courage to report illegals to ICE? How will they know it was you?

do it now

It honestly is the power of perspective.
We have so many fucking resources at our disposal it's insane. Jow Forums are basically a huge intelligence agency and info commission that tower over even the mainstream media. A huge dragon that gets bigger every day.
The police and our corrupt governments at least have to PRETEND to care about law, order, fairness and justice. Their aggression depends upon keeping people ignorant and appearing to be such a difficult target that nobody will actually push them to do their jobs correctly. All of that is changing now because of the vast right wing internet presence. If these guys don't police their own laws in regards to countering anti-White racism or protecting little children from evil child abusing liberals, they will get swarmed by the internet and the main culprits will be dragged out into the open and eaten.

We have, vast vast vast resources and we need to turn this shit into a fun game to play as well as a noble quest to embark on. We keep doing it until the idea becomes a meme. It becomes part of internet culture. People realise that they can start threads drawing attention to criminal activity, knowing that anons will be smart enough to detect fact from fiction before operating.

The left cannot do this. Look at how the me too movement went down in flames.

Myself because if I don’t have money there’s no kids or future.

In some cases, cash bounties are already offered for criminal tracking.

We could easily become an army of bounty hunters.

God spoken to Jow Forums at 177777777
And nobody covered it... except HIM!!!
LISTEN to what God said to you!
>jesus hung with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes and knuckleheads
That's EXACTLY why he came here!
He loves Jow Forums

Also... post 200000000 was another message from the Kingdom of God and was Covered LIVE by the Based one AGAIN....
YOU GOTTA see this..

The whole point is YOU have been chosen by God to be the movers and shakers in these end times...
To crush the satanists, shills, and trannys into submission to gods kingdom!!
Keep it up!



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Most ice agents are Hispanics
Dems are trying to make them unemployed!

looks like fear to me

We sorta do this already, but yes we could step it up. Cleanse this planet.

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do it do it now

Do it user, FOR AMERICA.

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Send me that shit. I'm an American expat and I live in the middle of nowhere, Chile. I'm also quite a bastard so releasing this information would further fuel my international trolling skills.
I don't even need a VPN I'm so isolated.

of course.
cops are people and people will generally take the easiest task they are appointed

Got any more info on that?

This. Doing what is right is more important. Release that shit now or you’re a lapring niggerfaggot.

>ywn patrol the mojave with this qt

Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

So wait. Why the fuck aren't we already organized into a bounty hunting organization getting paid to help eject beaners and sandniggers from America? The fuck are we doing with our lives, lads?


How white are the Chileans where you live?

Bullshit. If you do, then it's your fucking duty to hand it over to the public. E-mail me and I'll do it. Reply to this post or forever be an inconsequential faggot.

bump, report them now.

Juan way or another, I am going to find you, I am going to getcha, getcha, getcha.

yes, they deported a large amount of paddys recently

where and what company name.

then fucking do it

Good suggestion. If we don’t have a larper here, we need this to be released.

Imagine the media

This sounds good.
I'm gonna make some infographics for the burgers in a few days.

Give me ideas on what to put down.

Release it or LARPing faggot

Well I married a amer-indian woman with a LOT of land. So, specifically where I live they are not white... Whatsoever.
However, here in the South you have the German influence, so in cities like Osorno or Valdivia, you have real fucking white Chileans. The average Chilean is basically a Spaniard with a touch of Native blood.
Chileans on a whole are a mid-tier race, better than Peruvians but too lazy and mommy-boy-pussified to be cool-tier.

Expose these leeching fucking beamers please you LARPing faggot

The Irish may be white but they're literally the most whiny bitchy group of whites in the world. Whether it be in Ireland or other parts. Irish-Americans might be worse though since they often work together with Jews to undermine our country.

Yes.. send to HSI tip line tob include name and address.


you are going to Hell

repent before it's too late

Relax faggots I just checked this thread again. It's not something I can easily get access to copy and redistribute without getting my finger prints all over it and I dont want to get seth rich'd However I have pointed everyone in the right direction if anyone wants to start digging. There is a database at every state level which communicates nationally to not distribute foodstamps to a person on it. If you still believe trump cares about getting rid of illegals you're being fed lies. Foodstamps/snap is a federal grant they have access to this list.

