You hangin there, Jow Forums?

you hangin there, Jow Forums?

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Not really man. Drinking more and more to escape my mind. World is shit but I'm too cowardice to an hero. Feels bad. You doing alright?

nope, life going shitty hence why on pol this late.

Hardship in dire times becomes the overwhelming relief in the prosperous future

Oh I'll be hangin there soon alright

the genuinely interesting informative and funny shit has long moved on... very little of worth on Jow Forums these days.... but every now and then there's still a few golden posts... glittering away in the abyss of nonsensical shillinings and copypasta bullfuckery.

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Hang in there brothers, you are not alone.
Keep the redpills flowing to the masses.
I was porn addicted to the point of considering becoming a transsexual myself. Pol is the reason I have defeated this pile of shit and circle of self defeatism. I am losing weight, stopped watching porn and my fetishes are dissipating more and more. You faglords have turned me into a better man. In return I have redpilled others who have redpilled others...
Keep fighting, become excellence.

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Every positiv change in life starts with an action, for every goal there is no physical limitation, they are only in our minds, it only takes willpower to overcome them.

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Lifes a struggle but you guys need to cheer the fuck up. You can only improve yourself and fight for what you believe in. You want the world to improve? Improve yourself first.

Agree. I come here to look at horse shit in the hope of finding a diamond.

Aye sometimes there are good threads but mostly just endless repeats and whenever you disagree with anything in the orthodoxy you are just called a Jew or a shill.

Fuck yeah man

Glad you're doing better, user. Keep up the good work

Contracted viral meningitis. Almost died. Recovery is a bitch and is so fucking slow.
>oh you don't have the virus anymore that means you're fine
From half of my fucking retarded relatives. I almost wish it upon them. All I can do right now is shitpost on the Internet and try to enjoy myself until I get better.

Don't take anything for granted in life guys. Jow Forums is entertainment just like the news don't let it upset you.

Stop drinking, it doesn't help. AA and shit didn't get me sober, Hitler did.

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No, I'm hanging them

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I will, I am not without relapses but we must remember that to defeat the jew in the banks we must first defeat the jew in ourselves.
I recently quit caffeine too.
We can do this, guys. More and more people are waking up.
Redpill the masses, awake tribalism in whites for our survival is crucial to every being on this planet, become true excellence. Stay the course.

We must learn to play the long game.
If we get rich enough and grouped up enough we can create a working society within this dying society. We must become independent from the state as a community. And we can do this. But to do that we must all fix ourselves. We are the creators, remember that.

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Getting ready for the endtimes, going to be fun. All these nigger-tier faggots here drinking and being depressed. Embrace the black pill. Don't go to the gym to get Jow Forums, go to the gym to get ready to kill. Buy a gun, get a bowie knife, get a tomahawk. Get a ham hock and practice stabbing it with the knife and hacking it with the tomahawk. Go to the range and practice your aim then take a combat pistol course. Embrace the bloodshed, anons, and start dehumanizing now. When The Great Correction comes you got to be ready, you got to be hard, you got to be rady to drown this diseased world in blood.

Medically withdrew from 3 classes last semester after explaining to the advisor more than once what happened.

People in this country are FUCKING ALIENS I TELL YOU

off-topic and /b

I'm laying in bed and can't sleep for the 3rd night. Any medfags here? My heart has been beating hard in that time, keeps me up at night.

I was in the same spot, now I feel sick everytime I drink and Marijuana makes me feel like shit. You don't know what ya got to its gone. Kratom is my only friendly substance now.

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Nah. I mean yeah, but for the first time ever, I'm actively looking forward to the day I commit sudoku. It's like a foregone conclusion at this point, and I've actually saved up around $5000 so that I can NEET it up for a few months before I do it. Gonna go buy a lot of weed, chill out at home for awhile, get really addicted to phenibut so my emotions are as low as they can be, withdraw a bit to get the courage through supreme depression that comes with pheni withdrawal, and helium exit bag in my bedroom. The few months NEETing are gonna be great though. Just gonna get high and eat a lot and sleep.
Also plz tell me why God is ok with me doing this. inb4 yer goin ta hayll, that's silly I think like Jonah an heroed and God loved him. I think that suicide=hell is a ploy to keep chattel alive and producing, just like how hell itself isn't even in the bible. It's slave shit.

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Just dab on life mate

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Sunshine and Teflon faggot
I wouldn't want it any other way

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This. I'm starting to think that the black pill is just sobriety. When you no loner eat the red, blue, or whichever pill. It's reality. Now that my body forced me sober, I'm preparing for the coming war. Much better shooter these days, hit the range as much as you can afford.


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Sort of.
Things are looking good in some ways and bad in others.
I seemed to have pulled my head out of my ass and become more responsible and future-oriented. I've saved $10,000 and will return to uni next Fall. I should be able to complete it this time.
On the other hand, next month I will turn 30 and I'm still a kv.
I don't really have a purpose in life and I can't seem to bond with others.
I've overcome so much just to be stable and find solid ground. In many ways I'm lucky to even be alive. But the autism perhaps was too much to overcome.

