What is a normal age to have your first girlfriend? I am 21 khv. Is it too late?

What is a normal age to have your first girlfriend? I am 21 khv. Is it too late?

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If you post frogs it is too late to ever be okay.

Lol shut up you whiny babyface. i was 23 when i got my first bf and im a girl so you’d think it were easymode. Also i’m a size 4 and not an overweight hambeast. Come back when you are 30 and no gf

it's not too late it's never too late

It is never to late. Just think for yourself: Would you reject a girl you feel realley connected to because she still is a virgin? Probably not.

Some women might reject you because of it, but they are shallow. So you are better off without them.

>im a girl
Doesn't count.
You don't understand what it's like wanting to fuck every average bitch you see.

The general rule is you don't say you're a girl unless you're willing to prove it to ridiculous standards. Otherwise you're just some fag RPing.

Boo hoo you have sexual urges you cant fulfill, just like lots of other people.

>believing in general rules
>Jow Forums

Are you ten, i dont care if you believe me or not. If you wanna think i’m rping then go ahead

I turned 30 this month and I've never had a relationship, so you're doing better than me.

Just keep becoming the best you can push yourself to be, and don't settle for less than what you think you're worth.

You're such a dumb cunt.

Waahhh is bby user upset


>Is it too late
No. Wait until marriage to fug, too.

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I had my first at 20, and I had tons of degenerate sexual adventures after that first barrier was torn down.

Nope, 38. Been here forever fag. Learn the lesson as advised and figure out how to provide advise without needing to reference your fake vagina.

I'm so glad you can vote

The homeless crack head down the street can also vote, did you have a point?

Im 34. Genuinely believe its too late. I have no experience, I dont know where to go, what to say or do. Its a dreadful feeling and it fucking sucks. Im not a bad person, hell not even ugly. Just fucking stuck.

>I dont know where to go, what to say or do.
This can be fixed in many cases. And you aren't like 65 yet.

Get some decent dating advise (i.e. not PUA or other bro tips) and you should be fine on that level. You don't need any special tricks just how basic communication and human bonding works.

nobody cares about your brain dead high school dropout “politics” you absolute loser shill now end it

>implying there's a point beyond the saying "I'm glad you can vote"
You wahmen sure are presumptuous

>Come back when you are 30 and no gf

I am literally 30 and I could just rephrase op's post. What now?

Well its not like Im autistic. In a family setting or a group Im very familiar with, Im fast and witty. The fucking life of the party. I can read social situations far better than my brothers for instance, who both have relationships.
I am a fucking coward though I have realized. Just today I tried two times to ask a girl out, not even punching out of my league. Hyped myself up like crazy and when I got there, my fighting spirit completely crumbled. Couldnt bring myself to ask her.
Cause Im already thinking ahead. Where would we go, I havent been anywhere with a girl. What places even exist around me and which ones are nice. How do I pick a setting where you can talk to and maybe lightly touch the other person.
Having a total lack of experience at my age is a crazy fucking thing, even though Im half decent at bullshitting my way through life.
I would probably help to have friends, but Ive been on my own for the last 15 years or so.

I'm my bf's first gf and he's 22. It's not too late user. Be yourself, as long as you take care of yourself and are a good enough person you'll find someone eventually!

Got my first gf like 6 months ago at 23 years old. KHV before then.

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>I can read social situations far better than my brothers for instance, who both have relationships.
Maybe you should start to form more relationships than thinking them through then?

If you feel like a coward don't just approach girls. Start meeting girls through hobbies or mutual friends. So you can get to know them before you show any interest in them. After that start to flirt in a decent way and look if they flirt back. And from there on you go the usual way into a relationship (getting coffee, learing to know each other and so on). And always look if she shows initative too. If she is interested in you she will flirt back, reply to whatsapps and suggest meetings on her own.