Send it to my email. Ill drop them to ICE. Uncle works for them so he can handle all of it.

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paste bin that shit behind 7 proxies



physical dead drop

I am ready.

That's why I'm convinced the president is lying about wanting to get rid of illegals. This database is federal government property distributed at a state level.

All you faggots need to petition to require state and local agencies to cooperate with ice otherwise there's no guarentee ice will do anything with the list and I've just put a massive target on my back.

>Well I married a amer-indian woman with a LOT of land

Based, I hope you have some kids. We need to whitten the population of Latin America. Castizo Futurism you know.

By the way, from what I've researched the average Chilean is 60% white and 40% indian. Of course apparently the north and south is more indian while the center is more white. It also depends on social class. Also is your wife a Mapuche Indian? I've heard they're the major Indian group in Chile and are found mostly in the South and South Center of the country.

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Could you at least tell us how many illegals are in our country? I don't buy the 11 million figure.

Guys, please report my local Macy's. They're horrible.. Nothing but brown people that work, the few whites that are there are women or Gay (literally ZERO straight white male HR's) and, yes, NUMEROUS ILLEGALS work there fulltime

Macy's in Palm Desert, California.
The macys furniture store too.

I dont see how I would be able to do so you need special clearance to even log in to see the database. I'm not trying to live in a fucking embassy for the rest of my life or worry about killing myself with a double tap to the back of my head. I assure you with 100% certainty this database exists.

The winning combination always seems to be a combo of truth and humour. Liberals hate humour and good people enjoy laughter and learning.

We need to turn this into a semi-trollish game. Tell Jow Forumss that they are now "blade runners" who's job it is to identify and report all degenerate criminal activity.
Drawing attention to things like the twitter codes of conduct, youtube codes of conduct, facebook codes of conduct and obviously the appropriate laws of our respective countries will equip people with the knowledge to identify and report criminal behaviour.
For example, lots of liberals do not believe you can racially abuse White people. This is actually incorrect, though the policing is obviously rather lax because nobody whips the governments ass to make them do their jobs correctly.
Jow Forums must become a whip firmly embedded into the ass of world governments to force them to police their own laws and live up to their ideals, for in doing so they will have no choice but to destroy globalism and the radical left. The radical left, the "champions of equality" will also have to voluntarily be destroyed for violating their own standards.

They will do this because, if they ail to live up to these rules that they impose upon others, then the "deal" of civility is off, and anons no longer have any obligation to play by the rules and keep their weapons sheathed. You don't negotiate with something that's trying to kill you. You destroy it.

We should start with simple stuff. Mass reporting violations. Another tactic is using celebrity "woke" people as our personal gimps for asking their celebrity friends hard questions that they would otherwise ignore.
People like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are clearly uncomfortable with the flak they are getting, and can be forced to grovel before us.

Again, all of this should be laced with memes and ridiculous comedy imagery. Black robes, frogs, magic wands, faux-esoteric symbols and badly drawing pictures.

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>the people lost their spirit of self sacrifice
>it's a shame, too
>they almost turned it around
>they're dead now, long forgotten by time
>but enough talk, let's go to McDonald's. It's Galactic Holocaust Remembrance Day, after all.

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look at all those WHITE people... We need to fire bomb mexico in its entirety.

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Where is the database? Can I access it?

100% honestly I want all of them gone from my country. I rail against the beaner menace every day of my life. But it's ICE's job to do it. Seems pretty fucking cold to pinpoint someone you're aware of for punishment. It's like swatting and just as lame.

Bump in support

Pic related is the Charlottesville doxxer.
Jow Forums decided to punish him and then his little operation of trying to get people fired from their jobs or murdered. Paetron also shut his money making fraud down because he was attempting to get people murdered, which violated their terms of service.
I also believe numerous people reported that guy to the police. He certainly went silent afterwards.

This along with what happened to Eric Clancuck, made me realise just how much power anons actually have at their fingertips.

The sky is honestly the limit with this shit, it's just a question of making people join the dots. Antifa for example, are a terrorist group. We could easily get counter-terrorist units to deal with them and have their financiers thrown in jail or given the death sentence for their plans to murder people.

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