Freemason Video Games

I'm seeing more and more Freemason symbolism in video games. From COD to Zelda, there are non stop Freemason nods. Some people on above top secret were discussing this in the early 2000's. Vidya is full of Freemason, Illuminati, and Zionist symbols. In pick related you see the checkerboard/duality, six point star, illumination, Mayan, and Osiris fixation.

I'll post what I've found in this thread. There's a fixation on Osiris, Isis, Horus, Hiram Abiff, and various Mayan entities. Children's series like Sonic, and Zelda Platonically brainwash children into defending aristocracies. I think many games are modeled after Osiris, and Druid rituals to invoke ancient mind control.
past thread
This Honk Kong user pointed out that many high up Japanese joined Freemasonry after WW2. There have been several recent Zelda memes trying to promote it as Aryan. I think these are shills for what is actually a very Freemason, Zionist game. I've heard on here that some Nintendo people were invited to Bohemian Grove, but can't find anything to confirm it.

Attached: Steam Freemason Illuminati Beyond Good and Evil Checkerboard Duality Light Dark Moisture.jpg (1878x1557, 871K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Pyramid_Scheme

Pokemon had a fatwa issued against it for having Freemason imagery. This was re-instated after the release of Pokemon Go.

Bet you weren't expecting this one, right? Back in the ‘90s, a Saudi Arabian fatwa was issued against Pokémon because it possessed the minds of children, promoted Zionism and featured symbols related to Freemasonry.

Here’s a clipping from the period:

Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority has issued an edict banning Pokemon games and cards, saying they have "possessed the minds" of children, promote Zionism and involve gambling.

Saudi Arabia's Higher Committee for Scientific Research and Islamic Law issued the fatwa, or religious ruling, over the weekend.

It said the video game and cards have symbols that include "the Star of David, which everyone knows is connected to international Zionism and is Israel's national emblem, as well as being the first symbol of the Freemason."

Attached: Pokemon double color energy.jpg (243x333, 15K)

in the time leading up to his death Iwata had been making drastic changes to the direction and principles of Nintendo. Some examples of this as cited by the essay include:

Nintendo had previously resisted entering the smartphone market and held the position that consoles would always be superior. However, recently they have made moves to work with Japanese online game e-commerce giant DeNA.
Iwata had once said that 3DS games became boring if the 3D functionality was turned off. However, later the 2DS – a machine which lacked a 3D screen – was released.
Nintendo announced that software production outside of Japan has increased, when actually it has gone down.
After refusing to cut the price of game machines, the 3DS had its price slashed by 40 percent fewer than six months after release.
Nintendo had affirmed that they would provide games to the “other side of the world” but recently withdrew from Brazil.

The somewhat spurious writing goes on to say that Iwata had been taking on more and more of an autocratic style of leadership as Nintendo slid further into the red. However, despite suggestions that he should step down he continued to cling to his position, even as his health began to decline.

In come the Freemasons. You may remember last year when we ran a shocking piece that exposed the Freemasons as a group of people who network and fund the occasional children’s soccer tournament. However, according to this essay, in their downtime the Freemasons are also secretly controlling the video game industry. “How” you ask? The document explains, complete with anti-Semitic non-sequiturs.

Attached: “Nintendo president assassinated by Freemasons” conspiracy theory floats around social networks. (664x2171, 396K)

Nintendo was selling playing cards when they got the idea to make game machines by the Japanese version of the Magnavox Odyssey II game console developed by a Jewish big-time technician. This was all facilitated by the founder of Atari, Nolan Bushnell. The name “Atari” is derived from the Japanese word meaning ‘to hit a target.’ It’s actually a faction organized by the secret society of the Freemasons with the ‘target’ of controlling the Japanese people. The way to do this was to rekindle the Space Invaders boom that was started earlier by the Jews. Since that time, dignitaries of the Masonic Order have been behind the Japanese game industry and Nintendo, continuing to keep the people of Japan lazy and stupid. However, President Iwata tried to resist this.’

