26 yo female.
I love it when I make men get flustered, especially men in position of authority and power, it's like I wanna break them but not in an emotionally scarring way not do I want them to be submissive.
Also, what's the the cause of something like that?
How do you call this fetish
idk but can you be my gf and do that to me?
>wanna break
Break their persona, so to speak.
I'm pretty sure OP means she wants to make men lose their cool/break their ability to think straight and act normally, especially men who are supposed to be mentally stronger.
Basically, you like knowing that you have a powerful/controlling effect on men, especially ones who are supposed to be powerful or in control. Lots of people find certain physical and psychological control or power dynamics sexy, nothing strange about that.
I don't think there's a particular (that is, searchable, ha) term for that fetish, or if it even counts as a fetish at all, as most women secretly enjoy that role imho. You could call it a humiliation fetish, but that term's usually associated with slightly more... extreme scenarios I think. I guess in a broad sense it falls in the category of what people refer to as "soft femdom," but that's pretty broad.
you want to feel attractive. Like every other woman who ever lived. That's it, that's the "fetish"
Interesting. It could go sideways if gender politics trigger a different result.
An activist might have their cause overwhelmingly crush their arousal.
It's the thrill of taking someone who projects a calm and collected exterior and messing with it, in a nice way. It's definitely not a humiliation thing, more like cracking a persona and seeing the human underneath. It's attractive to have someone who is cool and confident but not to such an extent that they seem robotic. A moment of fluster or embarrassment humanizes it.
There's some principle that was studied, and it suggests that people like other people who are very mature and capable, but if a person is too perfect it falls into an uncanny valley sort of situation where you become unable to relate to them (or, let's be honest, envious). If you're someone who is capable 90% of the time but occasionally has a minor messup or foible or mistake, that makes you very appealing to people in your social circle.
OP here, I think I should have elaborated more on how extreme it is.
I dont want to get in a relationship with a guy like that. It's like a switch in my head, the moment I understand he's in power I wanna fuck him up, figuratively and literally - I wanna get too close to him just to see how he reacts and learn from there how to push his buttons until I figured him out completely and know exactly how to make him squirm, fucking him would be nice but just a bonus, honestly. It's more me wanting to ruffle his persona a little and him understanding that I have this power over him, while not going over the top and still respecting boundaries which makes it even more interesting.
It's not a fetish, it's an ego thing.
Literally sounds like normal female behavior. IRL it's almost impossible to make me lose my cool and all of the girls I've dated have taken great pleasure in trying to push my buttons.
They failed because they only needed to actively experiment once or twice, then its all about observing and studying from a distance, giving vague signals that make you wanna figure out what the fuck's going on until you get yourself in too deep.
Yeah. It could mean that OP is insecure. The dominatrix thing helps make her secure in her mind. Get help.
Why you would be like that? I think you probably have a high IQ. Many smart people are insecure.
And it may something to do with your childhood & growing up.
Just my opinion.
Wait, do you want to break people to humble them or do you want to break all people, whether they may be proud or not?
I don't know that they failed at pushing my buttons or whatever, but they definitely liked to try. OP is correct in that it's a power dynamic thing. I am a very deliberate sort of person and keep a tight rein on my outward emotion and from the perspective of girls who are interested in me romantically it seems to become a challenge to crack the outer wall, so to speak.
All they really want to know is that they are special enough to me that they can crack the facade. I'm bad at putting my emotions on display, so any girl who can get me to do that for them ends up feeling very wanted, and I've never met a girl who doesn't want to feel intensely wanted by their bf.
>Wait, do you want to break people to humble them or do you want to break all people, whether they may be proud or not?
I want to be able to make a guy like I mentioned flustered and embarassed and see the flicker of nervousness in his eyes every time he sees me and how he tries to pretend it's not there.
I never got women trying hard to get a guy to notice them, if they dont notice you from the start then you're doing something wrong, trying again and again without changing tactic is meaningless. I think they just failed at reading you.
