How do we fix America lads

How do we fix America lads

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fix your own shithole. America is fine.

We dont, we leave it.

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I have NO idea what you are talking about.

We're doing fine JUST FINE

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every nation has its problems, America is working just fine. that's why you fuckers come here, use our boards, watch our shit, listen to our shit, etc.

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Or the Democratic party truly hitting rock bottom and being reformed by center lefties who expunge and isolate the crazies

Set it on fire

Asphyxiation of those coming from Jewish descent, as well as initiating a conflict based on racial contexts, immediately.

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>How do we fix America lads

gibs monies plox

WN scum and commie scum are one in the same. You'll find when you fuckers, nazi-larpers or commie-larpers try this shit, you'll be gunned down before you have time to shit yourself. come and take it, cocksucker.

kek okay radical centrist

Remove the ability of anyone with dual citizenship to hold office. If Israel takes anyone back who is in office after the fact use that as the justification to remove Jews from government.

Nationalize the Fed.

Limit the ability of corporations to become international. Strictly prohibit any Chinese investment or purchase of stocks.

Remove all benefits given to single mothers except for those who are widows. Rework food stamps to be on specific itemized food and not on a dollar amount. Severely reduce the total food as well.

Force Mexico into taking all the niggers and beaners who will want to leave after we enforce these policies.

Go watch your wife get fucked by legal niggers, faggot.

If you don't lean white nationalist you're a retard. Niggers and spics vote for socialist gibs and ruin a society. A proper America would be 85-93% white.

Forgot a big one

Strictly prohibit any government money or loans from being used or given to Universities and colleges.

The essential redpill is clean water and clean food. How can you think clearly if your head is full of nonsense? You are what you eat (and drink).

Factory farmed meat and dairy are genetically modified and full of hormones and other chemicals. The animals are weak and treated with cruelty.

Most tap water is contaminated with pharmaceuticals (including estrogenic contraception), agricultural runoff, and other industrial chemicals and metals. It's not just what you drink;

You're a kike trying to masquerade as one of us.

i'm not a radical centrist, i'm a goddamned American and my oath is still good. this i'll defend.

this, abandon ship. but they'll probably come kill us when they don't have anyone left to tax.

fuck you, cocksucker.

You're about 106 years late, Jews won.

are we settled on those colors? what do the colors represent?

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i'm not a leftist. i don't lean towards identity politics. i believe in the US Constitution and the liberty this nation stands for. fuck your Leftist horseshit.

nice fucking blinders, first day here?

>be in USA
>The Veronicas - 4Ever comes on the radio at a diner
>"oh user you must hate all this trashy american pop"
>explain that this bank is from my hometown
>the fat cunts roll their eyes

americans think EVERYTHING is american.

come see how blind i am when you try your shit around my fellow Americans.

You think everything is fine, so what's the problem?

>quibbling over the ownership of jewish music
come on user it's all the same thing

your country doesn't contribute shit. it could literally sink into the ocean and the world wouldn't even fucking notice. you're on an American board that started for Jappo culture, why would you think all Americans think everything is American you stupid shitbag?

Impossible, I'd rather fucking die than live in America. It's a failed experiment that turned into a consumerist degenerate nightmare with an army that serves Israel.

>identity politics are leftist
You fucking idiot, the founding principles of your country are the reason why it looks like this right now. It went through a natural process of liberalization, if you started a new nation like America on a new continent with the exact same constitution it would end up exactly the same.
Your definition of liberty is childish, liberty are a negative concept, not a positive one. Real freedom is to be free FROM particular things.

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you can be "fine" and "work fine" and still have problems. but to suggest we need to be fixed? we don't. then political pendulum swings back and forth and the moment shit goes actually oppressive, we'll 1776 that shit.

to your question, the problem IMHO is Americans don't take responsibility for their politicians/gov't. it represents us, but we act like we're powerless and play victim to it, all while we bitch about race and sexism, fucking stupid shit like that, instead of the gov't actively trying to subvert our votes or sidestepping our 4th. still works, but we are losing it. when we do, we'll do what Americans do best: kick ass.

you're the fucking idiot, clown, not me. i never defined liberty, so how the fuck do you know what my definition is? presumptive cunt. fucking limey clown. it's impossible for you to understand liberty, you were born in a fucking cage, now bow to your fucking Queen.

