Are Aussies literally retarded?

I have been here for 3 months so far, I am on a working visa here in Australia (originally from the US obviously).

One thing I notice here, they barely have any niggers at all. Though they have a very small amount of people who look similar, known as Abos or something.

Though the real problem I have here is that this stupid country of Australia has literally let in hordes of east Asians, they appear to be Chinese or something. I literally walked through Sydney so many times and all around you in many areas of the city these Asians make up the majority. It just feels wrong.

I talked to my Aussie friend here, and he insists that they commit even less crime than whites here or something. But I don't believe that, all non whites are inferior and letting any race a detriment to the superior white race.

These idiots in Australia also have never heard of the term POC, as in people of color. Why are Australians so racially retarded?

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At least with niggers, we got some use out of them. We used them for slave labor for a while, even though they are useless today.

But Australia just lets in these chinks, and I bet any money they are all welfare drains just like niggers.

Demoralizing thread

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>Slave labor
What the fuck are you talking about cunt?
The Slave labor in this country was convicts from Britain.

>chinks and less crime
this is true
This is also true
>what can you do about it
Have kids

Sounds like you're the fucking retard m8.

I want to add, fuck your dumb acronyms that have only appeared in the last week or so and are now seemingly prevalent in all types of media.

I said Niggers buddy, I am talking about my own country and our slaves in the past. The USA.

No one said anything about a replacement, what are you on about?
If you are claiming that Chinks are the replacement and that I should fuck one and have kids, you are mentally ill.

Miscegenation is a sin!

>I am on a working visa here in Australia
You're part of the problem, fuck off back to burgerland you americunt, thanks.

All of us western countries are being invaded, Europe has the Muslims, America the horde of southern Americans/Mexicans.

It isn’t Aussies fault(yet), don’t insult our brothers. We have a common enemy

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Dude, we Americans are your big brothers. Your moral and intellectual superiors, we literally saved you in WW2. Be more grateful, I can come here and take any Australian woman I want (they love Americans).

>Though the real problem I have here is that this stupid country of Australia has literally let in hordes of east Asians, they appear to be Chinese or something. I literally walked through Sydney so many times and all around you in many areas of the city these Asians make up the majority. It just feels wrong.

I think you have poor reading comprehension because that's what this implies. More Asian's come in occupying an increasing amount of space, resulting in less European Australians occupying that space and hence, replacement.

this reads as pathetic attention seeking.
Have fun being a chink in Australia.

Actually East Asians are superior to Whites. They have higher average IQ's and tend not to let Jews f*ck them up their minds asses like Whites do. Plus East Asians tend not to run around fighting in pointless wars for Jew masters. But you are right in saying that Australia should be majority White. White people do have a right to lands of their own, but Whites don't have to be superior to have that right.

And you think that's a good thing?
You are a failure, a self loathing failure.

>very small amount of Abos

LMFAO are you in the fucking outback or something

WTF are you on about?
They are inferior to us, their IQ's are a lie.

Also Jews are our ally, our main ally in the middle east. Chinks are a totally different race of subhumans, at least Jews are related to us to some degree and have similar interests and have been part of our culture for a long time.

Jews are gods chosen people, even my pastor said this in church. We white Anglo Christians are meant to defend them and save the middle east from Arab invasions.

What the fuck don't you get about fuck off we're full? God you burger cunts are dumb as fucking fuck.

Criminal tendencies are not the only thing that make people inferior. Actually in some cases, they would make you superior.

You idiots don't even circumcise yourselves, you aren't real men.
And your women love our proper clean circumcised cocks.

It's normal that you are angry, we cuck you basically.

Trust a Croatian Slav turd to claim that being a criminal makes you superior. Sorry but criminals live short lives, many end up with no freedom etc.

A low IQ is correlated with higher crime rates.
Croatia has high crime rates and a low national IQ. You are a shithole of Europe, Europeans see you for what you are. The Mexicans of Europe.

Attached: sillychink.png (819x630, 27K)

Did you draw that picture yourself in MS paint?
Congratulations, you have autism.

>It's them that have the autism!

Just look at the picture you drew buddy, get a reality check.

>I know what you are but what am I

I said in some cases. Staying docile no matter what does make you inferior. Only a chinky bootlicker would disagree.