It paints quite a bleak picture of a video game industry puppeteered by mysterious powers who not only make us fall in love with cuddly pokémon and plumbers, but kill off even the most powerful of us if we get in their way. And despite this theory’s paranoia and bigotry, it’s still more comforting to believe in than the truly frightening reality of what actually happened.

Satoru Iwata died from cancer.

Attached: Kirby homo propaganda.jpg (1280x1540, 636K)

reminder triforce is a Jow Forums meme, Jow Forums is tavistock.
also I got banned from ats for the same reason, too much truth and they are also tavistock.
I told you back then, if you want me to stop talking you are going to have to kill me.

Here's the Japanese source. If any nip anons can translate that would be great.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-12 「フリーメーソンに暗殺された」任天堂社長急死でLINEに� (702x1212, 586K)

Pokemon Go is a CIA operation to spy on everyone. Video games are fornts for Freemason, military mind control.
Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game that uses the player’s smartphone camera to ‘add’ Pokémon to
real-world locations. But what you don’t know is that when you signed up to play it you may have
unwittingly handed over access to your emails, search histories, and Google Drive data.

This new game that you are obsessed with has ties to the CIA.

The developer of the game, Niantic Inc., was founded by John Hanke, who in the past has received funding
from the CIA’s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel to develop what eventually became Google Earth.

In-Q-Tel has been described as an “independent strategic investment firm that identifies innovative
technology solutions to support the missions of the U.S. Intelligence Community.”

This may sound crazy, but when you think about it, it really begins to make sense. The game utilizes the
player’s camera and gyroscope to display an image of a Pokémon as though it were in the real world.
Places like the player’s home or workplace.

Attached: Nights dualize touch nights, freemason symbolism, invisible Magic Flute.jpg (5816x5400, 3.08M)

Media are run by the CIA/Mossad/Tavistock

Many Glow Niggers are Masons

Jesus Christ is the final redpill

Attached: boop.jpg (347x1023, 23K)

I think Majora's Mask is a retelling of The Magic Flute.

German poet Goethe once said about The Magic Flute, “If the multitude find pleasure only in what is actually visible, the initiated will not fail to perceive the higher meaning.” Those “initiated” are none other than the Freemasons.

Mozart became a Mason in December 1784 and was an active member until his death seven years later. Freemasonry in Mozart’s time was driven by a desire to spread the ideals of the Enlightenment – reason, tolerance, and humanism. Mozart found solace in these principles as he dealt with the passing of his father, troubles in his marriage, and his ever-growing debt. It is no surprise then that his later works became saturated with Masonic themes. The Magic Flute is certainly no exception.

Written at a time when Freemasonry was condemned and discredited, The Magic Flute has been called an “Enlightenment allegory, veiled in masonic ritual.”

>Mozart didn’t limit his Masonic nods to just the abstract allegorical level. Freemason rituals and symbolism are scattered throughout the opera. Take the number three, for example. This numeral, an important figure to the Masons, occurs again and again: the main character Tamino is rescued by three ladies and guided along his journey by three boys; he must endure three trials to join the brotherhood; the snake representing ignorance is cut into three pieces. Mozart even goes so far as to write the work in a key signature with three flats.

The Magic Flute, meant to epitomize the meaning of Freemasonry, was Mozart’s last completed composition. He fell ill two days after its premiere. In the delirium of that fatal sickness, Wolfgang would run through the opera in his head, experiencing the power of his own music. He died after the show’s 67th performance. One hypothesis regarding Mozart’s death is that Masons poisoned him for revealing their secrets.

Attached: Zelda Majoras Mask, Freemason, Illuminati, Symbols, Hiram Abiff Rauru Building the Temple 3mb.jpg (2256x4532, 3M)

Honey and Darling symbolize unity of male and female dualities. They are always spinning around a central pole/axis. I think Darling was modled after a Rothschild, or something. He's the only character with jew hair.

Attached: Male and Female dualities united around center pole-axis, Honey-and-Darling Zelda.gif (500x271, 445K)

People on above top secret were saying the fairy head statue in the OOT shrines looks like Adam Weishapt.

