My gf is a loud opinionated SJW who speaks and tweets incessantly on behalf of lgbt and racism despite being a rich...

My gf is a loud opinionated SJW who speaks and tweets incessantly on behalf of lgbt and racism despite being a rich white girl from the suburb with republican parents, funded by daddy and unemployed

I don't know why I'm still with her. She just spouts her politics at me and I just say "OK" until we talk about something else

However for some reason I despise feminist women. I don't think feel intimidated by them but their rhetoric vs. my own experiences of being abused just screams hypocrisy and it gives me an irrational sense of hatred and stress.

My mood whenever I see my gf is: see gf, spend time with her, stomach her crap, she leaves to do something else, scream in my room about how full of shit she is, how she's a fraud and a worthless dipshit, and I get ANGRY about that shit too

Then when I see her again the feelings ago away and it's sugar and rainbows.

It feels bipolar like I love her and I hate her guts at the same time. I bottle it up around her and idk if this is sustainable.

Furthermore, I've heard about liberal women caving for their conservative bfs and husbands, either putting up with a difference in political beliefs or even submitting and "converting" to conservatism themselves.

I'll admit that I'm deeply insecure at my ability to cause a woman to change herself for me. I have a deep jealousy for women who convert to match their boyfriends religion for marriage, but here I feel like I'm on the other end of the power dynamic. I wish I was that good a catch a woman would flip her worldview upside down just to be with me...

Honesty this shit stresses me out so much I've considered just walking away from this relationship and continue chasing strange on tinder and not invest emotionally in anyone.

What do?

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You're never gonna "convert" her if you don't debate her.

Get a spine you alt-right pussy

Break up or reconsider your beliefs. You're not going to change her mind, and that fact is only going to make you more and more frustrated. In general, you shouldn't be in a relationship with somebody unless you accept who they actually are.

How the fuck am I supposed to debate someone who thinks gender reveal parties for babies are oppressive and toxic?

>not liberal therefore I'm alt-right apparently
>grow a spine, get into a screeching match with your girlfriend

>You're not going to change her mind, and that fact is only going to make you more and more frustrated

What is your opinion on people who convert to their spouse's religion?

Just dump her, she's trash and will always be

She sounds insufferable
Cut your losses and dump her
Ideally right after you're done fucking her one last time

was she always like this?
also, shes married to her activism now friend, move on and find someone stable.
Before you know it she'll be asking to have an open relationship, and trust me you really don't want to go down that road

Spouses are never debated into conversion, they already had a desire to change as part of the relationship. You're not going to Ben Shapiro you partner into being someone they're not.

dump her before tyrone dumps himself in her lower back

>despite being a rich white girl from the suburb with republican parents
You misspelled "because of"

Teenagers tend to rebel against their parents. Teenagers with restrictive parents are guaranteed to rebel. Rich people tend to dig into societal problems you wouldn't think about if you are wondering how to pay the bills. Her being an SJW is literally the most likely scenario given her background

>How the fuck am I supposed to debate someone who thinks gender reveal parties for babies are oppressive and toxic?
It's an odd but not completely indefensible position, you can absolutely have a debate about that, and obviously in this circumstance the only thing that makes sense is to actually talk about the thing that's bothering you. You should be able to explain to her exactly what you don't like about her beliefs and why that makes the relationship difficult


Or are manipulated / pressured and fold

That's what I intend to do with this one

>gender reveal parties
wut? lol

Try and present your viewpoint. The worst that can happen is that she breaks up with you.

Option A - Do what most guys do and just ignore the dumb shit your woman days and enjoy her company (in the long run she will see that you are right anyway)

Option B) Decide that the person she is, is not someone you want to be with, then break up with her

I had a gf like this OP
dated for 4 years. We broke up right before Trump got elected.
If she's not too far along you could convert her but you seem redpilled, why do you even want a gf? mgtow, semen retention, and prayer are all you need.

