We need a 70% tax on the super rich

Jow Forums doesn't care because you are all neets

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why does the government deserve more money?

>he cares about the material plane
confirmed never gunna make it

When your testicles finally drop you should try robbing people. Any womn can demand Uncle Sam steal from citizens. Or just kysfaglet

The only reason the Trusts got busted was because of Teddy who became president only because of the untimely death of the elected president.

Point is youd better start praying cuz nuthin but a miracle is gonna make that shit happen.


to cut taxes for the middle class u stupid fucking shill for billionaires

The super rich are untaxable. They aren't playing the same game by the same rules as everyone else.

you're right I don't care

tax them at 100% shit doesn't affect me

Assuming that you tax the richest people 70% - what do you think will happen next? People with that kind of money will simply fuck off to a different country with less shitty tax laws. Now you're left with nothing and more people are unemployed.

This isn't rocket science. Sage.

They have no intention of cutting taxes on us, we're a cow they can milk a lot longer and a lot harder than the relatively small billionaire caste. You shills keep recycling the same points, not realizing how much you stand out.

>shilling for the jews this hard

...aaand there it is. Right on cue. Anyone who disagrees with you have to be a shill, naturally. Fucking moron.

When I provide a service to people, I have found I better get my money up front if they are poor. It’s all I’ll ever get, even if they really can afford it, most will say nice things but won’t fucking pay what they owe.

The financially comfortable motherfuckers, I get paid. The more I do, the more I get paid, but I still have to keep an eye on what’s paid versus what is owed. The rich motherfuckers? I get paid.

The more I negotiate after establishing a track record, the more I get paid.

Then the truly wealthy “wander over” to my table. They pay top rate, but they’re not actually results oriented like the “rich” or the others further down the curve. They pay me top dollar to do shit, then they pay me even more to undo it, or maybe they never even use what I did for them.

Fuck the government getting first crack at those folks, they’re giving me a leg up, and I want to keep them fat so I get first cut.

The primary problem with this particular stupid fucking idea is that what you're suggesting doesn't redistribute wealth, it just funnels it into a corrupt government which uses it to wage more asinine wars and funnels it to Jews, who funnel part of it back to bribe Congresstrash.

We need a form of wealth redistribution that doesn't use government as a conduit. A cap on the degree to which an employer's income can exceed his lowest paid employees might be an idea, or mandatory minimum wage structure based on a company's total income, but I'm not really sure what the best solution is.

But let's face it, nobody's gonna implement a solution until we've all been Jewed so badly that people start rioting and lynching kikes in the street. By then, it's all so fucked that whoever manages to restore some semblance of control over society's ruins inherits whatever's left.

Dude... you see me now? Just a privateer, gliding on the ocean. Come on in, he water’s fine!

And how do you keep them in USA if you try to tax them that much?

They will just leave and take their business somewhere else and your country turns into a shithole that much faster.


why do right wing cucks like u always shill for your precious billionaire globalist elites dodging taxes and hoarding money offshore?

right wingers only plan to stop them from doing this is sucking their dicks

and it's not working clearly

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90%. Just like in the 50’s. That actually would ‘make America great again’!

if u tax the rich more, u can reduce the tax burden on the middle class

why the fuck do right wingers want billionaires to own all the property and wealth?


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What is it that you do exactly?

It doesn't take much besides a basic understanding of economics to see that overtaxing your greatest contributors is a bad idea. Society is better served with having them stateside and taxed, rather than in some other nation with better laws.

Other than that you pretty much outed yourself as /leftypol/ with that post. Back to your Discord server, kiddo.

Last time you posted this you didnt anser my question, what is the amount of wealth that is consider immoral to create? Fucking commie.

Nice prediction! Got em!

you don't need wealth, you need social good



Now kindly piss off back to your Discord.

Retard. 32 trillion in offshore havens... okay. Maybe that’s true. Let’s double it. It doubles the damage to your argument.

Ever wonder why the “elites” are tax dodgers? Because they’re like everyone else, except they can afford to employ the tax professionals necessary to navigate the system their same fucking wealth created through political contributions. Read the US tax code. Then read it again with the understanding that the primary purpose of the US tax code is NOT revenue generation. It’s control and dispensation. Some activities are encouraged or discouraged by how the code treats them, and pet ideas and ventures are shielded in return for campaign contributions to keep in office the politicians that write/leave undisturbed particular provisions. Happens in every country.