Attached: Fairy_Fountain_(Ocarina_of_Time) Adam Weishaupt Cherub Head Statue.png (2662x1079, 3.35M)

its a bit deeper than that, research the "medes" from ancient history, the media stems from there.

waiting for the breakdown on metal gear, kojima is one of the main reasons why im woke at all, I have many doubts as to subversion, but then he did get canned during V. (but not GZ)
any thoughts on death stranding also.

pokemon (1st gen) is apparently used as a trigger in MKultra aswell. like a cheatsheet to see what type of alter they have.
This video explains the symbolism of The Magic Flute. It will give you Zelda flashbacks.

After you give the bombers the secret password, you descend into a dark cavern. You then jump scared by monsters. This is a reminiscent of Druidic rituals performed in the caverns of Rome.

You then come upon a central ladder between two pillars. When you pop the balloon a sun explosion occurs over the central ladder. You then ascend the ladder to get to the astral observatory. This is Freemason left, right, center pillar/ladder symbolism.

Attached: Zelda Osiris Isis Horus.jpg (1154x5866, 2.72M)

Ok im mason then or whatever
Fuck jews and throw sand niggers out of Europe

The Bombers Club is a blatant allusion to the Freemasons.

>research the "medes" from ancient history, the media stems from there.

Links? I don't know much about metal gear, but some videos sound like they are describing the masons/secret societies. Post whatever you know relating to Freemasons and vidya.

The psychic Pokemon episode where they get shrunk in the doll house was really spooky. Lavender town's stone tower is a Zoroastrian Tower of Silence. Pokemon gave me many fetishes as well.

Attached: central ladder two pillars.png (800x448, 486K)

user, what the fuck are you talking about?

Attached: 12.jpg (269x187, 7K)

where is that rundown on Half Life prospect and Valve?

I think Zelda was a way to introduce a pseudo-religion to everyone. Astana has been called Illuminati City for it's occult buildings. They are now stockpiling nuclear material like James Bond villains. Astana's religious council building is a triforce on top of a sigil. I'm seeing triforce symbolism in clothes along with Maltese crosses, checkerboards, and nimrod stuff. The triforce is some kind of NWO Illuminati symbol.

Attached: The Magic Flute Mozart, Illuminati, Astana, Zelda.jpg (1608x3024, 1.3M)

Attached: Astana, Illuminati City, Triforce, Eagle, kazakh-eli-monument-and-palace-of-peace-and-reconciliation (1500x1704, 587K)

Attached: Freemason Checkerboard, Illuminati, Nimrod Skull and Two Arrows.jpg (2576x7384, 3.07M)

Vidya is Freemason mind control.

Sonic's original art cover featured the checkerboard floor, pillar, and palm leaf symbolism. Japanese media is controlled by American Freemasons.

Attached: Sonic, Masonic, Sega, Freemason propaganda, Robotnicks Pyramid Scheme-3MB.jpg (1520x9050, 3.14M)

I dont know too many personally without just pointing you youtube, CoD black ops is FILLED with freemasonary down to the characters name, Mason. I to this day have no fucking idea why you can break out of the chair to play Zork, with subtle references to the nazi UFO, die glocke.
lavender town is some shit, the japanese audio literally MADE PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES because of the dysharmonic resonance in the song. (deconstructive interference)
for medes, literally google it, its too wide a subject, they were like gurus people went to visit from far and wide.

I have nothing on MGS except the fact the entire story has allegories to the illuminati (PATRIOT system AIs secret weapons testing etc etc etc) and the reoccuring theme in each game is that snake, the player, is ALWAYS being played on both sides

you could say "snake" alone is a hint but he copied the character from escape from LA like mel gibson in snatcher before him.