Your issues have nothing to do with liberalism or conservatism. These things just serve as the stage upon which your dysfunction can express itself. You and I both know that "SJW" is just an amalgamation of rhetoric. You're not at war with the specific rhetoric of any specific person as much as you are with anybody that reminds you of how insecure you are in relationships. Its not a coincidence that your greatest fear is not being able to shake a woman's foundation to her core so soundly that she gives up anything and everything to be with you and that your greatest perceived enemy is a woman who subscribes to a kind of ideology that would never allow her to do such a thing. Nothing is a coincidence. Its also not a coincidence that your past memories of abuse are also triggered by a specific kind of person. Even you can admit that a great percentage of this hatred is knee jerk and irrational. The best thing you can do for yourself is to drop this whole right vs. left bullshit and admit that this whole thing has to do with you. Your issue isn't with your girlfriend or any woman who identifies as a liberal. Your issue is with how their ideals and characteristics fit in context with yours. Lets be honest, you wouldn't give a shit what she believed in so long as she was willing to abandon it to make you happy. Seek some therapy. It'll help you narrow your focus and put all this shit into perspective.

> republican parents
> white
> rich
> what do?
Redpill her, user. It may take years and it will take a shit ton of patience, but you can do it.

dump it

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Just like tinfoil hatted Jow Forums users in real life, a woman like the one you describe can't be turned around by facts or discussing objective stuff. You can only do that by showing what you think is wrong and trying to get her to empathize with you. Don't be irrational and have enough grip to not get pissed off

You sound like a psychopath, too bad she tolerates you.

Delete this

You know, when a woman gets pregnant by a man, they have a party with family to reveal that the baby is either a boy or a girl

Because this is highly offensive to the 0.000009% of people who are actually transgender apparently gender reveal parties are toxic

No well adjusted cisgendered person would give a fuck unless they are personally offended by it.

Tbh I'm wondering if my girlfriend was born a man and hasn't told me yet.

People who talk about politics a lot want to control others.

Help her by reminding her that she's part of society, not on top of it.

Either that or they have a certain hangup regarding their subject no?

The loudest homophobes tend to be homos themselves? Does it work the other way for liberals? The ones who scream GAY RIGHTS the loudest hate being gay maybe?

Can confirm
>T. loves politics, positively a megalomaniac

I work in public policy so a lot of the women I meet are political, very much so. This is Jow Forums, so I am not going to read the replies and assume it is a cesspit. I have dated very leftwing/SJW women and seen it go a myriad of different ways. First of all don't try and caricature your GF, she is a unique individual and projecting any stereotype on her will only kill the relationship and make it your fault.
Now, when it has worked for me there is generally a mutual respect for different views. And a limit to the amount we discuss politics with each other. Twitter is not real life. If your GF spews crazy shit on twitter just subtly mute her account, everyone is different on twitter then real life. If your GF literally can not talk about anything but politics let her know this is annoying to you, not because you dont respect her views, but because you feel it ruins convos. As someone who spends 8 hours a day looking at policy I generally despise going home and discussing it. Especially if it is from someone much less researched or informed. But I have had lighthearted banter with an SJW gf and it was quite hot. And I have had interesting discussion with a girl who worked in a different aspect of policy even though we both had vastly different viewpoints. Most girls like getting teasted, as long as you are not an autistic sperg you dont need to just go "yup uhuh." Even the most SJW girl will give you a smurk and a "shut up" and a top tier "did you assume my gender joke" or "thats cultural appropriation joke" etc.
Generally when it has not worked it was because the girl wouldnt shut the fuck about it IRL even after I explained I dont like talking about it all the time. Or they viewed my views as inferrior or like a sign I needed to be "fixed" but note that goes both ways. You cant have your cake and eat it to. You cant just think your GF is a dumb bitch who has to be wrong about everything, and expect her to not reciprocate. Openmindedess only works both ways.

>your girlfriend is a unique special snowflake individual
>but you are not you have to coddle her

>Or they viewed my views as inferrior or like a sign I needed to be "fixed" but note that goes both ways

This girl who looks down on "heteronormative" culture despite being in heterosexual relationship herself, exclusively hangs out with lesbian SJWs goes home to a muscle yuppie bro every night and swallows semen right after talking about taking down the patriarchy

But this is a unique special snowflake who I need to compromise for

Got it. I fucking hate women this shit is not worth it

Nobody is saying compromise retard. But you appear to be a massive cunt with your mind made up. So dump her and go blog about it on some MGTOW forum faggot.