>Staying docile no matter what

Considering the amount of times the chinks killed their own leaders, I don't think they are docile. That's because they have lower IQ's and are more violent.

There is nothing inferior about understanding the greater good and reason for laws and following the law (which is what us white people do).
Following laws doesn't = being docile. It actually = an intelligent society making a civil and modern country you Croatian subhuman.

Chink detected, it’s not about crime rates - that’s just an argument to pursuade normies. We have the right to exist and we will not go quietly into the night.

>Following the law for the greater good
So your presumption is that because the law exists it is for the greater good and that makes you more intelligent.
>inb4 society
no you meant yourself.

I also want to add that the presumption that following the law for the greater good is a very chinese mentality. So it's pretty obvious you're a Maoist shill

>t. Aussie larping as yank for the (You)s

>Chink detected, it’s not about crime rates

We whites have the lowest crime rates you dumbass, we are the most civil people. It's just that the chinks and their crimes are under reported.
The Chinese Triad group are constantly committing crimes, but the white police in Australia really don't care as it's mostly just against other Chinese there.

>The law isn't for the greater good, road rules are BS, not raping or murdering someone is BS and none of this is for the greater good of a society or culture.

Spoken like a true criminal, you are a dumb Aussie bogan. You likely are a repeat offender and a low IQ fool.

>inb4 society
>no you meant yourself.

Yep, I clearly as an individual invented the laws and am the only one that thinks they are sensible for a decent civil society. Cool story bro, no more replies for you Mr Purple Bogan.

>Mostly against other Chinese
Stop taking out loans from the triad you dumb chink.

>Also Jews are our ally

Attached: 0.-thinking-face.png (256x256, 58K)

Again. Poor reading comprehension.
I'm not saying laws are bad, what I am saying is that your post states that you assume that all laws are good and should be followed. Low I.q. chink immigrant confirmed.

this post really didn't turn out how you hoped, huh op?

>ding ding ding

>your post states that you assume that all laws
Not stated once you low IQ fucking idiot.

Do you know the definition of a crime or a criminal?
Now you are going with a strawman trying to claim I am talking about misdemeanour and nonsense like that. I clearly stated "crime" in my OP post.

Indeed, when you are a criminal and have committed crimes. You are not helping society, there is nothing beneficial for society to have people murdering, raping, molesting kids, burglarising, kidnapping, defrauding etc.

Let me explain to you why we even have law you stupid low IQ retard.
It isn't because one day a person came up with the idea, society as a whole actually supports these laws. This is because most people are good people already, the laws exist to remove the most destructive people from society. This is why these things are crimes nearly anywhere on the planet.

The fact that you don't even understand why these things are bad for society and even individuals, shows that you IQ is very very low. A low IQ is factually correlated with criminal behavior.
You are a low IQ criminal, no more replies for you.

Jews are our ally you idiot, or do you think it's Arabs who are our ally?
The people who are terrorists, who invaded Europe and occupied Spain for 700+ years and who literally hate white people.

You are so stupid if you think Arabs are you ally.

Neither you fucking troll.

first off nice spacing. Really boggles the noggin.
Secondly, please read this out-loud to yourself
>There is nothing inferior about understanding the greater good and reason for laws and following the law
Thirdly reread this
>I'm not saying laws are bad, what I am saying is that your post states that you assume that all laws are good and should be followed

>I am a low IQ retard who doesn't understand the greater good in acting civil, I don't understand that each citizen plays their part in society.
>I don't get why we shouldn't be murdering, raping, molesting kids, burglarising, kidnapping, defrauding etc.

The problem is that you are a low IQ criminal. 99% of society understands why we don't do those things and why we have laws and prisons to remove people from society who are against and harm society.
You can keep believing that it's docile to be civil, and that acting like a nigger criminal is where it is at.

But the most advanced countries in the world all have higher IQ populations and lower crime rates and in turn are nicer places to live in. It's beneficial for literally everyone, sorry that this behoves you.

I knew some of you Aussies were dumb, but not this dumb.
You are likely a half caste Abo, they are another low IQ group which don't understand why laws exist and don't respect themselves or other people.

