Mass Immigration is *the* weapon of the 21st century, and western commanders are too behind the times to recognize this...

Mass Immigration is *the* weapon of the 21st century, and western commanders are too behind the times to recognize this, too slow to adapt. Convince me otherwise. It has the same goals, ambitions, and outcomes of traditional warfare. Ghengis Khan and every other army of yesteryear was seeking better resources and opportunities for their people. While the tactics have changes, from swords to begging, the underlying principle is the same: we want your resources, we want more of us and less of you. They come without arms but make no mistake they are still the enemy.

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It is just a matter strategy evolution. If you cannot defeat a country militarily, you find other methods. You cripple the systems (education, medicine, etc.).

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I agree completely, the brown hordes realized, maybe not cognisciently but some underlying instinct determined they cant beat us militarily so they appeal to our good instinct. And we're slow to adapt so its working


It's not really a new thing, believe it or not. Plato talks about Greek tyrants pulling the same bullshit 2000+ years ago through democracies.

Wait are these Muslims or Latinos? If they’re Latinos I’m not so worried since they’re Catholic and can easily be bleached in a single generation.

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I believe the scale at which we are witnessing is an entirely new phenomenon. The Greeks had to sneak into Troy with a horse, they didn't just trod in demanding a higher quality of life and subvert from within. It's an entirely new strategy, one which our leaders our whole unprepared to counter

Fuck off "based latino" subversize.

Then that makes you the inferior ones.

Latinas are qts.

God spoken to Jow Forums at 177777777
And nobody covered it... except HIM!!!
LISTEN to what God said to you!
>jesus hung with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes and knuckleheads
That's EXACTLY why he came here!
He loves Jow Forums

Also... post 200000000 was another message from the Kingdom of God and was Covered LIVE by the Based one AGAIN....
YOU GOTTA see this..

The whole point is YOU have been chosen by God to be the movers and shakers in these end times...
To crush the satanists, shills, and trannys into submission to gods kingdom!!
Keep it up!



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>Mass immigration

lack of race based immigration systems is THE problem, not the amount of subhumans that come over

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actually I do know it. my country has the second biggest amount of illegals right after yours.

give them an inch - they'll take a mile. all nonwhites out should be the goal for all White nations and at very least communities

they didn't realize anything. who is pulling the strings?

Hispanics are the worst offenders and we're going to have a big ol' racewar over it.

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>I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

all this time that jew was right. niggers are the future.

Honduras can't plan their next breakfasts, and the government want to avoid images of hordes of people leaving their country.

>b-but soros

You have a single proof?

>other than Mexico

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White people are too good for this earth. We never deserved the future we have now

Fuck off, you are in every thread

We have to stop those down canadians from entering this country!

for real though this OP is so true and im grateful there's still a place on the internet where the truth can be discussed. Maybe these destructive changes can still be reversed.

>They come without arms but make no mistake they are still the enemy
I don't get how more don't see this.

>a nation built by Anglos, Scots, Irishmen, Dutch, Nords and Germans turned into THIS

original American system was god tier. even almost turned into eugenic utopia in the 1920s


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>I don't get how more don't see this.

everyone sees it.

some want it to happen,
some dont care,

anyone who speaks out against it is punished.

most just shake their heads in disgust... and then vote for the government making it happen.

you have no idea OP. it's the samson option.

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Western commanders are using mass immigration. Remove immigration and you have population decline, less people, less economic power and less military power. This is what they think, the system is more important than the humans.

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9/11 mastermind: Al Qaeda favors ‘immigration’ to defeat US

> The Washington Examiner reported Wednesday that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's strategy is detailed in “Enhanced Interrogation,” an upcoming book authored by CIA contractor James Mitchell.

> “[Mohammad] said the terror attacks were good, but the ‘practical’ way to defeat America was through immigration and by out-breeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message.

“They will wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia-law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened and so weary of war they would just want it to end.”

Every policymaker in the US and Europe should be familiar with this, but apparently our leaders are split between never having heard of it and fully supporting it. Some NATO countries are making it illegal to oppose the KSM war plan.

In related news, thanks to Jeff Bezos and his CIA financiers, the Washington Post is now running Al Qaeda columnists.