This. It's the only realistic option left. Trump will not save us. The GOP will not save us. America will not save us. It's these faggots that don't understand this that are in our way and are only slowing down and even contributing to our inevitable demise. The left has already established itself and it's dominance. The only option is to turn an already majority white state into a stronghold for ourselves and our people. People that bring this up are attacked as demoralizing black-pill faggots, but it's true. The white-pill is that there is at least some chance of this succeeding.

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Birth more

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Liberty to get replaced by new slaves for our economy. MAGA!

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Holy shit we have ourselves a blue-pilled boomer. I didn't think we would find your around these parts. What's it like to be so innocent?

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don't project your homosexuality on to me, Leftist shit.

>I never defined liberty
>believes in the american constitution
How braindead are you

all the lies you tell you tell to recruit more idiots to your weak, meaningless, and untimely failed cause have no effect on me. Hitler failed whites and you prop him up like some savior. that's how fucking stupid you are.

>implying the farmer would let his cows escape

i'm 30 and i don't buy into your pill bullshit. i say it like it is and you cocksuckers are relegated to sad corners of the net. your leftist shit is already taken by the commies. you can't outdo them, they have academia and more time in the field while you sat in your McDonald's jobs hating yourself.

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liberty isn't defined in the constitution, stupid ass. like i said, you're a limey clown that doesn't know shit.

Think it's supposed to be off the cascadia flag

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>have no effect on me
Absolutely no effect.
Good fucking luck having a government that allows any kind of liberty while your population is 70% spic. If you haven't noticed, Spanish speakers are very left-wing, even Spanish fascism (Falangism) is very left-leaning. Your grandchildren are gonna live in a socialist shithole.
t. Spaniard.

>definitions of philosophical concepts have no logical conclusion and it's impossible to understand to fundamental values behind a constitution just by reading it
Ok retard.

My cause is not weak, you bigot. Im a staunch supporter of our god emperor, TRUMP!
There are no lies to what i tell, i only follow our based president. MAGA! Everyone is american and can help our great economy. Especially them Chinese and Indian People. TRUE AMERICANS.

Hitler was an evil, German nationalist, bitch that didnt want BASED blacks in his country. We sure showed that faggot what it means to be AMERICAN!

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>your leftist shit is already taken by the commies
The founding fathers of your country also practiced identity politics (pic related). Were they communists too?

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no effect as in i see through your leftist bullshit. i don't give a fuck about race. ideas and values transcend race. you leftists can't handle that. it's all about pitting sub group against sub group. you fail every time and don't talk to me about socialism given the state of your sick little island. the cosntitution doesn't define liberty dumbass. the idea of freedom of speech existed prior to it being penned in the 1st, twat.

Trump doesn't support Race War bullshit. WN types hate him and call him a Jew puppet. reading the rest of your post, i think you and i are engaging in some friendly fire here.

the thing about the founding fathers people like you fail to understand is, they knew they were flawed and could potentially fall into the same pits the fucking Brits do every 50 years or whatever. they designed a system with checks and balances. a system that would guarantee indiv. rights., something limes YET TO FIGURE OUT. the Constitution doesnt care what race you are. they practiced it, but that's not how they designed it.

>Anyone who isnt content with corporate whoring of our values and the slow degeneration of the main tenents of our society is a leftist
So this is the power... of the Boomer?

MUH CONSTITUTION isn't going to save you when Trump gets his millions of legal immigrants, bud.

Race war is not good for the economy. Who the fuck cares if whites become a minority in america. As long as they get replaced by BASED americans?

