Reebok Russia propagandizes for whore supremacism and infertility

Excerpt from RT:

"One ad, featuring Russian feminist influencer Zalina Marshenkulova, was accompanied with text that, translated to English, read: “Sit not on the needle of men’s approval – sit on men’s face.” Another shot of Marshenkulova read: “When they say ‘carry you in my arms’ I imagine being carried in a coffin.” Her being the co-author of the slogans, Marshenkulova also featured in front of the one, proudly saying “I don’t fit in any frames.”

Full article here:

Picture: Western version of the ad VS Russian version of the ad featuring the cum-deposit activist for cum-deposit rights.

Video of the ad:

Attached: Dy0g4Y3WkA09GDh.jpg (1150x700, 115K)

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Chad jaw.

W*stoid CorpoHomo Subversion strikes again

at this point the only viable defense for Russia is nuking the fuck out them.

also lol @at her roblox deformed looking ass
literally a 1/10 in Russia , no wonder shes femishit

Her whole face is square! She looks like Frankenstein monster!

Guys go to the video and give your opinion:

Бля, я дyмaл pyccкиe нopмaльныe.

* altruist/for-the-cause BUMP *

At least they have deleted Jawmonster poster.

Russia is already completely cucked

It would be funny if someone with photoshop skills would replace Jawmonster face with Khabib face since Reebok is his main sponsor. I think it would be a good and effective meme because the always insecure Caucasians get furious when someone questions their masculinity.