Mom stops cooking altogether last year

>mom stops cooking altogether last year
>can't flip an egg without breaking yolks, can't flip anything in a pan without using too much force and sliding it out
>can't tell when any meat is done
>have been eating pic related and microwave meals for dinner for 6 months now
How the FUCK do I stop this shit? I feel like I'm fucking dying every damn day now.

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Try cooking again. I've been making rice for a few years now and I never get it right. But that doesn't stop me from trying.

Cook the food yourself

Tell that bitch to get back in the kitchen

Based mom forcing his neet son to face reality

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OP ffs, It's not rocket science mate.
Be a fucking man and help your mother out, maybe even cook her meals??.
If 2 pieces of bread slapped together is your best efforts then i'm sorry to say, you're a complete nitwit

lmao wtf
How can people not be able to cook? Are you children? How old are you guys?

I can't even use a frying pan. Everyone else is born with this knowledge.

It's heat on medium. Oil or butter the pan for some things, although if you butter for everything at first to figure, it won't kill you. Always it is medium unless otherwise specified.

If you have access to the internet, you can learn how to cook basic meals.

All you need for pasta is a pot, a strainer, a heat source, salt, and some water.

Make your own goddamn meals, eye-haver!

You don't really think that right? My mother stopped cooking because she accepted that I've surpassed her skill. I got that way by being the kitchen hand since I was able to reach the counter.

Are you oiling the pan? That's probably where you're going wrong. It will stick if you don't. Heat the pan up then use like a tablespoon and a half of olive oil or canola oil, or rub a stick of butter on your heated cooking surface and the right ammount will melt onto it. Then put whatever you're cooking in the pan and let it sizzle and keep flipping it/stirring it so the same surface doesn't stay on the pan too long and burn, until you've browned the food to your liking, obvuously seasoning it along the way. It's that simple

It's a matter of practice, though having the right utensils is helpful.

Flipping eggs is best done with a fish slice, one at a time (i.e., don't crack several eggs so they join up and expect to flip both of them at the same time).
Pan shouldn't be too hot. There should be enough fat in the pan, but not too much.
If you really are having trouble try making eggs en cocottes (basically, crack the eggs into buttered ramekins and bake them in the oven). It's a much easier way of making poached eggs, which are frankly MUCH better than fried eggs.

With meat doneness, while you periodically see some chefs using a "rule of thumb" where they compare the firmness of the meat to the firmness of their thenar eminence (the thick part of the hand where the thumb attaches), the best way to figure meat doneness is with an instant-read thermometer, preferably a digital one. The levels of doneness are:
>120ºF very rare
>125ºF rare
>135ºF medium-rare
>145ºF medium
>150ºF medium-well
>160ºF well-done
Understand that different parts of a solid cut of meat or steak may cook at different rates. For instance, on a porterhouse/t-bone, the filet portion cooks much faster than the strip portion. It requires a lot of practice to get the same level of doneness on both sides of a porterhouse/t-bone steak.

As to flipping things in the pan and them sliding out, I suspect you're trying to do that thing where you just flip shit without a utensil. Nobody normal does this. A few show-off chefs popularized this. There is no form of cooking that actually requires or is enhanced by that kind of flipping. Just use a spatula, tongs, or a couple of forks, whatever is appropriate.

I save my bacon fat and will use that sometimes.

Boil or bake your food.

Jesus, if you can learn how to use Jow Forums you can learn how to cook a fucking egg

Same if you'veb played video games, or even done basic ass primary school

It is nobmore cognitively difficult than those things

If you're here, you're almost certainly

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You can literally google every single aspect of cooking, step by step.

>How to use a knife
>How to boil water
>How to clean vegetables
>how to heat up a pan
>How to

There’s a YouTube video on basically every single step you need to know, and all you gotta do is just copy what they’re doing.

Hell, I remember the first time I ever cooked, I was maybe 19 or 20, was watching Hell’s Kitchen and wondered wtf a “risotto” was that Gordon Ramsey would always scream about, so I got bored, spent like 20 minutes watching an episode of Good Eats where Alton Brown makes one, then just went out to buy all the shit I needed to make one, then spent like 2 hours watching step by step videos on all of the stuff above and just copied what Alton Brown did in the risotto episode.

A couple hours later (risotto takes a long fucking time to make) I was sitting down eating a fucking delicious meal. Risotto is still one of my favorite foods to eat when I make it (I’ve since had risotto in a few restaurants and the majority of the time it makes me kind of sad when compared to even the first time I made it—mostly because in restaurants they’re just trying to bang shit out as fast as possible so they use shortcuts)

If you really want to do this shit, it’s not that hard man,


not him, but pig fat is the best for cooking heathly

>parent of a child who can't cook
Not likely.

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>Everyone else is born with this knowledge.
Oh Jesus you self loathing cock sucker. Most people suck when they first start cooking. Shit I remember when I was 17 I burn a peice of bologna so bad the fire department called our house. Now I have my own recipes for beef stew, chili and some DAMN fine meat balls. About to learn how to make a good potatoe soup.

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You made me feel a little bit better about myself
T. NEET who can cook well enough (but doesn't)