If Trey fell on hard times and became homeless, would you let him stay with you?
If Trey fell on hard times and became homeless, would you let him stay with you?
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as long as he didn't get too rowdy
Trey Trey can stay with me. We can be like the Odd Couple.
Yes, then chain him up and ransom him. Seems like a good enough way to go out.
Rowdy-Gowdy goes hard! but that's understandable.
You heartless bastard... Hope you dream of sad Treys
Only if he gets to be my own personal sex slave
Can't wait until we hit critical mass of importing muslims and violent non whites and they decide its safe to throw all of you diseased mentally ill graveyards for rotten cum off of every rooftop.
they hate jews, and they hate faggots.
and you all just keep saying welcome refugees.
Just a few more years and every single one of you will be publically executed.
all this sickness will be removed from society one way or the other, and soon.
homosexuals reproduce through pedophilia and child molestation, and everyone is at their limit with the indoctrination and mutilation of the kids.
you are a symptom of the larger problem.
Had a few drinkies tonight?
no I always hate people that demand I tolerate, then accept, then reward, then celebrate them for their mental illness and sex perversions.
I hate people that demand to be married in churches, where the god of that religion turned entire cities to fucking molten salt for the exact same disease spreading filth and degenerate behavior they want celebrated in his name.
I don't care what people want to fuck behind closed doors, but PARADES for sucking the shit off some nigger's dick, and involving kids in them?
come on. you all need to be put down.
all this 'progess' is fake and temporary, almost at an end as a matter of fact.
your victim complexes will no longer bring you safety and wealth, there will be no where to flee.
everyone see's the gay agenda as just another step towards our 'fall of rome'
>first faggots
>then animals
>then children
>then dead bodies
you are all super sick in the head, the final product of generations of ideological subversion.
sterilization just won't be enough to undo the damage now.
You are likely to killyourself or be murdered by a faggot lover before the times comes, so just know when I look into their stupified unbelieving faces I will be thinking of you.
and most of the world is just like me.
we never wanted this. you all did it to yourselves.
if he doesnt get butthurt about the weed smoke sure but he was a prosecutor so idk
No. He says stuff that looks good for cameras but when it comes to results, he's fucking useless. All that time and effort spent on investigating Clinton, and during the presser when he could have laid out all her crimes, he said "read the report". Of course no media outlets bothered to and then it disappeared.
you need to relax lol. Seriously. You're not going to get anywhere sounding like a deranged sperg spewing the latest Jow Forums™ theories. I don't completely disagree, but you're fuckin nuts bro.
In an instant
Nice carlos
No, he looks like he deletes game save files without asking.
>rent: $0.00
They're not wrong. And you kikes always call people who know the truth, crazy.
Hell yeah
Sure why not. I've got a few questions for him.
>I am "45".
There is a reason that he is /ourguy/
Fuck God damn no, I'd make him lick my balls for a wet shirt with uh holes in it. He was a big fuckin gay mouth that did NOTHING
>spewing someone else's theories
The reason you said that is because of people like me. google my post, I didn't take parts of quotes or repeat talking points and buzzwords.
I am one of many many anons with an unpopular opinion that is quickly becoming popular.
You think I am spewing Jow Forums theories because I can actually be articulate and defend my position with evidence so blatant and overt I don't even need to post any of the PLETHORA of pictures and webm's that illustrate and confirm my comments.
I don't save any of that garbage but you know all of the dozens of examples of parade footage and pictures that I am referring to if you have been here even a week or two.
Fine... although, it'll be awkward explaining to my parents why an ex-congressman is living in their house.
He's not wrong in some aspects, but hes wrong in others. Fuck off with your absolutism. Calling people kikes because they criticize your methodology is not constructive and doesn't give any credence to your claims.
you can say that, but we just follow the patterns.
you say alot of things, but we are just looking at the board.
you believe alot of things, but we are figuring things out for ourselves. and the numbers among the new generation of young adults express this view 100 fold compared to my 80's generation
Whatever you say. If you're the originator, then it's even worse. You don't have anything to back what you're saying. Instead, you speak in absolutes, just like the other guy. I'm not asking for webms or schizoid collages of unsubstantiated screenshots. I'm asking for you to prove your point in an effective, honest, and substantive way. Not this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE bullshit. Most will look past that for several reasons. This is why optics matter but you dumbfucks don't realize that.