I can't deny you, OP. Conventional war between powers is off the table because nukes. Only subversion is feasible. The weapon of the Jew.

>slow to adapt
This has been going on for 60yrs. There will be no adaption, our leaders are bought off traitors. There is only civil war left, it's just a matter of how long until the browns collapse white societies and force the average white man out of his comfy bed for the race war.

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Yeah but that's literally Hitler and he killed 600 trillion Jews.

Jesus fucking Christ... Imagine if America had continued to accept only Euro immigrants from 1965. It would have been heaven on Earth.

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How the fuck do you think a civil war will work in nuclear armed countries?

Ironic how countries with biggest nationalist scenes/mindset in Europe were the biggest victim of National Socialist Germany: Russia(/Belarus), Czechia and Poland. At the same time most nationalist European nations also suffered a lot from the goymmunists: again Russia, again Poland, Croatia and Hungary

it's almost like you can be a racial tribalist without looking for NS, communism, socialism and other dogmatic ideologies


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>xenophobes larping

>economy collapses under own weight due to browns
>browns rape/riot
>whites fight them in the streets
Same as non-nuke countries. No one is manning the nuke silos if they aren't getting paid. People will be at home protecting their neighbourhoods.

Our "commanders" know exactly hay is going on and they are in on it.
refugees are a weapon of warfare and have a long history of being used as such.
Something anybody with a history degree or military background could tell you
it is basic game theory.
this is an excellent article on the current crisis and how migrants/refugees are being used
there are additional links included in the article.

Commanders are too dumb
Operation wet back
This has happened before

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1980 0nwards

Yes we all agree, but to what end? It seems its to erode the national, racial, cultural, and ethnic identity of a country, or of a people. The targets are all western-civilized anglo majority nations. So we are under social attack, the goal is to erase identity, to weaken the strong.
Who is doing it? To answer this, we have to consider what near-peer or ambitious rivals are PROTECTING THIER NATIONAL IDENTITIES. What countries wont allow mass immigration and the weakening of their identities?
Russia, China, Israel, Japan. Who else?

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>MASS immigration =weapon.
And what until we wielded it against the Jews. Bring somilies to Beverly Hills. They got spare bed rooms. Israel is rich country bring on the blacking.

And just wait till I get a waifu who is also copy editor. Then I'll be unstoppable.

If Israel falls, where would the Jews go? Hint: it's not nearest safe countries like Lebanon and Cyprus

we unironically have to make a pact with Ashkenazis and Sephardis in Israel and enable their cleansing of palestinians (who are not really palestianians anyway, but a bunch of larping egyptians) and ethiopians

>Mass Immigration is *the* weapon of the 21st century, and western commanders are too behind the times to recognize this, too slow to adapt. Convince me otherwise. It has the same goals, ambitions, and outcomes of traditional warfare. Ghengis Khan and every other army of yesteryear was seeking better resources and opportunities for their people. While the tactics have changes, from swords to begging, the underlying principle is the same: we want your resources, we want more of us and less of you. They come without arms but make no mistake they are still the enemy.

I agree whole-heartedly. Donate to American Renaissance today!

They didn't realise anything. They have help from (((NGOs))). Look into Haifa.

Where the jews go we will bring the blacks. No neighborhood shall be free from being blacked. They will integrate or one way or any other. Our black brothers have no problem putting half breeds into their wives bellies.

Open borders for Israel kike.

its just about growth. hence debt. figure it out.

That's exactly what girls fall for, they are easily overwhelmed by emotional extortion.
>girl I know has been chatting woth a shit skin
> he asks for a date
>she denies, bc he was an asshole
>"what is the problem? Is it because I'm not white"

there are already ethiopian niggers in Israel and their arabic popultion is fucking exploding
you won't brainwash kikes into doing that you dumb subhuman leb trash. there are plenty of kikes and part kikes in North America, Australia, Eastern and Western Europe.

where are we supposed to deport them? Israel, that's right. in order for their removal to not be much sketchy we need to have attractive image of Israel for the jews

Good article

the future of the west is a sea of poverty and mystery meat with oases of functional societies which most likely will be majority white

see pic related

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This is a correct assesement. It is also the predicted outcome when M.A.D. is stable.
Nukes have stopped massed armies. Being a 'refugee' is a form of stealth.