This episode of sonic features his ancestor Masonic, the fastest bricklayer in ancient mobigypt. It's packed with Freemason symbolism. You see masonic hand shakes, blue immortality shields(blue is color of immortality in Freemasonry), false peace symbols, turban wearing animals, and more. Pic related breaks it down. Chili dogs were introduced as an allegory for anal sex. These shows/games groom kids for sodomy rituals.'s_Pyramid_Scheme

Sonic is once again on the beach trying to pick up on Beach Bunnies when he is approached again by Professor Caninestein. The Professor informs Sonic that his family history is being erased because Robotnik is messing with his ancestors. Sonic asks for the Atomic Relativity Boots

Attached: Sonic Masonic Freemason propaganda, Robotnicks Pyramid Scheme 3mb.jpg (9063x8626, 3.36M)

Robotnik arrives in Ancient Mobigypt. They see Sonic's ancestor, Masonic the bricklayer. They plan on keeping him from meeting Penelope so they will never have children and generations later Sonic will never be born. Penelope runs the local Chili Dog stand, so Masonic is on his way over to her for a bite to eat. Masonic is intercepted by Scratch who is dressed like a woman and tries to seduce him. Not interested at all, Masonic tries to get away from him, but Grounder pulls out a laser and they capture Masonic.

>Grounder pulls Sonic to the floor after he tries to ascend the pole behind him

Sonic and friends come in after them. The mummy of Robotnikhotep wakes up and is wearing the Chaos Emerald of immortality. Sonic tries to Spin Attack him, but can't hurt him.

>Sonic tries to spin attack cut his limbs off, just as Seth did to Osiris.

The Mummy Hedgehog gives Sonic his necklace with another emerald which gives him a blue energy shield that can protect him from Robotnik's immortality.

>Blue is the prime color of Freemasonry, and immortality.

The Marriage has something to do with Ptah i think. Penelope is wearing a green hat in the same shade as his skin. The show alludes to 36, Freemason number for male and female unity. There are three wedding steps. The pillars and houses are in four and three.

Pic related shows the masonic handshake, blue energy shield, tribe of Dan boat in background, duality symbolism on the companies involved, and nimrod symbolism with the goat/two arrowheads.

Attached: Masonic, Sonic, Robotniks Pyramid Scheme, Blue energy shield, Masonic hand shake, 5 Platonic element (1399x2143, 1.75M)

The intro cinematic to Gannon in Breath of the Wild mirrors the light and moist darkness scene from the Hermetic Corpus.

Methought a Being more than vast, in size beyond all bounds, called out my name and saith: What wouldst thou hear and see, and what hast thou in mind to learn and know?

2. And I do say: Who art thou?

He saith: I am Man-Shepherd, 3 Mind of all-

p. 4

masterhood 1; I know what thou desirest and I’m with thee everywhere.

3. [And] I reply: I long to learn the things that are, and comprehend their nature, and know God. This is, I said, what I desire to hear.

He answered back to me: Hold in thy mind all thou wouldst know, and I will teach thee.

>4. E’en with these words His aspect changed, 2 and straightway, in the twinkling of an eye, all things were opened to me, and I see a Vision limitless, all things turned into Light,—sweet, joyous [Light]. And I became transported as I gazed.

>But in a little while Darkness came settling down on part [of it], awesome and gloomy, coiling in sinuous folds, 3 so that methought it like unto a snake. 4

>And then the Darkness changed into some sort of a Moist Nature, tossed about beyond all power of words, belching out smoke as from a

p. 5

>fire, and groaning forth a wailing sound that beggars all description.

>[And] after that an outcry inarticulate came forth from it, as though it were a Voice of Fire.

5. [Thereon] out of the Light . . . 1 a Holy Word (Logos) 2 descended on that Nature. And upwards to the height from the Moist Nature leaped forth pure Fire; light was it, swift and active too.

The Air, too, being light, followed after the Fire; from out the Earth-and-Water rising up to Fire so that it seemed to hang therefrom.

But Earth-and-Water stayed so mingled each with other, that Earth from Water no one could discern. 3 Yet were they moved to hear by reason of the Spirit-Word (Logos) pervading them.

Attached: Zelda Breath of the Wild Light Dark Corpus Hermeticum.png (1265x709, 661K)
Here British Freemasons brag about putting the all seeing eye on the dollar bill. I think they have something to do with the one eye symbolism in Breath of the Wild.

Here's some vids on Freemason symbols in vidya.

Attached: sonic sun worship.png (1920x1080, 3.9M)

Larger breakdown. The 3mb limit made this pic look like shit, so here's a link to a better quality version.