If you don't respect someone you shouldn't be with them.

You're tolerating it because you're afraid you can't find someone else, and your fear prevents you from growing.

The problem isn't her. It's you. Become a better man.

Seriously. What the fuck are you really doing here? You already know the answer to your own question. Why are you on a Mongolian yak carpet weaving forum looking for validation?

How is this relationship improving your life? You're with someone who instead of looking for a JOB is wasting time on writing tweets. It doesn't matter if those tweets are liberal or conservative. If your gf was an unemployed avid Trump supporter tweeting about SJW insanity you should approach the situation in the same manner. Someone who wastes time getting upset at other morons online regarding bullshit that has minimal impact at most on one's own life is, quite frankly, a person who you should not be involved in. Don't hang out with losers.

It's absurd how many people have suddenly made their life all about their political affiliation. Seriously. Who gives a fuck? What do you actually want to do with your time? Fuck chasing anything on tinder. Fuck tinder, period. The only person you should be investing in is yourself.

Wash your bowl, clean your room, etc. You have a lot of work to do.

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Oh wow, more Jow Forums bait!

Break up with her.


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>You're with someone who instead of looking for a JOB is wasting time on writing tweets. It doesn't matter if those tweets are liberal or conservative. If your gf was an unemployed avid Trump supporter tweeting about SJW insanity you should approach the situation in the same manner. Someone who wastes time getting upset at other morons online regarding bullshit that has minimal impact at most on one's own life is, quite frankly, a person who you should not be involved in. Don't hang out with losers.

By the same Jordan Peterson logic, why are we judging a woman by a man's standards? An unemployed woman is not the same as an unemployed man, you know this.

Did all those miserable career women memes suddenly go out the window?

If you can't convince her of your truth, the problem is you have weak arguments or you don't understand what point you actually need to be proving.
For example, to convince her that racism is just and fair, you must remove her compassion for the victims. To do that, you must prove that the dark-skinned races are actually animals, and your proof must satisfy reasonable doubt (circumstantial evidence or weak correlations won't be enough).
If you find yourself unable to furnish this proof, consider the possibility that your beliefs are not rooted in logic.

Attached: facts_are_leftist.png (742x748, 63K)

I'm not one to defend feminists and I think that a girl being a feminist is a HUGE red flag. But desu you sound like you're probably a racist retard and maybe you should be alone. A white person advocating in behalf of other races is not a bad thing nor is it wrong to support LGBT rights

People on the (far) left does not have empathy, at least not political empathy, so it is not worth engaging with them.
If you really want to convert her, don't just say "ok" when she spouts her hateful ideology.
Learn her language and use it to build a bridge for her to cross.
You have to use her point of view, because she probably can't empathize with others the same way normal humans do.
Once you have given her some reasons to question why she believes the things she believe, you can start pulling her to the center.
Turning her into a classical liberal is not an easy task, it can take a long time, and if she feels opposition, she will reject the new ideas.

>A white person advocating in behalf of other races is not a bad thing nor is it wrong to support LGBT rights


jesus christ

Your gf sounds like a cunt but it also sounds like she's exactly what you deserve


Fuck u

I’d say the only thing worse than a feminazi is a chantard who dates women he despises.

>shake a woman's foundation to her core

give me a fucking break. SJWs are fucking annoying. So is the alt right. It have everything to do with them.


Of course going through the thread op doesn't sound like much of a keeper either

>gf is an insufferable hypocritical twat who goes around creating resentment towards the people she "defends" and won't shut the fuck up
>"Ummm no sweetie. Politics are just an excuse. What you really want is to oppress her and you are angry because you are a tiny man. She is in the right and you are wrong."



