Based John Roberts

Based John Roberts

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Is this good or bad?

How did Ginsburg vote if she isn't there

Have you ever seen Weekend at Bernie's?

Look at the data on who actually gets abortions and then make up your own mind.
Roberts is /ourguy/

Most abortions are nigger kids getting their inadequate brains sucked out of their tiny nigger skulls. It seems that this article is claiming that it’s going to be easier for niggers to murder their babies, so that’s good...

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no fucking liberal clerks get to rock her corpses until 2020 pretending she's (((WORKING FROM HOME)))

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If you regulate, you legitimate. The goal is to outlaw not to oversee.

There's no possible way it's actually allowed for a judge on the highest court to just phone in
What fucking hell do we live in

Oh I see, it's a big game and state's rights don't exist unless it's convenient.

Oh yeah, John Roberts is a fuckin neocon faggot that has liberal beliefs, NEWS AT 11

We live in a jewish plantation

Yes it is read the constitution sometime buddy

Ding ding ding.

I tried googling it but of course nothing comes up

You can't continue the debate when "appropriate measures" have already been put in place. If you allow such a law to pass then the debate can be shut down with a flippant remark; "there is already a law for that, and we have more pressing maters." The slaughter of the innocent would only continue, and with veneer of legitimacy.

Fucking kek

It's literally necessary. Margaret Sanger did more for America than Abraham Lincoln.

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fuck off shitskins

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pretty sure you're allowed to skype in, according to the US Constitution

If you support abortion you are part of the machine that is slowly killing whites.

>b-b-but it's based and kills blacks!
Yes, to slowly displace whites so they don't realize in time. Jews want it to be slow.

Ok why does this fucking leaf know more about the constitution than we do?

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This guy is too fucking dumb to interpret data, don't listen to this faggot

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Really you can do whatever you want as long as you aren't dead