Attached: Zelda Majoras Mask=Magic Flute Mozart=Masonic Propaganda, Sega, Sonic, Niantic 8000x8000 3Mb.jpg (8000x8000, 3.28M)

>Take the number three, for example. This numeral, an important figure to the Masons, occurs again and again

>Skullkid, Tatl, and Tale (three) attack link in the beginning of MM, just a Hiram Abiff is attacked by three ruffians

The Magic Flute was meant to popularize ancient initiation education. Basically zelda dungeon-tier secret brotherhoods, and their mysteries. Read through the wiki of the opera. It sounds just like a zelda game.

>trails of fire and water to reach enlightenment
>trails of fire and water to get fire and water arrows. Light arrows always come last(enlightenment)

Skullkid is Sarastros. Originally thought to be evil, he is later revealed as benevolent. Skullkid's endgame dialogue is all about being friends, just like Sarastros emphasized.

Majora is the Queen of the Night descending on the moon. The true evil one.

Attached: Zelda, Trials of Fire and Water to Reach Enlightenment, Illuminati Freemason Conditioning.jpg (2333x1566, 1.35M)

I hate jews and stuff and sometimes it feels crazy but at least i'm not this fucked

Attached: 119002384.jpg (612x514, 53K)

"Genesis does what Nintendon't!" = Sega is an inversion of Nintendo

Attached: Sonic the Freemason.jpg (226x300, 17K)

>osiris new dawn is a freemason game
You are retarded, that was made by a husband and wife team now they have like 30 employees.

Yah they weren't bribed, or anything.

Attached: Vaporwave Is a Judeo-Masonic Chabad Lubavitch Conspiracy.jpg (558x3662, 868K)

You are honestly retarded and more than a little crazy.

this is a valid point, HL2 is full 1984 with references to the characters from the book at points.
you already posted it earlyer (the wiki page) on but SEGA is literally a military OP. most people who played SEGA know this because of the censorship of probotector/contra (they couldnt call he game Contra after Iran contra in the west. and made all the humans robots.)

at least now I know why there will never be a mother 4, cant have fangames without subliminal messages, better kill the project at 99% completion every, fricking, time.

And how does that changes anything?

lol, you didn't even read the image to the end

my thinking was the HL3 would be too "on the nose" as it depicts a near future situation and at this point it would draw immediate parallels to modern living
also G-Man was an alien that kidnapped people to conduct experiments on them in his moon base


Attached: 4fota670kjn11.jpg (1920x1080, 355K)

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The Resident Evil 2 demo had checkerboard floors. Most, maybe all, of the potted plants were palms. Even the green herb looks like a palm.

I looked into the older games, and they all have checkerboards throughout. RE4 was a morning resurrection style ritual. It all happened in one night, and you get your victory over death in the twilight of the morning.

Didn't catch it sorry. Was looking for a quick info grab. The Floral Shop is obviously Freemasonic. Checkerboard and pillar.

Attached: Floral Shop.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

>gifted and talented education
it never ends does it.

they released the HL3 storyline despite the game never being released, should make for some good reading on this topic. dyson spheres.

I think im going to stop here, I know people who went on GATE via mensa and now im blackpilled as fuck. just give me a minigun and over 9000 rounds.

posting in an epic boomer schizo slide thread

The analysis of TV commercials and shows they had us do in GATE made me think there was something more to them. It's one of the reasons i looked into all this.

Attached: Whitney Houston Queen of the Night Freemason Symbolism.jpg (2320x5656, 2.37M)

Attached: Birthday_chili_dog.png (1366x768, 1.17M)

Attached: Chili_Dog_and_the_Black_Knight.png (852x452, 508K)

Attached: Autistic Homo Programming.jpg (488x750, 47K)

one last point for summerfags, anyone using the phrases "schizo" "tinfoil" or anything else to put into question your mental health, without sufficient evidence that [topic] isnt real, they are shills.
the term COINTELPRO used to be thrown around alot more before this site went to shit. and people would know this without being prompted.
have a day.

