Does anyone else ever get the feeling that people want our support for our memetic abilities but they don't want to...

Does anyone else ever get the feeling that people want our support for our memetic abilities but they don't want to have to deal with our beliefs?

Like they want to use us while disregarding all our concerns?

Attached: Questioning anime girl wondering if your fucking retarded but she already knows the awnser and is ju (704x704, 106K)

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they respect our power, but don't understand it, because they are rich and powerful, they don't understand anything.... they have people for that... the dumbest motherfuckers that their own retarded educational system can produce do the thinking for the elites.

think less, bushido, no mind, that’s what they don’t understand

vid related

It's more about responsibility. Nobody wants responsibility yet they want things to work.

No responsibility = no sacrifice = no result

People want to wield power and in the information age memes have far more power than they have in previous generations. What is inconvenient is good meme'ing seems to be tied to loserly NEETs in their basements, wasting their lives away on this awful forum. To get the memes they must use this place, but that is how Jow Forums's message spreads. Don't worry about their disregard for Jow Forums's beliefs, just being here is corrupting them. Nothing is free.

>don't worry man everything is fine
This is the exact same retarded attitude that people had when Kekistan was destroying Kekism.

Go fuck yourself with a rake.

Too bad, its a package deal. This will never change.

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Memes come and go and warp and die. Once they're in the wild it's up to the hands of the wielders. It seems to me you don't know much about memes and meme'ing. Funny you'd make a post bitching about its misuse.

>unironically thinking that anybody gives a flying fuck about fat incel virgins that possess no skills beside severe autistism and an uncanny abilitty to shitpost the most retarded drivel ever


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... and you are here, why?

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>Just let your memes die goyim
We took Pepe back from normalfags through hard effort and will. There was absolutely no fucking reason why we had to let Sargon murder Kek.

Kill yourself faggot.

To feel better about myself by looking at the hordes of incels and loser blaming all their problems on women and the eternal boogeyman kike

Hey man cool with the anti-semetic remarks.

Wow you really are stupid and new. It's called cancer and all things get it, people and memes. That you don't get this is baffling. What you are asking is we fight the very nature of memes and the universe. You are a fool and should kindly kill themselves for the benefit of those here and in other threads.

Except not all memes die the fact that people are still baneposting on /tv/ after 8 fucking years is proof of that. And the fact that we kept pepe from the hands of normalfags is proof that we're not forced to let all our memes be stolen.

You're ignoring evidence to support your delusional fatalism and you should promptly kill yourself you weak little shit.

You point to fringe examples and base a rule off it. There are countless more memes that grew, exploded, cancered, and died. You are a poor brainlet. I leave you to your frivolous desires newfag.

>Fringe examples

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>all this projection and cope in one post
sure thing buddy, we all believe you

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In the larger schemes of all memes made they are. 3 in a sea of hundreds of thousands. Truly you are a dipship.

Except they're by far 2 of the most popular memes that this site has ever produced and if you want further examples a huge portion of the old vernacular from the very beginning of Jow Forums has survived to this day like "newfag", "cancer", "OP is a faggot", ect... Those are memes too so the idea that all memes must decay and die isn't born out via the evidence. Not to mention the objective fact that we took back pepe means that we can stop our memes from being stolen.

Your retarded fatalism is just an excuse for how shit things have gotten. You're a weak cunt who tries to rationalize things as inevitable when things go bad. Hopefully you start trying to rationalize your inevitable suicide.

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Trollface is this sites most powerful creation

never forget

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God spoken to Jow Forums at 17777777
And nobody covered it... except HIM!!!
LISTEN to what God said to you!
>jesus hung with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes and knuckleheads
That's EXACTLY why he came here!
He loves Jow Forums

Also... post 20000000 was another message from the Kingdom of God and was Covered LIVE by the Based one AGAIN....
YOU GOTTA see this..

The whole point is YOU have been chosen by God to be the movers and shakers in these end times...
To crush the satanists, shills, and trannys into submission to gods kingdom!!
Keep it up!

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u are fucking stupid

no u

season 2 when

I think it's pretty obvious at this point, that was the purpose behind the Shapiro shilling that has quieted down

fuck off LARPer

no. im perfectly fine hans.

why would someone like you if you have all those things need to feel better about yourself?

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this is basically every youtubers m.o., any time they pander to Jow Forums immediately disregard them, because they will never actually support pol, Jow Forums, or any higher ideals outside of repeating memes, all they want is pol's approval and to be part of the winning side.
they are weak and riding on a niche, treat them as the whores they are.

i'm not saying it was tech heresy...

but it was tech heresy.

you were told not to weaponize space.