Am i wrong for having hatred towards Normies?

>Normies: A person gravitating to social standards, accepted practices, and fads of their own time & geographic grouping without broader cultural perspectives from which they draw.

>Normies possess a lack of interest in ideas not easily accessible or being outside of their/society's current range of acceptance. A straight. A follower.

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>is it wrong to (insert dumbass statement here)
I hate this retarded kind of threads. Fuck you mean by wrong? Wrong from what perspective? Wrong as in destructive? Wrong as in immoral? Wrong as in counter-productive?

What the fuck are you expecting from this thread? How is this asking for advice?If you want some opinions learn how to ask a fucking question. If you want to discuss your hatred for normies go on /b/ on Jow Forums

sup redditor

you're entitled to your opinion

and you´re entitled to being my bitch

Only a NEET leeching of the goverment or relatives can say something like this.

If any of this is true in your case, you can thank thousand of years of work from "normies", making it possible that you actually can post this: the computer was build by them, the internet you use was build and maintainted by them. That you have heating and water in your home that was build by them. That they build the infrastructure to deliver groceries to your next grocery store that you dont have to hunt or grow your food yourself and worry about wether you will survive until the next day.... live in a bubble.

whatever you say coldsteel

People under 18 are not allowed to post here. Go try to be edgy on facebook or something

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It shows you lack real life experience and you're immature. In my opinion but I'm probably as unintelligent as the average person.

>Only a NEET leeching of the goverment or relatives can say something like this.

lol, i´m a college student, fuck off bitch

i´m 21 dumbass, i´m not edgy, i truly hate normies

fuck you bugman

you must feel really tough, insulting strangers on a anonymous internet board

not really, i just want to ventilate my rage towards npc´s

In some contexts, conformance is positive. Examples include ethics, economic productivity standards, etc.

Prime example is mating paradigms. Social standards for men by women force men to produce economic wealth in order to have sex and reproduce. The production benefits the society as a whole.

It is also possible to cognizantly evaluate and accept external standards for onesself, as opposed to blindly following a norm (which I concede is generally negative).

Lol college. You couldn’t be in more of a bubble.

>It is also possible to cognizantly evaluate and accept external standards for onesself, as opposed to blindly following a norm

shame normies despises someone being different

sup wageslave

> i´m not edgy
Yes you are. Everything you say sounds like it comes out of an autistic emo teenagers mouth.

>i´m 21 dumbass
That's bad. It means you're mentally underdeveloped. I'm not even joking, I'm not even trying to insult you. You literally think and act like a young teenager. The edginess, the incapability of responding in a reasonable manner to any confrontational remark and the lowest common denominator retorts. And no, it's not because you're shitposting. It's because you're absolutely terrible at it. No person who has a mental age of over 16 could find entertainment or anything else worth enough to put the time into in the kind of comments you make. You're saying the exact same things an edgy middle schooler would say first time they discover anonymous boards. I know because that's what I was saying when I was in middle school and I discovered the internet. But I had an excuse, I was in middle school. You're a fucking adult (well, at least legally). You have a lot of growing to do, lad.

Lmao you wrote all of that? Nerd

Not that user but why are you posting here if you just want to make shitposts at everyone tryna help you out

lmao at everytime normies gets offended when someone hates them, fuck normies and fuck the human race

lol dude, Im the furtherest thing away from a normie. Im a 25 years old neet virgin addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. That guys straight up retarded tho

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