Say something nice about him or he will buy Jow Forums and shut it down.
Say something nice about him
Other urls found in this thread:
Good luck with your divorce
Thanks for creating the richest woman in history
Your tiny dick will soon be living on the internet forever.
/pol tards are jealous of you because you had success in the free market
It's a good thing you have such a great company, because you've ruined your personal life and will now die alone.
Its all good mang i also have side grills and i txt them i want to sniff your BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP asap girl oh yes my dear SNIIIIIIFFFF BRAAAAAAP
Give us back the stocks.
>dating a girl named Sanchez
unbased and bluepilled
how much would Jeff Bezo's severed preserved dick go for on the market? It is the penis that changed history after all
Richest man in the world's ding dong
Imagine it
Imagine owning it mounted on your living room wall for visitors and guests to marvel at
>looks like a character played by Martin Short
That's the best I got
Nice parasitism techniques, bro.
He's very rich
this guy's business model would fall flat without gov subsidies and welfare, fuck him
God spoken to Jow Forums at 177777777
And nobody covered it... except HIM!!!
LISTEN to what God said to you!
>jesus hung with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes and knuckleheads
That's EXACTLY why he came here!
He loves Jow Forums
Also... post 200000000 was another message from the Kingdom of God and was Covered LIVE by the Based one AGAIN....
YOU GOTTA see this..
The whole point is YOU have been chosen by God to be the movers and shakers in these end times...
To crush the satanists, shills, and trannys into submission to gods kingdom!!
Keep it up!
ill be seeing his dick real soon
He fought that jew schemer Pecker and prevailed
He might not be /ourguy/, but he's certainly ourgoy
Jeff "yeah publish my dick pics, see if I care" Bezos
>die alone
lol, dudes so rich he can buy another wife, you fucking moron