How many days has it been since she has been seen alive?

How many days has it been since she has been seen alive?

Attached: rbg.jpg (2280x1460, 358K)

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December 21st

I saw her at the gym today, she's fine man.

Attached: 1549405463741.png (396x385, 131K)

49 days

her staff sees her alive everyday

Attached: NYC.png (814x681, 491K)

Wait, is he saying there's a line of kids waiting to be raped by 1 person?
Or that there's a line of people waiting to rape 1 kid?

Dec 21st 2018

not taking this bait. sage

yeah me too user she was squatting 300 5x5, I can't keep up with her it really is amazing

Why don't they just release a 3 second video of her saying the current date?

Because she is dead or is not in a capable state to do her job

I'm not sure if this is the case, but it appears she never has to show up, just has to be breathing essentially to hold her seat.

Attached: 20190203_142228.jpg (432x432, 86K)

If it's an assembly line it's a bunch of kids get fucked in a different way by different rabbis with set fetishes...

Attached: yep.png (800x800, 347K)

Is a US citizen who is legitimately concerned for the welfare of a supreme judge allowed to make it a police issue

She supposedly attended a school musical performance a few days ago but there were zero pictures allowed. There wasn't even a single photo released for a PR stunt. Very strange. She is either dead and the entire story of he going to the concert is fake, or she is so close to death that she looks like total shit and releasing a photo showing her alive would just show how bad of shape she is in.

someone voted for her on the LA abortion stay today.
in spite of the fact that there has been zero proof of life

>There wasn't even a single photo released for a PR stunt.
Pic related literally is the photo you faggot. She's alive and well.

Attached: 1549409977168.jpg (960x720, 31K)

Liberals have never been truly alive

>not even a good fake
Try again, shill.

Attached: nice_try_juden.jpg (960x720, 53K)