You sound retarded and your shit’s all fucked up.

As a Canadian you know that's a fucking meme. The government won't cut taxes for the lower class, hell they might even raise it by creating more tax brackets... no wait they did that already and Trump merged them. Once a government gets the scent of money to waste, it grabs hold and never lets go.

That date mostly comes from high population centers from leftist shitholes.

But why would they reduce taxes on the middle class when they can have both and enjoy much more revenue?

Self employed. Doesn’t really matter after that, to be honest.

If you made your money in a state, your money must stay in a state. Ebbs away on rights, yeah, but the rich are cutthroat assholes.

Fascism would and could make any corp. or any privateer stay home with money intact, or be disappeared. It is one of the appealing features of an otherwise unsavory system.

There is a gross inflation of wealth at the high levels

Jeff Bezos is NOT a billion times more productive than the average worker. These guys are getting their wealth inflated to a ludicrous degree, this is not natural or normal

It wouldn't do anything. They'd find loopholes. Our elite class is total garbage and deserves punishment, but a slap on the wrist isn't going to do anything. Start talking about hanging most of them and you'll be on the right track.

Your precious billionaire globalist elites that you have been trained and conditioned to dedicate your entire life to serving are going to hoard money offshore where they pay 0% taxes no matter what. Your only plan to stop them is to suck their cock. That doesnt work. Fuck off u fucking Soros paid shills make me sick.

As a Canadian I know that Trudeau cut middle class tax rates

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Lol right wingers only plan to stop the elites from hoarding money offshore is to suck their cock. You cucks are so fucking pathetic.

>Be me
>ACO comes up to me
>Get on a plane
>Fuck off to Liechtenstien or Luxemburrg
>Close all of my business interests in the USA
>Unemployee about 2000+ people

Why don't liberals understand this.

gee i dunno maybe they should reduce trump's trilllion dollar deficits

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You realize that the government of Canada owns the Canadian central bank and thus can print/burn all the money they want?
Money is the least scarse commodity in this world. The problem is avoiding accumulation by the 1% since in a capitalistic system, putting your capital to work is much better then working your ass off.
Taxes are only needed to control the inflation/economic cycle.

good boy

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When will you people understand what (((the 1%))) really is?

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because the right-wing ARE MOSTLY billionaire globalist elites dodging taxes and hoarding money offshore.

Get a job hippie.

I agree, let’s start by slashing entitlements

lol right wing broke ass bitch plebs are so delusional they all think they're billionaires

they're cucks who have been conditioned their entire lives to serve elites like Soros

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Haha, OP is a fag, we don't care because we want the whole system to fail.

Get fucked, nigger kike.

republicans won't touch their fox news boomer base gibs

>implying higher tax rates = higher tax revenues
you dont understand anything

Checked. I’m sick of these kikes

Yeah so let’s slash shitskin welfare gibs

I can tell the billionaire globalist elites are so scared of AOC and Liz Warren. Look how many online shills they're funding to advance their cause

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“Hoarding money offshore”.... do you have any idea what the fuck you’re talking about?

Do you really think there is just digits upon digits of money sitting in accounts with names on it?

The fuck? You are 100% retarded. Star your education with Banking 101 and how financial institutions and banks make money. Hint: when it sits, it dies.

lol do u retards actually think that when warren buffet gets his dividends paid into his account, it trickles down on you?

u right wing cock servants truly are cucked beyond repair

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Please kill yourself antifa member

trump wants to bring in more than ever

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But yet you people still hate him. How come?

>George Soros here. I just want to say you right wing servants are doing a great job shilling for me.

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Big man cut the taxes a meaningless amount for 1 specific group, raised the taxes ever-so-slightly for the richest, and is laughing his way into green taxes that affect everybody. Coolio.

because he's a billionaire globalist conman who leads a pack of cultist retards

lol why would all u broke ass plebs care that trudeau raised taxes on the top 1%?

it's all fun and games cutting taxes when you're a conservatard who has no clue how money works and u just run trillion dollar deficits because u don't give a shit about bankrupting your country

conservashits are a fucking disaster when it comes to money holy shit

Where do those dividends come from? Could it be active investments? Capital at work instead of sitting in “offshore accounts”? I know, let’s fuck our shit up so those investments are more profitable elsewhere. They’ll keep that money working here, though, for sure. It is now clear you are 100% retarded without the faintest clue how finance works, or how to make money work for you. Makes sense, you work for money.


