Is being a moleman a redpilled lifestyle? I wish to descend into the darkness...
>Live down in abandoned subway tunnels and other out of use underground structures
>Live in old subway carts and maintenance rooms
>Bring down furniture and other materials from the surface for living
>Keep large supplies of weapons and canned food
>Get wood stove, candles, etc or just learn to live in the dark
>Recruit homeless niggers to bring food from the surface in return for crack
>Install a steel door with tons of locks and an eye-slit opening for max hermit
>Steal electricity if possible
>Immune to the coming Jew technocracy
I'll be waiting for you down here...
Is being a moleman a redpilled lifestyle? I wish to descend into the darkness
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good thread. 9/11
what the fuck are you on about mate
You could do it in the catacombs of paris. Shit would be sketchy though.
Why do live in the sewer when you could be bicycle hobo. Why stay in a box. If your a bike hobo you can go anywhere and stay fit
I would make the frame out of milk crates and use a shopping cart for a base...
IDK good thread OP
>he hasn't taken the Mole Pill
I'd like to prey on normies from a secret underground base. The Time Machine novel did predict that the Morlocks would be the descendent's of the white working class.
Normies won't allow you to live a simple life. I want to build an eco house, but killjoy middle class fucks will never let me. So Morlock time it is!