One of the Resident Evil 4 charicters wears a Prussian style uniform, and is connected to a pseudo Illuminati cult. The RE4 occultists wear Isis horns. Resident Evil is some kind of Osiris/Horus ritual.
Ramon Salazar was a nobleman from an unnamed Spanish-speaking rural region in Europe. Salazar was born into the office of castellan, the governor of a castle and its surrounding area. He was the eighth castellan to govern the region since its construction, the office having been handed down for a number of generations. At the 21st century came about, Salazar left his Catholic faith behind and converted to Los Iluminados, a cult led by Osmund Saddler, who had access to bioweapons research and was interested in Las Plagas.

Saddler's research team began experimenting on these organisms,[5] and created a large number of Plaga eggs for the purpose of spreading out to the entire region.[3] From this research, Salazar was granted one of several genetically-modified dominant species Plagas, which would grant the host full control over their bodies as well as the ability to order around other hosts. Salazar formed a large, armed force of monks, the Cultists, as well as two Verdugo bioweapons as his personal bodyguards. Continuing his services as Castellan, it became Salazar's duty to protect the Queen Plaga, a large creature which asexually reproduced new Plagas constantly.

In 2004, Salazar became part of an international plot by Saddler to infiltrate the US federal government. President Graham's daughter, Ashley, was to be abducted

Salazar hastily inducted Ashley into Los Iluminados through the cult's baptismal ceremony and sent her off to Saddler's island base for safety. Leading Leon high into a tower sheltering the Queen Plaga, Salazar made a final effort to halt his mission by merging into the Plaga's body alongside one of his Verdugos.

>All three soon perished, allowing Leon to escape to the island.

Attached: Isis Horns RE4Zealots.png (1000x591, 536K)

>I know people who went on GATE
I had a similar experience in elementary starting around grades 2-3 but didn't take since I involved my parents due to mistrust of school administrators (raised that way). They offered to skip me grades and take me to special classes but we turned it down, somehow I had the wherewithal in my youth and under my parents guidance, to realize that praise is a poison and appeals to vanity and pride are a mechanism for control.

My female cousin also underwent something similar as a child. After university she essentially ran away to Australia to pick oranges and """live free""" (she comes from a wealthy part of the family). There is a darker history there with the family and her experiences growing up as the """gifted"" child.
It is my understanding she ran away as she was disgusted with them and how their """wealth""" (read: service to their master)

Black mirrors are used for 'scrying' and it's why they're everywhere in this day and age. It's what the Netflix show 'Black mirror' title is referencing.
It's why I refuse to watch that show

>mention tavistock
the shills come flooding

Attached: d3e7721680f4e669dc6c3d6a5e237a0deb7fc1cf44d0b029e1eaff4b23b99b14.jpg (1371x935, 77K)

meant this shill

All the old Sega adds are black and white with a checker grid.

Attached: Genesis does what nintendot.jpg (981x650, 162K)

Considering literally nobody is replying to this besides you and the schizo samefag, I'm calling this a mission success. Don't make me call your caretaker and make them force your anti-psychotics down your throat.

Sure do miss 80's/90's ads. Heh.

Nobody knows about occult stuff. Most normies have no clue how deep the secret societies are woven into our country.

Attached: resident evil 1 map checkerboard floors.png (696x451, 452K)

Pokemon is full of Freemason symbols. These overlaid upside down stars are seen in British Freemasonry. Communism was a Freemason project. That's why all it's symbols are ancient Egypt tier. Pokemon promotes a North Korean style society.

Attached: Freemason Symbols.png (500x614, 73K)

Attached: Owl_statue_activated.png (1322x1420, 1M)

>These shows/games groom kids for sodomy rituals.

Final Fantasy 7 had an interaction where old men invited you to a private sauna, and you end up in bed with one of them. Watch this, it's normalizing old pedos gang banging kids.