I am as capitalist as they come but sometimes I think we need to tear this country down our tax system is wasteful and Netflix exploits it to pay no taxes which is wrong, we have too much money sitting around doing nothing, we have animals in inhumane conditions because people can’t give up daily meat and government that puts more money for military than college subsidies so tutition can go down.

holy shit you're so fucking retarded that u dont understand that billionaire globalist elites speculate on stocks from offshore bank accounts and dodge taxes

why do u broke ass bitch plebs think this trickles down on u

how much is Soros paying u?

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A marginal income tax is going to do diddly squat to the mega rich since they make their money off investments and take advantage of loopholes and tax havens. Not to mention it does zero to address corporate tax avoidance.

Fucking liberals and their economic illiteracy.

Do us all a favor and KYS. As a parting compliment before you leave, I’ve rarely seen so many issues packed into such a short space. Kudos.

you're obviously here to shill on behalf of billionaire globalist elites

the only understanding of economics/finance u have is that billionaires always need more tax cuts and never have enough

Why don't conservative shills for the rich ever want to close those loopholes?

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demographics are more important than taxes.

> take away their liberty I don’t care
ok retard

If they make money in the US stock market, they have to declare it to get it out. Go read the tax code, leaf.

They win because all right wingers ever do is suck their dicks.

It’s their money and not yours nigger

You can invest in US stocks from offshore u absolute fucking retard holy shit you're so fucking dumb.

No, I don’t think so. The tide is turning. But you can be my guest and white-light if you want.

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Run the numbers fucktard. Only 125,000 make over 5$ million. Even if you taxed at over 70% of 10$ million it just means no-one is going to make over 10$ million. They'll just get paid 10$ million + corporate paid incentives to work there ...Like free flyer miles or stock options. Go back to school and do math please.

good boy

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Every fucking time one of these threads pop up, all these right wing shills can't fucking help themselves. They all prove what cocksuckers they are for the billionaire globalist elites.

>he thinks that will happen
I've literally never heard of any politician who supported taxing the rich also support lowering taxes on the other classes. Their original position isn't about logic or reasoning, it's about their spitefulness towards people with money. Their only intention is to take money from the rich because of their own envy.

It's because pol is a libertarian board deep down. Most Jow Forumslacks have spent decades balls deep in laissez faire economic theory. Deep down they all understand the implications, well beyond "reeee they have more money than everyone else, tax them, they don't need/deserve it" nonsense you hear from the left.

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where's the fucking numbers?! i hate jew shit like this

I love how right wingers are conditioned to immediately defend the top 1%. The programming is fucking incredible.

Or maybe cause we can do fucking math and know that 125,000 people make over 5$ million which mean we broke ass bitch plebs will get fucking racked to pay for shit... again.

I don’t need to be here if you’re going to speak for me. Except you can’t speak for me because you’re economically illiterate. Shouldn’t you be organizing the next occupy wall street movement, or raping someone in a tent in the name of social justice?

>Haha let me completely ignore what you said and deflect onto a different topic altogether by making a strawman!

>I've literally never heard of any politician who supported taxing the rich also support lowering taxes on the other classes

Holy shit you're fucking brain dead retarded. Trudeau did exactly that. Clinton and Obama did the same as well. They raised taxes on the top while giving the middle class a tax cut. Please fucking educate yourself holy shit.

I can't get over the fact that many of the responses are that the wealthy will just flee to some tax haven, and that's the end of their thought process. The filthy rich will leave, so we have to be their slaves. The quintessential cuckold. Someone needs to inform the billionaires that you cucks will do anything to keep them around, we should really negotiate some sort of prima nocta for them so the based wealthy don't leave us.

Shouldn't you be on your knees sucking Soros's cock. Oh wait you're already at it.

>The tide is turning
yup, turning to the ground

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exactly fucking this

The government is ass at spending money and everyone knows it except bureaucrats who never had a real job. Stop shilling for the government. Less taxes allows for more individual liberty. I don’t want 90% of my productivity to fund niggers like AOC and Nancy Pelosi

Agreed. Capitalism for the poor, Socialism and bailouts for the richfaganons. It is a travesty. Hell, it’s not even Capitalism, it’s mostly Corp. Monopoly

Demographics don’t mean shit!!! Like not at all. Pay attention.

you're not a millionaire u delusional fucking retard holy shit

This data isn't normalized for age, education, family upbringing, career choice, Jew or no Jew etc etc

nice projection kid wew