It's time to #sitdown to toxic masculinity

It's time to #sitdown to toxic masculinity.

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i pee sitting down when i have to also poop.

Biology still isn't subjective

Cool it with the hate speech.

Either piss sitting down or in a urinal. For some reason I piss really forcefully and I can't slow it down.

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>fags refuse to defined toxic masculinity
>keep pressing the question
>they finally define it as niggers
>implying anyone thinks you are maculine

>I can't stand for more than a minute without my legs hurting, I'm terrified of being criticized by a woman, and I have the stream control of a toddler

Peeing sitting down only allowed when you are too shitfaced to stand.

>pee sitting down, it's easiler and more comfortable
No it isn't. You need to basically hold your dick downward the entire time otherwise you risk piss going between the seat and the porcelain, or the piss bouncing off of the porcelain and soaking your nutsack or shirt or whatever.
Additionally, if you have a big dick like me, you need to deliberately position it to not contact the porcelain. If you pee sitting down in a public toilet you're asking for penile ebolaids.

Why design it with a seat that can be lifted then? Also peeing standing up is more comfortable

Fuck off reddit fag

Are you me?

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i pee sitting down in my own home for reasons 1 and 3. reason 2 is a terrible reason. i do nothing for women.

Peeing sitting down is fine. I spray all over the place and this makes sure I don't make a huge mess

Just having your dick touch the rim is reason enough to never do it

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Found the fat dicklet
t. fat dicklet

Thank you for reminding me why I don't go to Reddit anymore.

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Yeah, it's unsettling even in dinner-plate clean porcelain.

Wtf you found me out :D

Pee standing up when in a hurry
Pee sitting down when taking my time or there is somebody else in the bathroom

I think everyone does this. If you have to shit and you start pissing, you're taking a real gamble.

Been there done that. Once I was blackout drunk and I saw three separate toilets, I tried to sit down on the middle one and ended up falling in between the toilet and the sink.


I unironically agree but with the caveat that I have bladder issues that tend to make me trickle a lot so sitting down is just cleaner and easier. Fuck cunts and fuck the toilet seat bullshit. If anything I put it back up when I'm done just to be a dick. I agree with user above. I do nothing for women except try to make their lives more difficult each day.

This is a slide thread

you're a fucking DISGRACE

Who else /efficient/ jerking off while they poop?

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but once I thought I'd appear "alpha" for not putting the seat down after pissing in my sister's apartment, but my plan backfired and her roommates thought I was an inconsiderate asshole.

You won't see any Swedish flags in this thread. Guess why.

>I do nothing for women except try to make their lives more difficult each day.
thats the spirit

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>caring what some dumbass roasties think
Yep, not alpha.

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Nah. The smell kills it. Shitting is like being in a confessional. Just do your biz and go. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that some couples are in the same bathroom while one is dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool. Wtf? Shit time is sacred and private.

The old dump'n Jack

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i have been sitting down to piss since i was like 8 because my piss stream is uncontrollable and inconsistent. it will have no pressure and just drop straight down and then after a few seconds it is like a fire hose. obviously i piss standing up at urinals or on a tree because it doesnt matter where the piss goes but with toilets its just too risky

Eat a lot of fiber then use your long sausage shit as a disposable dildo for extra prostate stimulation.

>or on a tree
sounds like Australia

2. is irrelevant since no man should ever have to "worry" about women complaining about the toilet seat.

Hey, if I really have to piss and I only have to shit a little bit I'll risk it. But if I'm running to the toilet and I don't know what's coming first, I'm playing it safe.

Gonna have to agree here. A true alpha would piss with seat down and all over it. The cri de couer of a woman sitting in cold piss warms my black heart.

They are peeing?

Probably because it's like 430am in Sweden?

>not standing on the toilet with the seat up letting your turds fall into the bowl while you point your dick straight down
What a beta

based and redpilled

I know. I was stupid and ignorant. I overanalyzed every single decision to try to appear alpha.

thats the most common time to pee in Sweden, look it up

Pretty sure pissing sitting down isnt the problem, its having the urge for some reason to make an attention seeking post about it.

I've been pissing sitting down ever since my stoner days. Instead of pissing everywhere and having to clean up, which really harshes your mellows, it's easier to just sit down. Plus, it's handy if I ever change my mind and have to take a shit.

Easy on the lad fellas. Who among us can say we haven't entered the shitter to only take a leak and suddenly you find your self way more involved than you thought?

I sit down to pee it feels nice to sit on the toilet plus I don’t have to aim

I pee sitting down, but put the seat up when I'm done. I also go into the women's bathrooms just to put all the seats up.


you obviously play on console

The only time I'll pee not standing is when my bladder releases with death.