Story on that gif? Generally interested.

Oh yes, you stupid frogposter.

I'm doing just fine.

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Try canopy botanicals dude. You have to search mitragyna speciosa to see what they have. They have really good prices (75kilo). Their product is the best I've ever had.
Try the green hulu, it's my number one got to. Although, right now I have super green JongKong, which is nice. They also have the occasional blend, like, "magic cool buzz", or "white eyes, red dragon".

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King's Kratom is better in terms of pricing. $60 kilos and pretty quality stuff. Also don't try phenibut because it is absolutely amazing and you'll get addicted to it because it turns off spaghetti spilling.

That's my new go to after Gaia Ethnobotanical jacked up their prices.. I try to switch colors monthly, white borneo is my tops. Miss tf out of weed though.

Do you mean phenobarbital the barbiturate? A pre-op sedative. Where in the hell do people get a ready supply of something like that?

>*uses logic based entirely on the mortal realm of flesh*
Low IQ.

I have been a NEET for almost five years now since I lost my job. Every day is the same, it's like standing at a copy machine watching it spit out an endless stream of copies. I have tried killing myself but got revived at the hospital and was forced to spend quite some time in the looney bin. I don't live nowadays, I simply exists.

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Fix that shit, it's blurred or my eyes are broken.

Or you could find brothers and a goal. I used to be suicidal too.
Get off the drugs, we need you.
Remember that your pain comes from a sick society. We are that sick society. Check out my other post responses
We can win user. And we will.
But we need you. I care about you.
If you're blackpilled, take some time off away from politics.
You will return stronger than ever.

Epicurus' probably had double your IQ memeflagfag

tachycardia at rest not good m8 best get it checked, do you feel a crushing or sharp pain? have you had violent or traumatic shit happen that keeps you up?

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>just bcuz he is a greek phizophur he had high IQ
You would be a plebian no matter what age you were born into.

Someone had an extra large helping of crabapple mcnasties today. What's bothering you Nancy?

do a breivk get high score make us proud

you know what OP I wasn't doing all that well. I saw this bread and figured it would be the normal cancer and desu I'm happily surprised. We can change it brothers, we must change it. im just so tired of crying...

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>"look at this memeflag guys, he's shilling Christianity. What a kike!"
You will never belong here, kike.

His life is a failure, and he doesn't know how to handle it

Nah I don't know what those things are but phenibut is legal and is like Gabapentin but stronger. The soviets invented it while searching for an anxiolitic that didn't compromise ability to perform whatever job. It's legal in the US and you can buy like a 4 month supply for $60. Very addictive though. Just google "phenibut"

This is not an atheistfag board. It never will be.

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dumb phoneposter

Then set goals for yourself. Get yourself an agenda to write in. To break this curse of "existing" you must learn to live for something again. Find something non-degenerate that you enjoy and could see yourself wanting to excel in if you weren't going to take your own life. Something you want to excel at not so that others would praise you but because you would enjoy it.
Get that agenda, write down your goals and how you could get to them.
Stop existing, start living.

Sounds like you have parental issues.. Hope you work through them buddy, that demeanor won't get you into heaven.


chill out tho

Not really user. I went to the doc today for trouble breathing, and he said it's because I'm so unhappy

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Hell is clearly in the Bible, user. Only kikes teach otherwise. Do you want me to show you?

I'm tryin my damnest man. But that'll only get you so far. You?

>Or you could find brothers and a goal
Nah man I'm like next-level anxious in public; have always had a really really hard time making friends. When I look people in the eye they look away like I hurt them or something; it's hard to describe. Can't connect with anyone. That's the main reason for all of this tbqhwy. All work requires some basic degree of functionality socially and I make everyone feel like shit just with me being around, and it's infectious, too, where when I'm any place for a few months, everyone else feels awkward even around each other. It sucks to know that you hurt people psychologically with just being around them. Easier on everyone this way.

Sounds like you're an unsaved reprobate false peophet who knows nothing about what gets someone into heaven. You have bigger problems that collecting a quarter of a shekel per post on a croatian meme board.

I dunno man I just don't think God could fault me for checking out considering what my life is. Fingers crossed it's just oblivion like whoops this soul is broken let's let it rest

Fuck no. I'm pretty fucking far from OK

I'm trying to let go actually but I keep forgetting

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We all cry sometimes.
We all fall sometimes.
We are the ones who get up and fight relentlessly.
If necessary, take your breaks. Lay down a while after you fall. Recuperate and set the war out of your mind. Then when you are alright again, hop to your feet and stand with your brothers again.

We can win. We will win.
Stay the course.

I quit drinking. Now I feel like shit but sober.

Suicide =/= hell. Eternal Security means we can never lose our Salvation once we believe on Jesus. But make no mistake, hell is real- Jesus went there for 3 days in our stead.