No one is your ally.
>lets just put our trust in someone implicitly and hope things work out for the best

I think it's a bot. It just keeps repeating the "low IQ" phrase over and over.

Read this. Literally my OP you memory deficient idiot.
>he insists that they commit even less crime than whites

When I later mention laws literally in reference to this, it's clearly regarding crime.

I am not talking about misdemeanours you fucking low IQ strawman autistic retard.

>post states that you assume
If you could read instead of sitting there imagining strawmans in your head, you would understand that it doesn't.

>laws is a result of higher iq a lower crime rate
>not thinking lower crime rate is a result from higher iq and is a result from our culture (Nothing to do with law)

can you faggot larpers fuck off?

no aussies except for me are online right now, its fucking 4 am

You clearly have no idea what a strawman is.

>lets just put our trust in someone implicitly

Stop projecting, there is no trust. Do you know what understanding is?
When you understand another person's position, you can support or oppose it.

Just because you are a low IQ retard who doesn't understand anything and deems everything to be "putting your trust into something" doesn't mean that everyone else is a low IQ retard like you who is beyond understanding any subject.

What I actually meant
>laws result into a higher iq and a lower crime rate

Go away American.

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>jews are good
>x is bad
is a low iq argument, and is a very similar of your argument for law. Laws can be good, but it doesn't mean all laws are. What you can do is argue against bad laws and argue for good laws. And that argument for good and bad is determined on what world view you follow.

>laws is a result of higher iq a lower crime rate

Why are you green texting stuff that no one even said?
You literally are illiterate, you now are doing the most ultimate strawman. Literally just writing your own illiterate nonsense into a green text as if anyone on the thread said it.

I am sorry, but more intelligent populations do act in less criminal ways and generally live longer and create more pleasant environments. Where as low IQ niggers like you with low IQ's can never built up anything, you just destroy what's around you and your own life as well.

Can you only say "low IQ" on repeat little bot?

>not understanding the paraphrasing of your own statements
Okay lets start with this
>The problem is that you are a low IQ criminal
that implicates that the person did not follow the law because they did not have a high iq, which maybe true.
Followed by this
>But the most advanced countries in the world all have higher IQ populations and lower crime rates
This means that they are low IQ because they did not follow the law, but not that they are low iq and hence did not follow the law.

So what you are saying, whether you realise it or not, is that people are high iq because law exists

>laws result into a higher iq

More illiteracy. First of all, laws are made by people......not the other way around you retard.
Laws are a reflection of the people, as is the culture and customs.

This is why in third world shitholes like in Africa or south east Asia you still have their governments trying to have very similar laws to more intelligent countries, yet their lower IQ populace is more criminal and not as willing to follow the laws. Because they are too stupid to understand the greater good of trying to advance their country and society. They literally have smaller brains, not everyone in the world is born equal. Sorry

It's the same with breeding, the Filipino people are just too stupid to stop breeding (as are Africans). So they overpopulate the hell out of their country, they don't understand the greater good of trying to improve their living conditions and reduce overpopulation. They literally cause their own problems because they are mentally retarded.

And you literally are one of them, as a lower IQ individual within your country. You fit in more with the thinking of African niggers and low IQ Filipino people etc.

Even many communal animal species have some degree of cohabitation behaviour for the greater good of the pack. The fact that you can't even fathom this, means you literally are more retarded than some lowly animals. Mentally ill, sorry.

>This means that they are low IQ because they did not follow the law, but not that they are low iq and hence did not follow the law.
This sounds a bit cryptic so I will make it simpler.

Law exist -> high iq (you)
law doesn't exist -> people get smarter -> good law -> laws (me)

kek, based

>hurr you is retard not me
I know what you mean but your explanation is convoluted and doesn't reflect what you want to say.
I will bring us back. You think laws are good because high iq people like them. You think low iq people don't have laws or a lawless.
Implying that the introduction of more laws will solve problems. Implying that the Africans or whomungst'd'd ever don't already have laws in their own way that are completely different then the laws you are talking about.