OP never said that not being able to change a woman was his greatest fear and this is just one large masturbatory prescription. Of course retards here think that this is some sort of "burn", though, because it is lengthy and wordy and stingy enough to provide the illusion of some sort of detailed system of intellect. "Let's be honest" here, most men cannot stand dating SJWs or dealing with the SJW in women because at it's core it's a reflection of the worst negative feminine expression and is a moral platform from which there are only 'heroes' and 'villains', and if you do not fall into their camp, you have to prepare to be shamed endlessly for not falling in line with their brainwashed bullshit. Luckily, most women drop that shit because they will wrap themselves up into relationships and that is enough for them. If they don't, it's a red flag.

but we all know the things she's defending are likely not even actual racism, it's probably some mundane subjective shit that's only racist if you want it to be, like how many black people are in a sitcom or why some character who is Asian who is also smart is mocking every single Asian in america.

Not really based. Every stupid faggot who thinks they “destr0y libtard epic win style with superior logic” is basically like an SJW but probably stupider due to being a high school dropout. that poster has a very good point in that people like OP should concern themselves with things that matter instead of trolling around the internet to talk about basically nothing.

OP’s gf must be a piece of shit if she’s willing to date him.

Or she's a piece of shit and that's why she settles for him, but to each their own obvious political biases.

One of the finest events of my life was that my first gf was the one who 'redpilled' me. It was pre Jow Forums, too. What a gal. She dumped me for assaulting someone though.

This has nothing to do with your problem, but reading about it just gave me nostalgia for my girl who was totally opposite to yours. A 30 year old boomer reminiscing, sorry.

>OP never said that not being able to change a woman was his greatest fear and this is just one large masturbatory prescription
OP expressed that he was deeply insecure about it. He also expressed that he's extremely jealous of men who are able to "convert" their girlfriends.

>Of course retards here think that this is some sort of "burn", though, because it is lengthy and wordy and stingy enough to provide the illusion of some sort of detailed system of intellect
If "its too length and wordy" is the best argument you have against this post then I suggest you just stop posting right now and retreat back under whatever pseudo-intellectual rock you crawled out of

> "Let's be honest" here, most men cannot stand dating SJWs or dealing with the SJW in women because at it's core it's a reflection of the worst negative feminine expression and is a moral platform from which there are only 'heroes' and 'villains'
An SJW is not a person. SJW's are another one of Jow Forums's one-dimensional, overly simplified amalgamations of talking points and ideals that they find themselves at odds with. Its a buzzword. An SJW is not a species of Pokemon. All varieties of people believe all varieties of things and your attempts to so broadly generalize large groups of people based on a couple poorly constructed strawmen just for the sake of dismissing them wholesale just illustrates your deep ignorance, bias and unwillingness to understand nuance.

>OP expressed that he was deeply insecure about it. He also expressed that he's extremely jealous of men who are able to "convert" their girlfriends.
Deep insecurity doesn't mean "greatest insecurity", and it's an earnest and fair insecurity to have because most men honestly do calm their women down if they needed to be just by being in a relationship with them. He should work on confidence.

>If "its too length and wordy" is the best argument you have against this post then I suggest you just stop posting right now and retreat back under whatever pseudo-intellectual rock you crawled out of
Lengthy and wordy go hand in hand to form pseudo-intellectualism. It's obvious when somebody (you) is trying hard to flex and they aren't using words accurately or in a context that necessitates their usage. Sorry if that embarrasses you.
>An SJW is not a person. SJW's are another one of Jow Forums's one-dimensional, overly simplified amalgamations of talking points and ideals that they find themselves at odds with.
The only thing I can say to this is that you should try going to a university. There is a diversity of people there, of course, but the SJW is a very prominent stereotype and subject of public fixation because it is a real phenomenon. The craze is not even on the level of the 2000s Westboro Baptist Church or your Church of Scientology, the discussion is much bigger than that for a reason - it's not your "Jow Forums" stereotype, however you decided to compartmentalize that.

>blah blah blah im not biased but you are and its because you dont understand nuance or the complexity or the true individualism of people!!
It's the opposite. These people regularly caricature themselves and share very little nuance or difference from others and are as a result very predictable but nonetheless troubling if you give even a semblance of a fuck.

>Deep insecurity doesn't mean "greatest insecurity"
Now you're just playing semantics.

>it's an earnest and fair insecurity to have
Being deeply insecure about not being able to force your partner to abandon all of their values and ideals to adopt all of yours instead is not an earnest or fair insecurity. Its deep dysfunction.