It's people like you who demand that influential people with rational trajectories sperg out with "1488 HITLER DINDU NUFFIN KILL ALL FAGS," when all that would do is diminish their reputation and cause a net loss.
You're not going to change anyone's mind that isn't already on that path. You can't change a trajectory with irrationality, unless you have a ton of useful idiots at your disposal.
Do you seriously think you're saying anything? You're really not.
half of you will be destroyed by your own adopted or sow brood surrogate nightmare created offspring. It's really not that unlikely that we will get to just sit back and watch the show that you have created for yourselves unfold.
they will eat you all alive for what you have done to them. they will end circumcision, do you really believe they won't make your displays of public sodomy a lynch-able offense?
we would, so they DEFINITELY will.
Would be honored
instantly. But he'd have to find work again and become the rowdiest gowdy.
dude, i know this will probably do nothing, but it's worth a shot. Get some fucking help man. I don't know you, but I care to a degree.
God spoken to Jow Forums at 177777777
And nobody covered it... except HIM!!!
LISTEN to what God said to you!
>jesus hung with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes and knuckleheads
That's EXACTLY why he came here!
He loves Jow Forums
Also... post 200000000 was another message from the Kingdom of God and was Covered LIVE by the Based one AGAIN....
YOU GOTTA see this..
The whole point is YOU have been chosen by God to be the movers and shakers in these end times...
To crush the satanists, shills, and trannys into submission to gods kingdom!!
Keep it up!
Nah he is a pussy for leaving us with (((them))). Fuck em. He gets the patio thats it.
its something you'll understand in a few years.
you are totally blind to your self and your effect on your family, society, nation, and our civilization.
but you will not be able to deny the truth with the charade of (((media))) much longer.
What I said makes total sense to anyone that is just waiting for what we know is coming.
You COULD take the hint, but you wont. You can't. You have aligned your personal identity with a combination of victim complex and extreme perversion as a legitimate handicap. Your deformity is a defect to be bred out of the population through complete removal over several generations.
You corrupt everything around yourselves and refuse to see your sickness as anything but a special status symbol deserving of total censorship of speech and special rights.
Look at what you have done to the workplace, the schools, the military. It's disgusting. It has cost us more in healthcare alone than a lunar/subantarctic colony and we DEEPLY resent you and our representatives that have been subverted for holding back true progress in the name of being 'progressive'.
I will feel your blood on my hands and explore the stars you blight on mankind. you cannot stop us, we have come back from far worse.
the fact that you slowed us down at our weakest point will never be forgotten.
there will be no faggots in space.
consider that the final nail in the burning coffin that is this thread.
Well, there could be a TON of faggots in space. What if every major civilization was just filled with faggots? Like we get out there and turns out all the most powerful civs are these giant faggots who like probing anuses? You just wouldn't be able to compete against such a massive collection of faggots.
what are they gonna do, be incapable of breeding at me?
you can't cough aids clouds at people in space.
>Calling people kikes because they criticize your methodology is not constructive and doesn't give any credence to your claims
Literally the most kikingingest fucking thing Ive read today, and I spent most of the day on pol
one day, not so far from now, my people will realize that if they all clean house on the same day, none of us are going to press charges or imprison eachother. it would take ONE DAY.
tell me that is not the truth, if we were able to coordinate outside of (((their media network)))
They put you in gay conversion therapy camps where they concentrate probes on your anus until sufficiently dilated and the scarring turns the pain into pleasure.
>faggot fan fics
honestly why would you type this out?
I would pay Trey to be my life coach, free lodging and food included.
Yes, most definitely.
>would you let him stay with you?
No. Anyone with a R or D next to their name can rot in Hell.
>it's OK trey
>your luck will turn about
yes but hed have to take out the trash, do the dishes and be quiet after 8 PM
you're a literal brainlet NPC lmao. nothing you say is of any substance. I feel bad for you. Do you even have internal monologue? Doubt it
this is the last fucking time i try to reason with a shizzyboy. best of wishes, genuinely. consider it a lesson learned.
ITS FUCKING YOU. you're the one faggot posting this webm huh. what can i say, the schizoid posts attract me
Yeah I'd let him crash on my couch. Seems like a good guy.
How star fleet of you
Only if he could name one thing he accomplished in his time in congress.