What happened to our hero?

Is he still alive or has he (((committed suicide)))???
Is this thing updated regularly and is it worth the price?
If it is I feel almost obligated to pay and keep the cause alive. Hes easily the most redpilled comedian out there, which clearly threatened the great noses.

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seemed like he just got his hopes up with the show. then when he predictably lost it, got super emotional. gotta learn to ride the tiger. not saying i would do any better.

he's barely made a blip after losing his show. he put faith in THEIR system, and he learned the hard way. he blames it on individuals (gelman and heidecker) but really as long as you play in Their domain it will always pan out the same

i think part of it is this problem a lotnof east coasters have. they seem to have a lot of faith in (((the system)))

he uses his twitter regularly. He has a bunch of stuff in the works for hydewars and his new show haPPY WORLD DA DEE

*waits for the obsessed tranny*

fuck off sam

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He did tell us that was the only way to say that new show's name...

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Whats his twitter? i assumed they were all nuked

kek why are people surprised? the evidence is in his videos, he's a complete sociopath and a parasite

still love the videos tho sam, just stay away from my wifes son!

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Sammy fucked this pristine jewess up the ass in the tender age of 14.

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I agree pretty thoroughly
Dick masterson had a similar conclusion with the whole Sargon thing
Sometimes you need to appease the (((masters))) to have any modicum of success. It doesnt even matter if Tim agrees with the agenda, he just knows hes paid handsomely to push it. You cant start with the big pills. Or if you do, you need to be prepared.

Sam made enough money off bitcoin that he's become a lazy fuck that gladly gives the middle finger to his fans.
Unfortunately he didn't make quit enough to tell them all to fuck off forever which is why he strings his paypigs along with empty promises to the tune of like 15k a month.
Guy's a complete kike.

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Big Ol' sammy boy is just on patreon guys ready to send you whatever type of media you want whether that be vidoes, paperback or whatever. Just send him money on patreon you will see some "exclusive content"(hyde fucking this sweet thing). Anyway his content is still orginal and better than every. Send that guap!


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its been more than a month and still nothing, at least Charls can't contain his autism and streams constantly

is this true or just memeing?
also go to bed yanis

Ofc it's true you newfag.

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Summary: Sam Hyde is a sociopathic, hypocritical kike that jews his fans/employees/friends. He's also bisexual and has an anal fetish and spends his time grooming his teen fans for sex.

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I don't support him because he's extremely jewish
>comes out with a video specifically for jewtube views
>creates panic
>delves in SOME of it, but decides to tip-toe around just out right naming the JEWS at AS
>fucks, and grooms children
>fucks trannies
>has been reduced to becoming a t-shirt salesmen/comedian
>never went near fully exposing the jew, because he himself is a jew, and there's only so much he can say before more shit like the Marky/Tranny incidents pop up
Sam just wants your money, and for you to prop his fat opportunistic ass up.
