God is so high and mighty that he tortures people and hates his own creation/reflection

>god is so high and mighty that he tortures people and hates his own creation/reflection

Lol I love god!

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oh please kid, you can't appreciate the fruits of heaven if you don't learn first about the temptation of hell.

Uh no.
Begone Satan.


Everything is a projection so I feel sorry for my Christian brothers that post this “me-me”

having a bad day, user? read job

>god is so high and mighty that he tortures people and hates his own creation/reflection

is this supposed to be some kind of contradiction

All evil is man-made. Everytime something bad happens, it is because men and woman have fallen to sin.

Also God is not your sky daddy. It is not his job to kiss your boo boo.

>creates beings in his reflection that fall to sin.

Oh perfect omnipotent master
Why did you craft us in your acursed image

Belief is choice. Apparently you decided a sky daddy was needed to stay sane.

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you sound like a bipolar woman on facebook

World is controlled by Satan. Once in a generation a saint comes to the world and free a selected few. You are selected based on purity of your mind as a result of good deeds from past life.

if god gave humans free will why is the mind hackable? (hypnosis, MKultra, monarch programming, tempest for eliza, etc)

Whatever sings ya to sleep sugartits.

How do you explain this world then? Will our creator really like to keep us all in this suffering. Then what kind of father is he?

Surely you can objectively observe this world and reach to a certain conclusion that it is not controlled by a God but Satan indeed.

That's the sinister "Truth" of all "Mystery Schools" / secret societies. Kaballah and all that other shit is based on millenia-old info that's basically a blueprint of the average mind + shortcuts to deceiving it. No supernatural crap, just merciless manipulation with autosuggestion / drugs / propaganda / etc. Enlightenment was realizing that God and Free Will were lies, so there was no shame in puppeteering the unlucky cattle. It's how the upper class in every society justified their evil to themselves.

>maybe there is no god
>nahhhhh my absurd headcanon that conveniently makes me a special snowflake is the absolute truth

imagine having an IQ this smol

>heh, jokes on them...

Let me prove God's (or Satan's) existence to you then.

Just observe this world, earth place just at right place where life will survive, water will remain liquid, perfect temperature.

Moon placed just at right distance, earth tilted to just correct angle to have different seasons.

Observe your body. Mouth and nose placed together, so when you eat something fishy you can smell it first.

Does these things not look like a perfect planned placements.

You have fruits & plants to survive, everything is provided on this planet for you. Placed with practical planning.

You can clearly see all things are planned and we are sent here by someone. Everyone controlled in their life to do whatever ruler of this world desires.

Whatever sings ya to sleep sugartits.

satan and lilith are not the creation of God.
God hates satan and lilith, not his creation.
OP loves nigger dick.

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Humanity sinned

this is really poor shitposting

what a garbage thread

That is such a good movir. I always recommend it to people who think robots won't replace us

You don’t HAVE TO fall to sin. You actively choose to with full consent. Then you blame God for your decision, which is ANOTHER sin.


I'm not shitposting I'm actually mocking religitards. I'm also happy you're unhappy.

'Full Consent' is a myth too. You have no idea how that chemical cocktail you call a brain works, do you?

All mind control depends on the victim consenting. Someone who is determined to have free will is immune to mind control

There are so many things I could sneak into your drink to prove you wrong.

>waah God tortues me, he wants me to be mature, take reponsabilities and be a good person, waaah why doesnt he take care of me like im a baby waaah

That’s Satan actually.

This world belongs to Saturn, of course you’re going to get tortured.

Satan is our omnipotent God’s creation

God doesn't torture us, we're all God and we torture ourself to find out what happens.

But who made it a sin? If you criminalize weed, pot smokers are criminals. If you don't, they're not. By making something a sin and allowing their minds to be capable of sinning, God is the cause of all pain and therefore the ultimate sinner

The scriptures tell us repeatedly that this fallen world belongs to and is rulled by Satan. Despite that every evil that he throws in our way can be redeemed and made unto something better if we keep steadfast in our faith in Jesus which came and granted us the gift of eternal life if we choose to accept it.

>lonely shitposting teenager seeks to spread his misery onto others

More at 11.

Gods chosen people are Yewish. European whites. The yew tree is Yggdrasil.

Praise be to the mighty Odin

As a follow up ... The god of synthetic robotoids is the Devil. They believe in karmic judgement. This is the devils judgement. If you get stuck as a synthetic robotoids just know you are go g to heaven for eternity.

>you can't appreciate the fruits of heaven if you don't learn first about the temptation of hell
>you can't appreciate a good steak if you don't taste first a mouthful of shit

It's a question of character.

You know that the steak tastes nice because of having eaten mediocre food since though?

>my gf's blowjobs only feel good if I had a crocodile chewing on my private parts before.
>If I never had such an accident I wouldn't actually feel anything with a blowjob

The eternal dishonesty of the christcuck

Acting overtly aggressive to someone arguing your point. The dishonesty of the kike

I'm merely stating the truth, you don't need a negative experience to be able to enjoy a positive experience.

>being that can fuck you up if you choose to be a cunt
>choose to be a cunt

literally why

Well... (((we))) hated and tortured Him to death when He came here and we can have our sins absolved and go to Heaven trough Him now, so I think it's OK, I guess.

Smoking weed is a sin no matter what man’s laws say. Same with drinking alcohol. You don’t need this body damaging shit, and yes weed is damaging.

Ya, I remember being in highschool too. Caring about religion at all just outs you as underage, a newfag, or an actual Boomer immediately.

Uhhh no. You are cast out. Keep dreaming.

