Theres so many women in the world. Every woman has her looks, story, theme and life that is unique...

Theres so many women in the world. Every woman has her looks, story, theme and life that is unique. I want to be in a - monogamy - relationship. How do I choose one when theres so many others?

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>implying even a single woman is interested in you

Traditionally your parents would have been friends and you would have known her since you were children so that you've established an unbreakable bond by the time you marry at age 16. These days you simply fuck everyone until the one you liked the most comes back to you at age 40 with half-black kids and expects you to raise them.

How hard does she make your penis and will she continue to make it hard in ten years

based und redgepillt

I go by the fact that only one woman would actually care to love me.

what does that even mean?

first thing, it should be a mutual pick, which lowers your options and second, there could always be someone better, the secret of a good relationship is staying faithful regardless

This question isn't about women but decisions in general.

go poly

My parents didn't meet when they were children and then married at 16.
Neither did my grandparents.
My grandparents were closer; they met when my grandfather was 18, and married when he was 19 because my grandmother got pregnant. That specific story would not have happened today as most women would just yell "feminism lol" and murder the child without telling their parents.

As for fucking around until you are 40, that is partly on you.
You chose to be a cuck when you kept failing every relationship until there are nobody left but the single moms.

>whines about abortions when 99.99% of men would bail ASAP on a random pregnant woman

you know, if you catholic shits would at least take over raising unwanted offspring, but all you do is moan about it and try to guilt-trip others into doing your job

you want babies? care and pay for them

>there's so many delicious foods at this buffet and I have the opportunity to taste them all

>Which food should I pick to the exclusion of all others

I am not even religious. I just don't think it is a good thing to kill children just because they are inconvenient.
I would love to have children and I have never had a gf I wouldn't want to stay with if there was a child involved.

>literally end your career and cause you to live in poverty
>"lulz they are just a lil inconvenient"

i hope you end up a single father for this oh so magical experience, no homo

I don't live in a country with a lot of poor people.

I don't care if other women get them, but I would never ever want it for myself, I couldn't live with the guilt of murdering a child

I'd have no problem with it. But I don't get attached to something unwanted anyway.

>Except everyone else at buffet too and you all eat food with unwashed hands at buffet

>Mfw there's a homeless guy putting his dick in the mashed potatoes

why not just make extramarital sex crime and take it seriously?

Because there aren't enough cops to cover that level of piss baby whining, and we're already trying to convince them weed charges are useless.

Cops already have enough excuse to avoid tending to actual crimes with actual victims, you braindead Puritan.

you sound like a tumblr feminist
I look forward to Islam considering the Earth

yes, islam must consider the earth lmao

I think about this all time. Never thought I'd have existential anxiety over marriage.

Orrrr or, hear me out. You stay a virgin way into your 20s. And develope inferiority complexes with a dash of depression. Dont forget the total lack of intimacy which starts to hurt in a way of constant coldness.

>Tfw this is kinda me

I mean, i'm just a late bloomer and wasn't interested in sex until somewhat recently, but it rings true.

It gets worse. Believe me. Im socially, romantically and financially at rock bottom. Having lost my "gf" or whatever we had hit me hard. The craving to feel love get harsh once you had a taste of it.