Why does he bang people with severe mental issues? im sure he could find a tradthot in his audience if he wanted to. also why can't a single alt-right eceleb have a normal personal life? they racemix and fuck trannies at a much higher rate than any normal white do.
the alt right is never going to make much ground outside the internet. Too many weirdos
Jacob Peterson
mama jf is just banting lad, she has a speech impediment
Ryan Nelson
thats all he can get, he talks big but hes a huge pussy
Wyatt Russell
What the fuck is that thing? Context?
Austin Powell
The reason people come out in public support of the alt-right in the first place is because they’re mentally damaged in some way. We have to start acting like normal, likable chads if we want to start gaining serious traction.
Matthew King
>he doesn't know all women are mentally ill oh sweet summer child
The group itself won't, because that is the nature of extremist groups, but the underlying ideas will, it's already happened via Tucker Carlson.
I think foreigners in general do not understand what the American public is actually like because the only places they visit are the coastal regions, but the white working class is EXTREMELY right-wing, and it has become fashionable recently to be "totally not but kinda sorta" racist.
Basically politics are starting to realign along racial grounds, and this is totally unavoidable. People often criticize America for being behind the rest of the developed world, but recent events have demonstrated that the opposite is true: We're ahead of the curve. We're further into globo-homo-niggerplex than anybody.
Things will get loud very soon. We Americans pride ourselves on our individualism but that's actually bullshit, we're as conformist as the Germans, we just conform to contrarian opinions instead of being Der Untertan. What that means is that the harder the media machine and the State push for an idea, the harder we naturally push against it.
Someone said once that every generation has to watch its world die and be replaced by the next generation. Well the last generation were a bunch of libshit faggots and wannabe socialists. The next generation by definition cannot be. They will watch as we smash the world they wanted to create in front of them.