How important is physical attraction in a relationship?

How important is physical attraction in a relationship?

Attached: plus-size-fashion-model-in-underwear-stock-photography_csp49814101.jpg (300x470, 22K)

the other 50% is money

At least half. If you aren't physically attracted to them it won't work.

Physical attraction is more closely linked to a mental attraction to most men, but the instinct of most men is to go for "cute/big butt/big boob" type of girls. Why do you ask?

Depends. How important is it to you? Dudes tend to put a greater emphasis on physical attraction due to societal pressure, women less so because of societal conditioning. Either can be overcome with a strong enough connection. For initial interest? If you're looking for a stone cold open with someone and are straight up trying to date without building a friendship or something first, looks might be a lot more important. They become less important the longer you've known someone.

I've been in relationship for almost 8 years now, but lately I've been thinking I'm just really all that attracted to her, physically. I just love spending time with her because she's fun to be around.

Any time I see a picture like this I am thankful that there are hero's in this world raping and murdering the people propping up this prison. I used to feel sympathy for minorities gays and women until this nazi attempt to control every aspect of my life came about. Now I am thankful for slavery , rape, and the killing of gays.

Not all that attracted*

Do you still want to bone her? Do you enjoy spending time together? Are there kinks or other sexual things you enjoy? How important is sex in this relationship?

Find ways to get attracted to her then.
Maybe you both need to get in better shape?
Giving up on a long relationship because you are bored is not a good option.

Thanks, very cool.

Love is a chemical reaction, a business partnership, and a battery for the ego. If there was something magical about this every couple wouldn't end up either divorced or miserable and stuck together due to pressure from society. Reproduction is pointless. This is just a dumb ass game that continues because fucktard consent to it. Reproduction is just some faggot who should die cloning themselves because they are that obsessed with themselves. Science has literally figured out how to make babies without sex too, and that further prove that this entire male female game is just an alien science experiment. The human species will go extinct and a new game is being created. Have fun getting killed by a meteor you niggers!

What does the pic have to do with controlling lives?

Sort of, but I'm not sure if that's because I want to have sex with her specifically, or just because I'm horny. Absolutely. Some of the kinks are nice, but I can't help but feel I'd get it better elsewhere.

Professional shitposter ftw? Seriously, this is more effort than they usually put in...

Do you think you're just getting bored in the relationship? It sounds like you're losing interest and might be stuck in a sunk cost fallacy. Generally, if you've spent 8 years with someone, you probably know if you're attracted to them. Are there problems in your relationship other than sex?

This was my first reaction, but unfortunately she hardly ever has time to work out these days. I appreciate the second part of this though.

To be fair that's still pretty good for 8 years. Attraction can fade over time but you love her. If it wasn't really love you would have solid after 2-3 years. Just find things you find cute about her, then try to get a 24 hour period without her and she how much you think of this cute things. You'll be fine.

A few. We moved in together recently and getting used to her sleeping schedule and such has been a bit of a chore. Also I've been getting irritated by some minor habits of hers lately, but nothing too crazy.

You might be in the stage of a relationship where you need to put effort into appreciating one another. Find more fun stuff to do sexually. Find little ways to admire and appreciate her. Talk to her about your worries regarding your connection, see if she's worried too. It sounds like you guys are doing well, but the cocktail of hormones that start off with excitement of a new relationships has worn off and now love is an action, not a feeling. A choice. Yeah?

This is actually some great advice. Thanks bros

It's a major part of the initial attraction but after 2-3 years the personality, interests, and where they want to go in life start to matter more. When you're both old and your dick hasn't risen in a decade, your balls sag to your knees, and her tits sag past her dry dusty cunt you're going to wish you hadn't spent your best years with a selfish monster who either restricted or denied your pursuit of your own dreams no matter how good she looked back in the day.

extremely important in the earlier stages, gradually becomes less important as you proceed into the relationship(s) you enter

For me personally its like 10%. I don't even see people as being more or less attractive than others. It's either you are or you aren't and most women are. OPs picture for instance I would say is attractive but I wouldn't date her because of her unhealthy lifestyle. Personality and intelligence are what I am attracted to. There is a special snowflake term for what I am but I can't remember what it is.

She ain't attractive, just wearing loads of makeup

How old are you? It could be that your libido is starting to wane and you need some horny goat weed or something.

100%. Anyone who thinks it's below 99% is just in denial. Facially deformed people prove this. Midgets prove this. Women care even more than males according to new studies. Don't be fooled

>Facially deformed people prove this. Midgets prove this.

And yet these people still get relationships.

80% if you don't look forward to having sex with them you're just going to be miserable

I'll never date an ugly girl with a great personality only closeted gays and blacks do that

Not all of them. Plus it's never with physically beautiful faces. Since their options are limited to other disabled people they take what they got. But that doesn't mean looks are 99%

You'll die, and I won't. That's why we're still doing this.

I only care about personality

guy btw


But then I'll look at a girl a few leagues above, stereotypically develop a crush, we're just friends and it never amounts to anything no matter what I do.

Someone maybe slightly above...pretty face...isn't really fit but the body is okay. I stay fit tho so even if she was slightly overweight like the girl in the picture then I probably wouldn't.

It's personal preference really. It's because I exercise and place diet restrictions that I would like my potential partner to share the same trait. It's not really a physical attraction, more on does this person fit with my lifestyle.

The answer to this could vary from 0%-100% depending on who you ask. Probably averages between 40% and 60%, most people want a partner they're attracted to physically who's also compatible with them emotionally.

If you're asking us all individually, I'd say about 50% for me. I'm 19 and very horny so of course I'm going to daydream about physically cute women. That being said, when I think about an ideal long-term partner, I think of the cute stuff we'd do together, and our hypothetical emotional connection, as much as I think about groping a titty while she's sat on my dick.

Maybe there's less horny-ness involved for women, femanons weigh in please.