Isn't this what chinks do? The squat and spray? Kidding aside, propping your feet on a small box or footrest whilst dumping is based. The western way of shitting with both feet on the floor leads to anal fissures, which you do not want. Trust me. Prop those feet up if you're ever dropping heavy or straining from a long bungup. You'll thank me.

>Cuck NPC friend starts talking about sitting to pee
>Other cuck friends nod as he lists the benefits
>friends all agree and turn toward silent me
>no time for style points
>quickly run lyfehackAgreePraise.cmd
I wish I had real frens.

dude must have a tiny cock, also what kind of animal pisses everywhere and leaves it for his mum to clean up?

Also if you have to piss hard your urine splashes back or reflects onto the back side of the toilet seat, making a mess.

Easy way to detect dickets is people that sit down to pee. I even have to stand up to take a shit other wise my johnson ends up dangling in the water.

>getting poo poo pee pee water on your balls and butt

absolutely degenerate.

1. It’s far more comfortable standing.
2. Expecting a man to put a toilet seat down for a woman is sexist. Equality means equal responsibility.
3. Aim better then cunt, it’s not rocket fucking science.

>he doesn't piss with the tip in the water
your loss

If your dick touches the rim it means you have a tiny dick that pokes straight out when you sit down. If your dick is long it just dangles down.

>never relax
In my own house I some time dont hold it be cause there is no chance for ebolaids. Puddle city.

Nah, I've got a 7.5"
I have massive testicles which prop my dick up.

This. I always laugh when i see people sitting in the public toilets

On reddit this is known as karma whoring. Basically making posts specifically to try to win reddit internet points. He got over 10,000 points for this.

Can someone explain me the thing with putting the seat up or down? I never put it up, just wipe it with toilet paper if needed.

>can confirm
the never pointing down, not about his junk I mean

>implying it doesn't touch as you sit down and it passes the rim of the toilet
>implying you never have to pee while half mast

t. City slicker
I piss outside on trees more often than I piss inside

What a gentleman.

What a pussy

>t. dog

If you don't adjust right when you sit or you have coke dick you can piss straight under the seat and out the toilet.
Pissing in the sink is easier

Sorry, I forgot burgers have no concept of sarcasm.

This isn't the kind of thing you can sugarcoat, nigel.

This frog needs guidance on the proper bathroom etiquette for a man.

> women complaining about putting the toilet seat down

I've never understood this. How is this even an issue. If I can take the time to lift the toilet seat, how can you not take the time to put it down.

If you piss sitting down your urethra will get bent and slightly blocked which won't feel as good if you were outside aiming up and letting it power out the natural way.

>it got gold AND silver
>two different people spent money
>on the internet
>to give someone an imaginary medal of zero value
>for telling guys to pee sitting down
fucking normalniggers

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What a fucking moron. I’ll put money on your correct bathroom etiquette involving getting your nappy changed whilst you finger your shitty fat arse. I’m right aren’t I? I thought so you lowlife degenerate bottom feeder. Have a lovely day.

Y-you too

how to piss for dudes:
unzip fly
grab dick
piss in cone shaped field in front of you
women that can't put the seat up yet demand to treated as even close to men are the goddamn worst

1) No, it's not. Quicker and more convenient just to go. Pulling my pants down, sitting down, pulling them back up and buckling belt is literally 1000x more difficult than unzipping my fly and just going.

2) I literally do not care what women complain about, and they don't use male bathrooms anyway so...

3) Piss that misses the toilet in no way affects me, especially if it's a public restroom. At home the amount missed is negligible, I clean the toilet once a month the way I would a stove or microwave. Pretty sure sitting down I'd still have to clean it.

Not even disagreeing with him here, it's just all his points are objectively wrong. What else ya got?

I have to agree that no-fucks-given-imma-piss-this-seat is toxic behavior, but that's not masculinity.

Fuck that. I don't like getting my dick all wet sitting down

If I can put the toilet seat up then a woman should be able to put it down
sometimes I sit down when I piss though but that's only when I'm on the job and I've been on my feet a long time or climbing towers

Who else /peeoneveryseat/ in public washrooms cause you know people like OP exist?


when I'am in public washrooms I pee everywhere because I know the color of those who are going to clean it

The only time I advocate a man sitting down to pee is the fucking blind guy where I used to work who used to hose down the floor every time he would go in there.

i just piss in the shower or bath or sink.

>pointing your dick
>not letting it freely mark the territory for you

i do to but i also get a boner when i poop so i end up pissing all over myself

Guarantee he is from the UK.

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You are such fucking losers

>Not peeing standing up with you pants and underwear pulled all the way down.

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