Then why did God create it and even said a little wine is good for the soul? He'd still be to blame for putting it there

Because he’s the cunt that chooses to be a cunt

Earth is actually hell

Based kike

>sky daddy
Decide is easy when you turn God into a straw man.

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Thanks Groucho.

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That doesn't actually prove anything, a man was struck by lightning 8 times, we happened to be extremely lucky, regarding your point on how everything was "placed" there may be upwards of 40 billion planets in whats reffered to as the "goldilocks zone" the area where life would be most suitable to develop its the place earth sits in our solar system. that's billion. with a big fuckin capital B, this number was taken straight from the 2013 keppler space mission data. so either your god is only pretending we are special, he doesn't actually give a shit about us and has actual billions, maybe even more earths in the universe. or the most likely thing, he doesn't exist and we got lucky. if the idea of god helps you with your existence that's fine, but don't try and use pseudo-science and (in this case the bandwagon) fallacies to try and justify the existence of your dogma.

Hell exists but it Is not forever. Everyone eventually goes to heaven. Jesus will save all mankind in the end.

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>Everyone eventually goes to heaven
haha wew
second death must be heaven haha

Not a main of faith myself but even I understood that you can't accuse God of the evil in man's heart: there is something called "free will" in religion, you know

>Not a main of faith myself but even I understood that you can't accuse God of the evil in man's heart
I believe there are times where it is understandable, and sometimes helpful, why one would wish to blame the wickedness on something other than oneself. If one can't find the courage, at the time, to face the wickedness and evil in front of them, would it really be so bad to blame it on God or a demon or a witch?

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or jews dont forget the jews

I already said witches and demons. I thought that covered it.

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Satan is literally the FIRST being God creates, tard.

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If God is omniscient beyond time and space it means that, despite of free will, he knows even before creating someone if that person would decide to be against believing in God/Jesus or not. Otherwise God wouldn't be omniscient. Wouldn't that mean that God creates some people, knowing they will refuse to believe in their lifetime, just to send them to hell?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fedora, just curious.

him knowing you what you are going to choose doesnt mean you dont have free will, he creates you but you are the one choosing, you cant blame God for your choice

God is a pig

I know I'd torture my sims if they were lazy faggots.

Ok I get that. But isn't it kind of cruel that God creates people just to send them to hell? Why would he create me in the first place if he knows before my birth I'm going to decide to become a Buddhist or whatever

> knowing they will refuse to believe in their lifetime
This ostensible paradox can be resolved by understanding different levels of knowledge. Middle knowledge is what philosophers call circumstantial knowledge. Note that this knowledge is hypothetical meaning it does not necessarily violate free will. It's difficult to capture idea of Molinism in a cambodian basket weaving image board, so I would suggest you read up on Molinism.

In the beginning was the word. If God is omniscient and omnipotent then what he says goes. He could just think hmmm I hate that guy and that guy get zapped out of existence. Everyone and everything that exists is here for a reason. The people that go to hell send themselves there. God is perfectly just and merciful.

i dont know, to me personally life is overrated, but if someone would like to live, i think God giving them a chance is nice, at least they had the chance to keep living and everyone has heard the gospel by now, if they refuse it's still their choice

Yes we get a chance to find Jesus. When we sin God covers our shame so that we get a time of grace to repent.

God only hates kikes

God hate the law breakers. I bet you don't even know the law...


You know you have to kill the cow, butcher it, clean the SHIT, cook it, just to appreciate a good steak?

Incels like you don't realize things take struggle and pain to make. You don't just buy it from the store. Retard

food magically appears to them at mcdonalds, how could he know?

Neither do you. But to us, we can consider it free will because we are not all knowing.

So yes, God granted you free will, so you could choose to do the right thing, like Love.

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Nice try Talmudic Satan! Now kys and repent your sins!

Name one thing that is good that doesn't require effort, and wasn't given to you by your mommy and daddy

>>god is so high

For realz!

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My dog use to catch snowflakes on her tongue before we put her to sleep for cancer.

here she is catching raindrops 2 weeks before she died.

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No why is the effort required? Why did God design this plane of existence where we need to eat shit to enjoy sand? Or is that where the ol we can’t be privy to God’s plan copout comes in

You can't appreciate how loving I am unless I beat and violate you for a while. Stockholm Syndrome, the basis of Christianity. Love God because he'll save you from what he'll do to you. And Christians praise God and say it's their fault it happened.

Because Satan tricked us into knowing evil. Once we ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, there was so much shame and guilt that we needed a sacrifice to cover our sin.

He makes the rules, you're once again being a stupid cunt. It's like whining that your dad tells you to go to bed, except your dad can also make your head explode and then revive you. Your dad is in charge and you being a little faggot just makes you the faggot here.

>omnipotent God creates beings powerful enough to undo his perfect creation
>omniscient but does it anyway
>blames his creation for his own negligence

needing to work was God's curse to adam, it didnt meant to be this way
it shouldnt be like this now either but we dont know Jesus, some people do, the ones who doesnt work lmao

>what is free will
>what is the judgment at the end
you can do whatever you want now, doesnt mean it isnt going to have it's pay at the end

learning about Jehova's Witnesses, they straight up say this is satan's world and he controls the governments.

Also being loving and kind in a cruel world is probably the best middle finger spit in the face fuck you to the creator of this miserable piece of shit.

>What is sin?
>What is mans fall?
>What is reading and how does it work?

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Evil cannot exist with out good by definition evil is the privation of good similar to how darkness is the privation of light. Hell, a-temporally, is the privation of heaven. People literally choose to go to hell.

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