Am I going through Hair thinning / Loss?

I'm a guy. 29 years old. Over the past week or so I've noticed this small spot where my hair looks different. Like some is missing. Now I have long hair (I've been looking into cutting it short for quite some time, just deciding what to do with it). So because of this, I tie my hair up in a ponytail when I go to work every day, as I'm in the business world and need to look professional.

Now I feel like I'm not delusional here. Its definitely different/thinner at the spot circled. But maybe I'm overreacting and I just pulled to hard, or brushed to hard and pulled some hair out in a noticeable spot and it'll grow back. I've never been too careful when brushing my hair actually.
Is there anything I should do to prevent continued loss, or restore hair just in case its not a temporary thing? I haven't noticed this at any other spot on my head.

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>Is there anything I should do to prevent continued loss, or restore hair just in case its not a temporary thing? I haven't noticed this at any other spot on my head.

You can try growing out you facial hair and shaving it.

>You can try growing out you facial hair and shaving it.
This is probably just a joke thats just going right over my head.

I hate facial hair, though I can grow a really solid beard in less than 2 weeks if I wanted.

Ponytails will help recede hairlines in both men and women especially if you're pulling it super tight. Cut your fuckin hair.

yup looks like it's receding a little. I got the same thing, it's just cause of age man. For some people it will get a lot worse and/or go fully bald. For others it will only recede a little bit each year and you'll still have passable hair when you're older.

check out minoxidil. it can sometimes help.

Yeah, I plan to cut it soon. Probably sooner now. I'm just indecisive and having had long hair for so long I'm not sure what would really look good on me desu.
I do pull tightly, so I guess I should quit that. I don't think that would be permanent though yeah?

Honestly the only person I've seen go bald in my family was my grandpa on my moms side. My uncle on my moms side has a full head (though somewhat thinned) at 65 now, and my dad still has his hair as well. So I dont think it really runs in my family, though that could just be optimism.
Its never something I've noticed until VERY recently. I'll look into Minoxidil though if it doesn't improve or if it worsens in a few weeks time.

Also just looked up Minoxidil thats for high blood pressure. Does that cause hair loss sometimes?
I've been told mine is a little high when I've gone to the doctors before. I don't eat too well, so maybe thats the cause.

>This is probably just a joke thats just going right over my head.
Meh. You dont really have to grow a beard, but it helps tremendously to get ripped. It's what I did, and now the hoes flock to me like flies to a bbq.

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I dont think I'd rock bald well overall. Im a shorter guy around 5'7".
I would def need to work out more to make it look decent. That said Its not like my hairs falling out in clumps. Its literally a tiny spot in the left side of my head as circled that I noticed.

It also is a little sore there so im not sure if pulled it out by accident, have a pimple/infection that made it fall out, or if its actual thinning, though I am hella self-concious about it. Especially having lived my whole life receiving compliments on my hair.

It doesn't really look that different to me to be honest.

Go to a professional and ask what short haircut would best suit your face. They usually know what's up.

stop parting it there
dont put your hair in a tight ponytail

I'll try to do it looser at work till I cut it. Not sure where else I would part it though.

How insecure are you???


>Bald is a choice

>Balding is pathetic

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no one on here is old enough to tell you that exceedingly few men retain their juvenile hairlines throughout their life

except for the retards who tell people to shave off all the hair on their head, but they wouldn't know anyway because they are retards

Oh yeah, it's definitely receiding a little bit.

I'm 26 and I got a similar pattern. I don't think I'm going bald anytime soon, but I definitely have less hair than I did when I was 20.

It's not a bad look. From my experience, girls don't really mind too much.

Oh, and cutting your hair short definitely helps. Receiding hairline and long hair looks really weird in my opinion (had long hair also, cut it shorter now).

Yeah, even if you don't go bald your hairline is going to recede no matter what. 26 here and my hairline has definitely moved. Make your peace with it now.

About my hair, fairly insecure.

You're right. But its a much easier choice for taller, more built men.

The only thing while I do plan to cut it, I honestly don't know if its fully receding yet or not. Just due to the way its a small circle of what equates to about 10 hairs.
But yeah, I'll definitely be trying to figure out how to cut my hair soon.

It's normal to lose some hair at that age in that area. I'm 30 and recently I notice more or less the same as you. Asked my friends (the ones not bald yet) and most of them said it happened the same to them. Some of them sooner than the others. Yep you're getting old my friend.

>Asked my friends (the ones not bald yet)
Probably another factor.
I don't have any friends who have gone bald yet, and only one who even looks like hes started to. Adding doubly to my self-conscious attitude about it I suppose, especially given that it could literally be nothing at all.

Google "mature hairline". Most men will lose like 1-3 cm of hair on the front in their 20s. Take a look at Johnny Depp to get a picture.

And you can lose hair because of pulling it to tight in a ponytail too.

I'm 29 and that looks like my hairline. I'm not worried about it because shorter hair is more comfy.

definitely receding
minoxidil is Rogaine, it is a foam you rub into the scalp to treat hair loss at the apex of your head
finasteride is for receding hair line, it is a pill that you take daily. you can't drink for like 12 hours after trading it or the effect is nullified and you get prostate cancer. some people get bonnet trouble from it, I did a little at first but it went away within 2 days.

Both have worked very well for me. My apex bald spot has completely disappeared and my hairline had stopped receding and thickened a bit.

Minoxidil is otc, finasteride you need to see a dermatologist for a script. It isn't covered by insurance, but it isn't expensive. I get it for like $30 for a three month supply. You'll also need an annual blood test to see if it is causing liver damage. Just don't drink until dark and you'll be fine.

pc related, me in March

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me in September

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