LAWS are not the answer.

man you aussies must be really desperate about getting the shitposting champ title back from canada, huh

>This means that they are low IQ because they did not follow the law
No dumbass, do you understand cause and effect?
People with lower IQ's are far more likely to engage in criminal behaviour. The cause of the crime is their lower IQ, no one on here is saying that the cause of their lower IQ is the crime itself you silly fool.
>So what you are saying, whether you realise it or not, is that people are high iq because law exists

That isn't what I am saying, are you seriously this mentally dense?
If what you are claiming was true, everyone would have a high IQ you idiot. Since the same laws exist for me as for you.

The difference is that people with higher IQ's tend to be more civilised people and are far less often associated with criminal behaviour.
People with lower IQ's are highly linked to poor life decisions (crime being one of them), literally every major study on this subject and the intelligence of criminals has shown this.

The fact that you literally didn't even know this shows that you are mentally retarded.

This is clearly some redditor come over to larp as a white nationalist to try to present the stupidity of "white nationalists" by being a retard.

Because Australia is where Britain dumped its most retarded and homosexual people. So the modern Australians descend from a pure lineage of retarded faggots.

>Implying that the introduction of more laws will solve problems.
They do, you see all of those criminals in prison?
That's the act of society locking away lower IQ people who behave in ways harmful to society, so we lock them away from society.

Now do you want me to also explain to you why thieves, rapists, murderers, fraudsters, child molesters etc are bad for society? Since you clearly aren't even aware of that either.
Your IQ is low, so you don't understand.

>So the modern Australians descend from a pure lineage of retarded faggots.

That certainly explains >>qBCI5Wf+

>The difference is that people with higher IQ's..
>People with lower IQ's...
No disputing this as an overall assessment of crimes from government statistics.
But the following of laws does not directly correlate a higher IQ. This is what you are missing. Might be a bit of cause = correlation affect occurring here.

The existence of the law and the following of that law does not guarantee that you are a high iq individual. This is what I joked about here
>no you meant yourself.

They should make a law where Australians have to stop using the internet.

they already did, australians have limited bandwidth per month

clearly you're very new.

How hard is it the get Aussie women in bed?

>But the following of laws does not directly correlate a higher IQ.

Actually that's literally what the studies show, groups of people which act in more civil ways and engage in less criminal behaviour literally are found to have higher IQ's than groups of people who engage in criminal behaviour.
Now what you are doing like a typical retard is trying to argue that because there can be some unintelligent person that follows the laws, that the entire trend and correlation of the studies can't be mentioned. Plus without a doubt there are a few people who are criminals who are intelligent, but that doesn't change the overwhelming correlation. The fact is that most criminals are of lower than average intelligence than non criminals, sorry that you can't accept this.

You must be an ex-criminal who is triggered.

This goes for other things in life also, things that are other unintelligent life choices (even if they aren't crimes).

For example, it has been found that obese people have lower than average IQ's. This is because it generally takes a stupid motherfucker to literally eat themselves to death and let their body become like that, most people with a normal level of intelligence have more self control and understand biology and how being obese is harmful and also disgusting.

Now you can do your typical job purple boy, post 1 millionaire who happens to be

>You must be an ex-criminal
Isn't that most of you?

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I am the OP buddy, I am American. We are the most intelligent and law abiding people in the world, we only have to own guns because subhuman niggers live among us and they chimp out sometimes.

>have kids
You'd have to puppy mill to beat these numbers. They've been at it for decades.

Well white Aussies were stupid, the country is so underpopulated and thus they are pressured by the UN to take in immigrants to a certain degree. And now because of this, white Australians may be slowly bred out.

White Australians once were in the baby boomer generation and easily had on average like 5 kids per family. If they kept doing this, they could own their country for the foreseeable future.

But instead they stopped breeding and are barely above the replacement rate, while at the same time opening the door to millions of Chinese. lol

The future white people of Australia are going to be like hafu people or some shit, pretty lame.

>or something
>or something

Are you really that stupid bro? Why did they let you in?

You Canadians are as stupid as Australians, you Canadians also let hordes of Chinese to buy up your properties and land. You let them takeover, just for some cash. fail

>Jews are our ally
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you don't know yet.

My best friend is Jewish buddy, they are awesome people. You have never met on, just another alt-right internet idiot.

Oh, I see. Not all, but there are a chunk who's fucking everyone else ever, which is the basis for the conspiracy theories.