>I never got women trying hard to get a guy to notice them
Maybe I explained that poorly, but the girls in question already knew I liked them. I'm not good at being emotional but I'm a shameless flirt and very superficially charming. In most cases I'm talking about girls that I was already seeing/dating. Sooner or later everyone who sticks around figures out that there are buttons of mine they can press to get a reaction, in the case of relationships girls just tend to like pressing the buttons that gets them romantic reactions.
And that's all you're doing as far as I can tell. You like the power involved with knowing that you > the powerful guy you like. You don't want to overpower him or be the dominant one, you just want to know that you are powerful enough to get a reaction out of him because it means that you are a person of high value in his estimation.
You're looking at it from a very pure angle, what turns me on is the inner male struggle coped with the fact that they need to be in charge and stay calm towards me, not recieving love reactions and him telling me that I managed to break his cold, icy exterior. I dont care about icy guys if they're not in that specific position, the effort isnt worth it.
Still sounds like you're agreeing with me desu.
Wouldn't work on me though, so you've got me pegged correctly. If I can spot when someone is trying to provoke a specific reaction it only makes it less likely that I'll give them what they want. It's a knee-jerk reaction that defaults me to being stubborn.
You sound 13.
I think you're supposed to be over the manipulating men to boost your self esteem by now. You're nearly hitting the wall so you've got to hurry up and lock down a provider.
I am disagreeing with you, actually, since you described yourself just as someone who's not emotional on the surface without specifing you have a position of power, so it just sounds like the girls in question were after the validation of notice me senpai which I'm not interested in.
I dont see any problem with doing what I'm doing just because society says I need to settle down.
this is a good thing don't stop doing it lol I wish I knew somebody like you
I have a fetish for making cockteases and shit testing attentionwhores behave in increasingly over the top ways in a hopeless effort to make me look horny or flustered
Yeah, you’re insecure & have an ego problem.
How do you figure?
>it's like I wanna break them but not in an emotionally scarring way
I'm not a cocktease though, the endgame is fucking eventually, the process is just what I like more.
very mild domination fetish
(or maybe you just like to have your ego stroked, that's also understandbale and probably makes you feel more confident and that helps you be turned on)
... actually i think those two things *might be the same
haing too much power, its your nature.
And that's why the West will collapse btw.
Alsays the same shit.
Roman, American, Ottoman societies collapsed cause of that.
Nothing new.
pretty sure this is just called being a bitch?
That's just called being a psychologist
the fetish you are whore and like powerful men to get stiffy over you! NEXT!
OP sounds like she'd make a great dominatrix. Have you ever tried anything related to BDSM? I'd put good money on the bet that you're what's called a "Top". You need to find yourself a bottom that's high on the alpha list. Those are the most fun to "break". It's fun to watch some CEO who thinks he's hot shit around his employees and peers turn into a little bitch when you've got him cuffed to the wall.
You beat them and break them and drain their balls dry and listen to them squeal like pigs; then you clean up, get dressed and leave them until they come crawling back to you days later with flowers and gifts so that you'll do it to them all over again. Not every guy is a sub/bottom, but they are out there and they fucking love it. Trust a fellow dom on this. ;)
The bitchboys who claim that this is false have probably never been tied up properly and spanked. Mama will be happy to teach you some respect.
Being a dominatrix sounds to me like the battle is already won by me, though, which kinda beats the purpose, I like being bottom and have them all proudly thinking they've won getting all up in the mood only for me to say something that I know would throw them off balance to see how they suddenly pause and become confused, then I usually laugh and just pull them for a kiss or do something else to continue the mood and they just roll with it.
i had a coworker like that. she would flip out at the pettiest shit just to show off some sort of power trip
then she tried to play it cool and befriend me lol
extremely toxic behaviour
That's why I said to fish you out an alpha. Somebody who will take time to seduce into your realm. The best ones are vanilla in the bedroom up until they've met you. They aren't sure they will like it until you show them what they've been missing out on during the years they spent doing missionary with their pillow princess exwives. They resist, they fight, they ultimately end up not being to stop thinking about you and that cool thing you do with your three fingers.
You don’t get it? Wow.