Spamming ''i'm a refugee'' whilst bribing corrupt civilian rulers is a military tactic, and should be treated as such.

>it's almost like you can be a racial tribalist without looking for NS, communism, socialism and other dogmatic ideologies
The fundamental problem of socialists of all sorts is that they treat the masses as idiots in need of "education" and "enlightenment". But it cannot work that way, if one centralized group can convince the masses of something, than another subversive centralized group can equally well convince them of the opposite. Socialism inevitably needs tyranny and war just to sustain itself.
National identity needs to be given time to arise organically, with all people of the nation participating in the process and knowing their role.
For that reason I'm not even afraid of (((multiculturalism))) taking root in Europe for long. It is a movement 100% based on social engineering, it will never produce anything lasting. The only question is, which race will ultimately dominate the inevitable struggle and subjugate the others or drive them out.
>Yeah but that's literally Hitler and he killed 600 trillion Jews.
You need to have faith in your people, user.
If your liberals are telling you that the only alternative to multiculturalism in your country is killing another 6 billion nonwhites, guess what, maybe they know what they are talking about.
Remember one thing: white liberals have the same genes you do. They are preprogrammed to propagate the same race.
Read about "law of attraction". It's some new age wishful thinking idiocy, but ask yourself if you have never seen evidence of it being at least a little bit true.

So keep Israel free of blacks import black Muslims into jewish neighborhoods in Western Countries. Jews flee to Israel. Seal our borders and send our Muslims to Israel.

So western gold goes to Israel to build gilded cage for the Jews.

actually you can socially subvert ideology and idea of ethnicity over some time: happened with converted kikes/sandcoons in Iberia and """""based christian kikes"""" and lipka rats in Poland for instance.

the only positive thing about modern multiracial Europe is that we are given the chance to spot degenerate weakling that are capable of racemixing. now we can sterilise them and deport them the fuck out when we take our homelands back
>import black Muslims into jewish neighborhoods in Western Countries. Jews flee to Israel
that's literally one of the reasons the state of Israel supports so many pozzed antiracist groups in the West. literally one of the Sohnut policies

they want to get rich and young jews to Israel to tackle their own demographic decline

you have an info graphic from deviant art you must be right.

>western commanders are too behind the times to recognize this

It’s being done on purpose BY western commanders. Where have you been?

Why are Bhutanese people moving to North Dakota?

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

because the Federal government is offended by the idea of White only areas so they force subhumans into places like Dakotas and Maine


Not like it's a new weapon, generals of the past used to spare farmers/peasants and instead drive them forwards to take refuge in their opponent's stronghold to make starving them out all the faster. Exploiting empathy is like a baseline strat when it comes to fighting white people.

It's also a symptom of having drastic inequality in nations across the world, sadly instead of making a global effort to raise the standard of life for everyone, liberals just wallow in their doublethink that 'diverse and culturally rich' foreign nations are superior to ours but their hordes of migrants should of course come here. It also doesn't help that we will never be allowed to take a realistic and firm approach to cultivating an actual economy/agricultural/educational system in shithole countries and instead just throw more food at their overpopulated masses and money at corrupt charities.

Also fuck the Jews who hide behind their border wall and tell everyone else to open up, their vision for equality seems to be LOWERING the global standard until we're all mixed together into a consumerist horde of unhappy, uneducated mongrels.

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Yup. Subhumans are the footsoldiers. Jews are the commanders and financers.

Latinos are disgusting monkeys.

Goblinos in full panic mode.

Wtf are you talking about, we are almost ~50% muslim now and it will be much worse by the time your predictions kick in.

when will you relaiae that your mass scam is not working and only leads the eu to kill americans and kick you out for good?
dont you get it that with your retarded ambasadors blackmailing people thats not working and this will also not?

the us will die, you had the choice to go in dignety, but you chosse to eatyour own shit. so be it.

soonbullets will fly

>Ghengis Khan and every other army of yesteryear was seeking better resources and opportunities for their people
Eh not really, a lot of Ghengis invasions was because the other side tried to fuck him over.
What this image is not showing is that the illegals just decided to go around Hungary instead