WN Bitches, DAS WHO! As long we are all american, there isnt a problem. Racists btfo.

>ideas and values transcend race
Certainly, you can see this all around Europe. I mean, all this leftist shit and feminism is transcending the fact that 1/4 women in Sweden will get raped in their lifetime, right?
No fucking nigger from Equatorial Guinea where average IQ is 64 gives a SINGLE FUCK about your lofty ideals, these people don't understand concepts such as the past or the future.
>given the state of your sick little island
What do you mean? We have "racial diversity" with 70% of London being shitskin. What are you, a leftist? I thought ideas and values transcend race?
>the constitution doesn't define liberty dumbass
Listen you fucking idiot, I already addressed your point. Particular definitions of philosophical concepts have logical conclusions when used for politics. It just so fucking happens that the constitution of the USA is a logical conclusion of pursuing the liberty TO doing things, not from them; it implies freedom of choice exists, not freedom FROM things in the deterministic point of view.
You're a stereotypical American boomer autist, 30 year old beer chugging idiot who thinks political theory revolves around the american understanding of it, where "tyranny" = leftism and "liberty" = right-wing.

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Civil war
>slay significant numbers of minorities
>slay political leaders w corp funding
>slay non-US corp shills both in media & power

Bring about martial law
A decade of civil pandemonium ensues
Once the dust settles you get the redpilled RedWhiteAndBlue
Expect an authoritarian right-wing dynamic

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your green text is even more irrelevant that you. impressive.

Sure, Jan.

muh Constitution guarantees MY rights. I have to save myself from threats. legal immigration isn't a bad thing, my family immigrated here in the 1800s from Ireland and Germany. get fucked. America is an idea, not a fucking race. i'll support an American of any color if they value it.

>i say it like it is and you cocksuckers are relegated to sad corners of the net.
Then why the fuck are you here? You're not going to change anything whatsoever.
>your leftist shit is already taken by the commies
Left ideals are in nearly every political ideology. If whatever "shit" political ideal I have is used by communists as well, so be it. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
>you can't outdo them
I'm not trying to outdo communists at their own game.
>they have academia and more time in the field while you sat in your McDonald's jobs hating yourself.
If you give these deservedly demonized communists the light of day as being academic and active, then you're not wrong. The problem is that *your* liberal freedumb country allowed them to have this and the power to change your much beloved constitution as they so please as their numbers grow. This involves your black, beaner, whatever shitskin friends that you have. They statistically vote democrat and for more socialist policies than whites. Whatever benefits them. It has always been this way and will always be this way. Your faggoty boomer politics will never change this. Demographics are destiny, and you and your ideals will die a quick death at the current immigration and breeding rates. And no, I work a STEM job and don't flip burgers. You are allowed to think about your own people and not work at a fast food joint.
Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet. You can't "1776" if you have your rights taken away because you're being replaced by people that WANT your rights taken away. Holy shit you are either a troll or the biggest MAGA retard on the internet.

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>the Constitution doesnt care what race you are
That's unfortunate since whites are the only people in the U.S who care about the constitution

Did you ever slip one of them a finger or two user? They seem kind of cunty but I reckon they'd go off in the sack.

Europe has no values. it's a collection of separate nations with history and their own indiv. values in constant conflict./cuckoldry. Sweden is a perfect example of having no values. If they're dumb enough to import savages, then their IQ wasn't so great now, was it?

those you import don't share the idea, jackass. that's your problem.

i didn't bother reading the rest of your shit, because you're still operating from the idea the constitution defines liberty. it doesnt.

>Then why the fuck are you here? You're not going to change anything whatsoever.
for fun and tiddies. i don't need to change anything. MY cause is active and i can proudly proclaim my ideas in public and no one will bother me.

i didn't read the rest of your drivel.

that's demonstrably false. civil rights movement, stupid ass.