>Lengthy and wordy go hand in hand to form pseudo-intellectualism.
No it isn't. You're a moron of the highest caliber if you genuinely think that "Your response was length and wordy" is a legitimate criticism. If you don't actually have a rational response as to why exactly the post was incorrect or inaccurate then, ostensibly, you have nothing of worth to say.

>The only thing I can say to this is that you should try going to a university.
Using the characteristics of a few groups of people to wholesale dismiss the opinions of anybody and everybody who you deem fits that stereotype is and always will be deeply ignorant. You seem very eager and willing to invalidate people based on your generalizations of them as opposed to the actual content of their specific words and actions. There is no universe that exists in which using broad stereotypes to dismiss the values of a person you know nothing about makes you anything less than a complete moron.

>These people regularly caricature themselves and share very little nuance or difference from others and are as a result very predictable
Another useless generalization based on nothing more than your anecdotal musings about large populations of people you've never met or spoken to. Its sad because the only thing worse than regular ignorance is willful ignorance and you seem to be full of it. Its also sad because you display the exact same kind of one-dimensional thinking and baseless generalizations that you accuse "SJWs" of perpetuating. Also, if "Your post was too long" is going to be your argument for why I'm incorrect then don't bother posting.

chill the fuck out

the scenario in the OP is probably just made up so these ”people” can argue about nothing for the thousandth time this year.

>Now you're just playing semantics.
If I said I had a strong preference for eating ice cream, does that mean ice cream is my favorite food? No. It matters in the sense that you are very willing to exaggerate and that should be kept in check and noticed.

>Its deep dysfunction
Women don't have strong values to begin with so I can't really care to entertain this display of virginity right here. Not only that, but SJW tumblr shit is 50% white noise 50% superficiality, so it's really not all about that anyway. If you are weaker, you will be insecure of being weaker because you do not fulfill those standards you would hope to hold yourself to and cannot match up to others. It's a problem insofar as it is something that you should solve, and that's what he should do.

>No it isn't. You're a moron of the highest caliber if you genuinely think that "Your response was length and wordy" is a legitimate criticism.
Lengthy and wordy are hallmarks of pseudo-intellectualism. It wasn't a critique of the "points" of your post, because you had no points to really begin with. Don't get it confused. I just criticized the transparency of your post.
>blah blah blah more shit you could sum up in two sentences but I will stretch it out because the more I talk around something the less I have to think
Saying "SJWs" don't exist and is a baseless caricature isn't the same as the criticism of prejudging things forwardly without any information and not being a close observer. These are not things I have ever said I opposed.
> using broad stereotypes to dismiss the values of a person you know nothing about makes you anything less than a complete moron.
Sort of like how you did with OP, and how you already assume he knows "nothing" about his girlfriend (???) and that you know more for.. what exactly? This is a dumb line of argument.

>If I said I had a strong preference for eating ice cream, does that mean ice cream is my favorite food?
You knew exactly what I meant but now you're playing stupid to pretend like what I said doesn't make sense.

>Women don't have strong values to begin with
I didn't read the rest of your post. Opinion discarded. Nobody who makes such shitty, baseless generalizations deserves to be taken seriously.

>Another useless generalization based on nothing more than your anecdotal musings about large populations of people you've never met or spoken to. Its sad because the only thing worse than regular ignorance is willful ignorance and you seem to be full of it. Its also sad because you display the exact same kind of one-dimensional thinking and baseless generalizations that you accuse "SJWs" of perpetuating. Also, if "Your post was too long" is going to be your argument for why I'm incorrect then don't bother posting.
I think my assertion of "yeah, this is at the very least a significant phenomenon based on x, y and z" is a whole lot more fair than something along the lines of "they don't exist because everyone is an individual", but I guess this might be a nuance that is a little too hard for you to understand unless you put a whole paragraph into writing platitudes which are off-base and obviously aren't addressing what is in contention.

You really don't understand things as much as you think you do and it's funny how you throw up obstacles in order to further your own delusion. I'm glad you decided not to waste my time.


>My gf is a loud opinionated SJW who speaks and tweets incessantly
Dump her. You two are not a good match just from this sentence.