Attached: Final Fantasy 7 Bath Scene.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

There will never be a half life 3 because We are half life 3.
>CERN IS black mesa.
>The Large Hardron Collider is the Anti-Mass Spectrometer
>Black Mesa created the Resonance Cascade
>CERN created the Mandela Effect
It's called HALF-life because HALF of us remember half of life being different via the Mandela Effect Resonance Cascade

Attached: 686bebd16b0279df650825507865e91567d1f2f10284ab7c6d15d9b7a5bebb78.png (1202x966, 1.11M)

they're too busy reading and digging
there is a reason you showed up immediately after tavistock and GATE were mentioned
genuine people who disagree argue
shills just throw pejoratives such as ((((schizo)))

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I've always felt the AAA games are too restrictive. The linear, jump scare style gameplay is reminiscent of old scare rituals. I think they are a way of mass mind controlling people by putting them through proven mind control scenarios. 3D games let you recreate any environment. Vidya is really a human Skinner box. It's the perfect tool for brainwashing.

Attached: Checkerboard Floor Temple of Time.jpg (700x414, 78K)

I listen to lavender town every night before I hit the sack, am I a interdimensional pedophile demon?


Attached: Enlightenment LightArrow.jpg (512x384, 131K)

this game defined my chilldhood, OOT was something I picked up around 10-11 and really took off with
What you are saying makes exact sense

>Into our country

If you only knew how bad things really are.

Im from a Latin American country and "the brothers" have so much power there that they don't mind flaunting their symbols everywhere. Its not like any of the retarded Indians are gonna figure them out.

All my childhood games and shows revolved around protecting an aristocracy. I knew something was up at the time, but couldn't say anything.

This was a pic someone made up to explain Plato's five types of government. They instantly thought Zelda when they went to make an image. Zelda brainwashes you to protect a Freemason/Zionist aristocracy. The gilded sword is you, the iron, being brought up. The fishing mini-games tacked onto Nintendo games are a nod to fishing starting as a leisure sport in ancient Egypt.

Attached: platos-five-regimes.jpg (1200x628, 67K)

we've been telling you guys that jews are behind everything for centuries now
freemasons are just another front for jews

would be very curious to see how Dark Souls can be reinterpreted from this level of analysis
>All my childhood games and shows revolved around protecting an aristocracy
I played a lot of RTS and MOBA as well but Zelda OOT and Majora's mask were my first real intro into gaming seeing as those games were the first major storyline games I finished to completion
Programming the youth with these virtual ritual experiences is exactly what videogames are and you see our generation constantly making allusions to the videogame tropes of their youth without appreciating the deeper subtext behind the imagery and initiations

Good thread bumping.
Also, some /pol games
> Serious Sam
> Abes Odyssey
> VA-11 HALL-A

I think some of the vidya is them bragging about the shit they do.

Attached: bombers club majoras mask.png (262x150, 86K)

Theres more and more schizophrenic Anons on this board

Attached: 1543947681854.jpg (700x661, 166K)

> Jesus Christ is the final redpill.

The One and only. God bless.

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Its because FREE masons arent your problem. Its masons. Lowercase. Demons.

Isn't there a big meme about Sun worship in Dark Souls? The whole dungeon crawler series are basically ancient scare rituals.

Attached: Majoras Mask the Four, Platonic Solids.png (633x315, 127K)

> Nimrod stuff

The satanic priesthood is ancient and in continuation till ancient times

Everyone complained that Majoras Mask was lacking in content compared to OOT. It was to make it symbolic. The four dungeons are the four directions, and the four earthly elements.

Nintendo can't even explain why the N64 controller has three awkward handles. It's the three pillars of masonry.

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that part is obvious (sun worship and dungeon crawlers being ancient scare rituals)
also reminds me of how people kept calling dungeons and dragons satanic back in the day
I was thinking more about the old gods in the dark souls game being decrepit and the whole concept of killing the old gods and absorbing their power until you meet the last firekeeper. Once you defeat him you can either choose to smother out the flame and usher in a dark age as a new dark lord or you can choose to link the flame and burn yourself to keep the fire burning that much longer
also the concepts for multiplayer interaction were very interesting about that game
it may have seemed like medieval fantasy but I swear it was speaking about modern life in a very uncanny way
I liked them both at the time for different reasons and made sure to collect all the masks to unlock the final and secret mask before facing the final boss
also "the brothers" what do you mean by that?

