Hey guys femanon here

Where to find quickies so I can get my bf mad? Preferably a man of darker color.
A friend on a party told me my Bf s been saying racist things behind my back, mostly before we started dating.
I want to break up but Imo that's not enough, I want to punish him

Attached: 1541920017358.jpg (540x749, 114K)

Obvious first question, could he have possibly done to elicit such a vengeance?

Attached: 1522979232215.jpg (640x478, 76K)

He's a racist

I don't even want to waste one of my bait images on this thread.

Could just use tinder


How dare you post Freddie Mercury with such low quality bait.

1. This is hardcore bait or 2. Your the definition of a bitch who deserves no one kys

okay, question 1 (even though this is likely bait) What exactly did you boyfriend supposedly say that was racist. because this day and age it's pretty likely whatever he said wasnt even close to racist and people are just blowing it out of proportion

Worst of the month.


Said black people are by default not intelligent and inferior and I want to show him how inferior he is

Just stop. This bait is terrible.

Bait never stops. Never. We are fighting a war we can never win.

I don't mind bait. Bait of this horrendous quality, however, is a pox on us all.

I have never seen bait this bad

That should solve your problems.

reported this bait

This is retarded bait.. Obvs tinder will be easy for you to find someone

Nice LARP, Jow Forums moron

shit bait. I mean, really bad this time. 2/10.