>he, seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.
Acts 2:31 KJVA
>because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Acts 2:27 KJV
>For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Psalm 16:10 KJV

I'd like to tell ya it's from a vid of some guy streaming his suicide, and flipping the bird to the universe.
Unfortunately it's from some gay YT vid. Here's the link:

I too have that issue. I'm working on it. I believe a lot stems from my insecurity about my looks and past mental traumas. So I'm working on those. Lost 5kg the past 3 weeks, 25kg left to go.
But remember, you can talk to people online too. Post a throw away mail here, I'll hit you up.

Keep in mind that you never really die. As soon as you leave your container prepare for a different reality you may have never wanted. It is better to build up your spirit and be at peace, otherwise when you pass you will be confused and it’ll be even harder to cross.

See a cardiologist fool

No, life is horrible and people are evil.

You guys have kept me company through addiction & street life, recovery / solitude, and finally coming of age and moving away from the lies we were taught. Wrapping up legal issues soon. Getting stronger, less debilitating depression. More purposeful without a strictly defined purpose, just knowing they’re going to need us, because they won’t be ready in time... most of them will be spared the true dark depths of understanding, I have faith that the most despicable evils will be eating their own tail, shrinking in size, and swept under the rug of history. Maybe it’s for the better, how could I ever explain how bad things truly got .?

I'd prefer hanging out with Candlejack.

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>Not denying your failure of a life

Read this carefully, kikel.

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I continue out of spite.

Amen to that, brother.

If Jesus doesn't come back we are all going to die. Spare me your narcissistic delusions.

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I think this way too. Id love to speak with whatever God or supreme being there is after I off myself just to see what they think of my choice. How could a loving God ever condemn one of its children to a literal eternity of torture for killing themselves to escape the traumas they experienced in their life?

I dunno but I doubt God would be that spiteful.

LARPing is more interesting than the crushing despair of your existence huh?

>Jesus was a Chad.
Ok where's the savior for incels?

yes, because there is nothing else left. this is my destiny, and i wont be losing it.
Im working hard to form my future after my will and my will alone.

you can make a difference Anons, start with yourself, and you will see it gets easier.

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To those who are not reprobate:

Repent and believe before it's too late. We are all sinners- every single one of us. Hell is a real place, and the wages of sin is death, but God has given us the gift of eternal life. His Son, Jesus Christ, is the Word manifest in the flesh. He came to save us. You only have to believe, and at that moment you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you are INDWELLED with the Holy Spirit and SEALED until the day of redemption. It is a gift that God will not take away. Few there be that find it.


There are no more Israeli flags in most threads. Only days ago, they openly flaunted them. Their tactics have shifted back to memeflags, but mostly VPNs and kikes outside of Israel. You can be sure to find them when you look, and you can be sure they will come in threads about Christ. Copy, paste and revise this if you'd like.

>Jesus is Lord
Bible Way To Heaven
MARCHING TO ZION(Biblical Rebuke of Judaism)
Jewish Mass Murderers
Soul-Winning Demonstration
Fake Spirituality
Lamb's Book of Life
Once Saved, Always Saved
Reality of Hell
Why I hate Barack Obama (God hates people)
Truth About Hinduism
Marxist Luciferian King
Pope Francis and His Lies
The Jews and their Lies
The Fascifist (Crucial Documentary on Judeo-Power)

>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV

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>"Crushing despair"
Nice projection. As a saved Christian, I don't struggle with all the shortcoming of reprobate minds that believe they descend from rocks.

If there is an afterlife I do not think righteous people like yourself would be made to suffer.
Do not continue your life out of fear, instead I suggest you learn to continue your life out of love.
You are not alone my brother.
Better yourself and if necessary take some time off from pol.
But please do remember that you have shitposting frogfriends across the world.
And the redpills you distribute are creating more and more frens in the long run.
Read my other post
Get some goals. Proper goals.
Write em down and figure out what is holding you back. Write it down and how to tackle it. Take the smallest possible steps forward. Don't assume it will happen overnight but you will get there. We all will. Together.

>reprobate minds
>worships a dead jew

To defeat the jew in the bank we must defeat the jew in our mind.

thank you Belgium bro. I hope you have a great day/night.

godspeed Belgium.
you know what to do.

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>we will win.
we cant lose.

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Jow Forums, is trump a goy?

I'm not overtly religious, I'll admit. I would say I am spiritual though. I like the thought of a loving being that watches over us and will care for us when we die. I just see the world as a bit of a lost cause now. There is now united front where a sizeable number of people could gather to really make a change anywhere. That and I have some serious baggage that I can't move past from my childhood has brought me to this point. If there is some sort of afterlife where I can watch over the world, I will root for the cause though, I don't want to see the world descend into this darkness...

I suggest avoiding negatives.
Though I have not double checked the studies (Should have, I know)
it was proposed that our minds tend to avoid the 'not' and subconciously instill the words you are trying to negate.

Hey, Belgian user, do you think that sometimes politics upsets people?

Strange feels man. I'm realizing the decade's coming to a close. So much anger and frustration, so much joy and relief, washing away. We know how the world works now, but what about the future? I'm also unironically listening to this and am thinking of making a 2010s documentary recap.

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