>Sweden is a perfect example of having no values
Fucking kek. You don't know shit.
Every fucking nation in Europe, including fictional shit like Ukraine and shitholes like Albania, have 100x the amount of culture that America has. You people are just a cheap workforce and consumers for your overlords. Your country's history is about railroad companies, oil companies and other stupid bullshit. You're non-existent, you're an artificial 250 years old state which is a failed experiment. Of course there's conflict, because unlike the US, Europe isn't a clusterfuck of states, it's a continent full of nations with their own history, languages, art, achievements and different ethnic groups.
>i didn't bother reading the rest of your shit, because you're still operating from the idea the constitution defines liberty. it doesnt.
Well then, if you're just not gonna read why IT DOES, you can shut the fuck up you stupid boomer, watch a Michael Bay movie drinking shitty mass-produced beer, eat a burger and get shot by a nigger.

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Fix the colleges, too much marxism

>MY cause
You have no proper cause. You can proudly proclaim your ideas in public because you are the status quo, and your status quo will continue to falter until it is nothingness, or a complete monstrosity in comparison to what it previously was.

>i didn't read the rest of your drivel
kek must be hard to admit your american dream is dead for your children. gl hf

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by the same tactics. educate the young in the manner you want to see materialize. Kill communists. Jews have subverted our nation too long.
It really is quite simple. us retards just have to plan in thoughts of many generations ahead, instead of me, or maybe my childrens future.

Neck yourself you nigger loving Ben Shapiro fag worshipper.

i know infinitely more than you, your performance here is indicative of that. you din't bother addressing my points, so i'm done with your dishonest, ignorant, clown ass.

my cause is American liberty, shitbag. it's rare and precious, that's why the world wants to come here. fucking mouth-breather.

It's pretending to be a boomer "patriot" when reality it's just a fucking discord tranny shill that's been here long enough to troll quite well.

shove it up your ass, cocksucker.

>you didn't bother addressing my points
Okay you inbred idiot. I bet you're just a fucking Jew shill, Americans might be stupid but not this stupid. Unless you're a nigger of course.

come and try your race war, cocksucker. see what im shilling for.

please end this meme
t. PNW
They represent the personal design of some liberal hippie faggot from portland, and retards not even from cascadia continue to use it as our flag


So you concede that homosex is fine with you and that you listen to and agree with Ben Shapiro? Nice.

We can have more liberty by having more foreign americans. This is true freedom.

i concede to nothing and I don't listen to Shapiro. got any relevant things you want to say as opposed to smearing the thread with your shit?

I think it could be as simple as convincing the right that democracy is a bad idea.

So you're going to be with the blue hairs/red scarfs. Got it.

you start a race war and i'll be the one you won't see as your head splits apart from a rifle round. leave my fellow Americans alone and we'll have no problems.

1776 will commence again! Commies get the bullet. And nazis get the rope.
TRUE americans are welcome from all over the world to fight for LIBERTY.

it's a meme you fucking dipshit, just admit you're a faggot lefty.

the unironic solution is accelerationism.

Everything will solve itself, the sheep have awknowledged the jew influence, the left literally cannot with, any move the left makes will spur an insurrection that'll dethrown them and then end up targetting the jew.

Dump the far right's planning emails to the general public the same way the DNC's shit got dumped.

and i'm dead serious, there's many a man out there that will die for his fellow Americans, regardless of their color. race wars are a meme for most folks, but for some, it isn't. they're out there in the world, but so am i.

Good bait I must say. Even most 'merica boomers I've had a conversation with irl aren't this retarded. Figured something was off.

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>fix your own shithole. America is fine.
So it's just fine that hundreds of niggers rapes every day your daughters and sisters?

Nuclear Holocaust

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We could start by "Making it Great Again"...

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Time to play cowboys and negros

>gas the kikes, race war now

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Regular reminder that Butler faggots want unlimited power to do whatever they want to you. Just trading one tyranny for another.

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This. Actually even worse, because at least in America you CAN sometimes prevail in a constitutional suit when the government sodomizes you enough.

We destroy it