Explain me this, gooks don't fuck either and it's not going to fix the demographics, the true reason to import anyone.

Senile Asians with no offspring are no different than whites. Australia just becomes bigger in terms of population.

Goddamn this faggot OP is a moron.
Abos are a subspecies oh humans even further away from whites than blacks are, even dumber, but less criminal. They are the native population and are slowly dying out.
The average Aussie hates the influx of Chinese (specifically Chinese, funded by their government) buying everything up and distorting shit as well as being dog-eating fuckups. We can't stop it because our political class are a bunch of literal traitors without even enough sense to betray us properly.

Chinese do commit less crimes because they self-segregate and are mindless drones, less crimes but also less benefit to society. Also the whole under-reported thing.

The reason we are racially retarded is because we have Hate Speech laws, if we said real shit we'd go to fucking jail.

>the basis for the conspiracy theories.

You are implying that conspiracy theories must be true, because they exist.
I guess flat earth conspiracy theory is also true as well, since tens of thousands believe in it.

Did you ever consider that most conspiracy theories and theorists are just uneducated morons?
I mean you guys have to hang out on Jow Forums for god sake, that should really clue you in to the intellectual level and position in society of people who believe in this stuff (literal internet dwelling low IQ losers).

>Explain me this, gooks don't fuck either

They certainly don't breed much in Australia, but the difference is that millions of them keep pouring in. This is the same in the USA as well, it's why in the USA their population in the 50's was around 1%, now it's nearly 6%. Making them per capita one of the fastest growing groups.

Them flooding in, is basically the equivalent of them breeding. Since they are increasing in number.

>You are implying that conspiracy theories must be true, because they exist.
Sorry, I meant that it is Part of all lot of conspiracy theories. Evidence+judgement is the reason the true ones are true.

>I guess flat earth conspiracy theory is also true as well, since tens of thousands believe in it.
"shill" might be another word you see here a lot. The flat earth conspiracy theory is largely believed to be a shill move, although many fall for it. Some, not all.

>Did you ever consider that most conspiracy theories and theorists are just uneducated morons?
It's all about filtering the true parts of it and the false parts of it. It's good you at least didn't say "all". Yes, so much are paranoid but it would also be a mistake to not investigate.

>I mean you guys have to hang out on Jow Forums for god sake, that should really clue you in to the intellectual level and position in society of people who believe in this stuff (literal internet dwelling low IQ losers).
Jow Forums is a mixed bag, with everyone smart and dumb because there's free speech, here. You could make a case that ideas with merit are the ones that survive.

>the true ones are true.
So you believe the ones you believe in are true.

News flash, the people who believe in other conspiracy theories also think that the conspiracy theory they believe in is true.

>Jow Forums is a mixed bag
No it isn't, it's a website primarily filled with low IQ losers and social outcasts and incels.
If you think Jow Forums = a general sample of regular people, you are very out of touch.
Even redditors who are slightly less retarded are still internet losers and not normal people. sorry

Jow Forums isn't even in the top 100 websites by monthly users, most normal people don't even know what Jow Forums is. But it might be easy for people on Jow Forums to be so out of touch with reality as they don't know many people and barely have any real life friends (precisely why they are here). It's normal for them to try to convince themselves that their little community are normal people and so are they themselves.

it's really funny when whites think they can outbreed over 6 billion non-whites
the only solution left is to reduce their numbers dramatically against their will

>So you believe the ones you believe in are true.
the true anything is true. do you believe things that you think are false, or that you think are true?

>If you think Jow Forums = a general sample of regular people, you are very out of touch.
Well, ok. Vocal minority and all but the point is that everyone can be here because everyone is treated the same (largely. we can't have spammers). normal and not normal people can post.

Asians produce/sell drugs and commit welfare and tax fraud. There isn't much money in Nigger tier crime and they're too cowardly for it anyway
>are Aussies literally retarded
Can comfirm am retard

>we literally saved you in WW2.
Tyranny of distance faggot. Japs bombed Darwin but that's as far as they would have ever gotten.
>Australia now flooded with chinks, poos, muzzies and niggers.
Great save there, deep fried.

Either a troll or a fucking brainlet