Are you all just nihilists that dont actually care about anything but just enjoy arguing and triggering the libs...

Are you all just nihilists that dont actually care about anything but just enjoy arguing and triggering the libs? Since thats true, and it is because i say so, why not go for conservatives? They are far more easy to upset

Attached: look-marge-im-a-conservative-who-did-jesus-tell-us-to-vote-for.jpg (400x400, 69K)

I don't think you understand what nihilism is. Also, as far as nihilism goes, I'm pretty sure the left has that covered.

Conservatives aren't the puritans anymore nor are they the establishment. Being libby is lame and nerdy now and the left is far more full of stupid lolcows these days. Get with the times, fag

Most millenials are libs and the neocon boomers are dying off.
By voting lib I can trigger millenials for decades to come.

most conservatives will just call you a jew nigger fag if you don't agree or are not gay for trump

Conservatives are not easy to upset, all their sacred cows have already been kill, no sense in beating a dead horses corpse. Liberals,Leftists and other homosexuals/jews however are an unending wellspring of salt that has power and is very easy to get booty blasted.

Attached: derbugman.jpg (402x599, 66K)

Its more fun to pick on the kid bipolar or depression than autism

This is a problem I had while watching Forrest Gump. Yeah, he's a retard, and then I see this and get it.

Why not all vote for a centrist just to fuck with everyone?

>why not go for conservatives?

Because boomers are damn near bullet proof. The left is nothing but a bunch of fragile nigger lovers. I’m sure that post is enough to offend you.

Don't reply to shills.
Think what coud have been, OP, if you had read the rules, lurked more, and actually posted a proper thread. Instead you wanted to yell at the internet like a crazy old man. Sad.

Based leaf
Retarded mute mutt

LIbtards ACTUALLY get upset by Pepe and okay signs, at least with conservatives it's shit that makes sense (like insulting their religion)

but sure buddy, conservatards are way easier to upset, yup

Attached: pepe-okay.jpg (570x487, 45K)


Yeah but triggering libs is better becuase they give better reactions.

>They are far more easy to upset
And yet the political opposite of this photograph only appears in your shitty MSPaint drawings.

Attached: t3_5c00zp.png (657x562, 841K)

Attached: 1548136789615.jpg (1024x1024, 261K)

>be conservative
>get triggered by infanticide, the literal murder of a newborn
>be progressive
>get triggered by pb&j sandwiches, the literal embodiment of “racism”
>Conservatives are an easier target, why not go after them?
lol wut? I’d tell you to kys, but I’d rather you suffer being you for the rest of your life

Attached: D3BE2874-CC2B-4F94-933B-51AE4FA2F700.jpg (480x313, 65K)

look at all these mad retards

Its okay i can just a make another shitty thread in five minutes

>They are far more easy to upset
Conservatives don't get PTSD from memes

>far more easy to upset

Low hanging fruits are for those without ambition.

Attached: screwing_around.gif (500x209, 89K)


Attached: 1549332598729.jpg (1024x927, 159K)

christ I've heard lolcow used twice today, haven't seen it in years.

>Since thats true, and it is because i say so
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T. Liberal retard triggered by Jow Forums

all you need to do is mention millenials

Liberals are hard to trigger!

Attached: image.jpg (1583x2048, 415K)

kiwifarms has been spiking in popularity lately, that's probably why.