The primary colors are actually symbolic colors of freemasonry.

Attached: Freemason symbolism, climb center pole or ladder, between two duality pillars, checkerboard floor of (831x1366, 2.31M)

Why was hiram so important to masons? Why didnt they choose another architect and be done?

Or, maybe, just maybe, wild theory out here... People pick up stuff through osmosis and then mix them up in fictional worlds to create their own stories? Somebody's uncle was into the occult, said someone saw his ring with some snakes and shit as a kid, it stayed with him, and he added said cool-looking symbol in his fantasy game. And so on and so forth. You get what I'm sa-
>it's a "checkerboards are an evil plot by the Annunaki controlling the Illuminati to control us" episode
Y'know, the more you schizos focus on shit like this, the more you're missing the big picture... Don't @ me.

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I have put Freemason stuff in my shitty little mobile game, just for shit and giggles and because it looks mystical and cool. Take your med's and calm down. not everything is some satatnic stuff. I have met some Freemasons in person. They just love to larp and doing business. Probably some crazy underground lodges out there that do real bad stuff though.

Hiram Abiff built the Temple of Solomon. Modern masonry is an assassin cult that worships Jews.

The Freemasons trace their traditions back to the priesthood of Imhotep, Dionysian Artificers(Built the Ark, Hiram Abiff was a member), and Roman Mithras Cult. Read/listen to the Secret Destiny of America by Manly P hall.

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Pretty sure most of the other REs are one night events, as well. The moment I read this, I immediately remembered the catharsis I felt at the end of Silent Hill 2, when an enlightened James confronted the twin pyramid heads.
What I don't get, though, is why the masons would stick their faggy rituals into games. Why not just sell then by mail, like the Rosicrucians?


Post game.

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Zelda could be said had gained a cult following over the years

> tfw allegory turns to reality

And jews are a front for the devil

Delet this thread

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Dota too.
Many occult inspired beroes and demons, beyond godlike streaks, protecting ancients, and the game itself slowly turns you into a humanity hating egoist

Do not wanna doxx myself desu. The game I currently developing even features temples where you move obelisks with glowing eyes around. It's just "art" m8. Pretty sure there are real intentional things in games, but most of it is definitely just there to look cool and aesthetic.

lol imagine taking what a bunch of backwards theocratic clerics say seriously

> take your meds, user. Psychiatrist prescribe them to you for a reason

In the RE games, only the bad guys are into the secret society/conspiracy shit. You're the poison pill running around fucking up their grand, horrific designs for humanity and proving that Umbrella, in spite of it's seemingly omnipotent stature, will fail because it's run entirely by psychopaths, morons, and psychopathic morons. It has an anti-conspiracy message if anything.

Dark Souls is similar too in the vein of "fuck these supreme beings and their ancient, dubious plans for humanity, exterminate them all". I wish they would've given us the chance to exterminate the (((serpents))) in DS3 too.

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autistic thread but also pretty interesting

Forgot pic

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Gamecube = black cube of saturn
Sega saturn

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I joked about starting a JRPG villager cult on here, and a bunch of people dog pilled on it. Vidya is bait for kids.

Is that real?!

Pic related, Issue 134 Nintendo Power.

>Majora's Mask is a Mystery
>The Mystery of Majora's Mask
>something which is very mysterious

>Horseman of the Apacalypse
>Three Days
>A Moon Landing?

Attached: THE MYSTERY of Zelda Majoras Mask, Freemason, Illuminati, Symbols.jpg (968x1803, 906K)

this makes sense. Video games and screens in general are indistinguishable from reality to our brain's basal functions.

Tired of having whites explore the universe, conquer other societies, and develop better and better technology?

Just have them do all those things virtually in the form of video games. Then their brain gets the "reward" for being creative, exploratory, and violent, without the human actually having to do anything. Sadly a perfect way to neuter a society.

and I say this as I smoke weed and race people in GTA 5

I still think racing games/flight sims are based though

>Genesis till Apocalypse, the thread.

God bless OP

The satanic focus on Ego is prevalent in most vidya.

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