Why Most White Guys Aren't White Nationalists

Typical White Dude: Man! My life sure is hard! Post-secondary education and healthcare are both expensive! I'm stuck in a shitty job because all the good jobs require post-secondary. The girl I was interested in ran off with some rich asshole. May tax dollars are being spent on wars against countries which don't seem like significant threats. On top of all that, the people who call themselves "progressive" keep telling me that I must have "subconscious prejudices" because of which women I find attractive and which jokes I find funny. Wouldn't it be nice if I had more spare time to just be myself?
White Nationalist: Have no fear! The white nationalist is here! I don't think that white guys are pigs! I think that you guys are wonderful!
Typical White Dude: Cool! That means I can do whatever I want! Right?
White Nationalist: Not so fast! It is now mandatory for you to start a family with a white woman and have pure white children!
Typical White Dude: Well ... I know this one woman who works at the grocery store. She's a bit on the chunky side, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. We could afford a kid if we pooled our money together.
White Nationalist: She works? Force that bitch to stay at home and pump out kids! She needs to pump out at least three or else you have betrayed your race!
Typical White Dude: What the fuck? How can I afford to support a housewife and three kids with my shit job?
White Nationalist: Just work harder, you useless cunt! Also, you can never masturbate ever again! Nofap is king! Every sperm is sacred!
Typical White Dude: Wow. You are an even bigger bully than the SJWs.
White Nationalist: You only believe this because you have been brainwashed by the Jews! We will gas you when the revolution happens!

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Do you have any real arguments? You haven't addressed the substance of my post at all.

Leave it to a leaf to post such a faggy wall of text. Most white men are nationalists. They're not nazis, but even your assumption that "if you're not a nazi, you must be a commie" is fucking stupid. More men with post-secondary education will laugh in your face if you bring up Stalin and tell you to fuck off and get a job. Which is what you should do since you're such an enormous faggot: fuck off and get a job.

Your post is an elaborate strawman, ethnocentrism is natural

It never ends in true democratic ownership of the MOP. Its basically urban socialites convincing urban poors to go out and enslave or exploit the very people who are closest to owning their means of production (i.e. the Girondins, the Kulaks, or any other type of farmer or suburban hobbyist). The ideology hurts these people just as bad as the capitalist system, if not more because the reciprocal exploitation thats supposed to make the society equitable cannot function. Also Im anti-egalitarian, and dont think the working class needs anything above subsistence.

Nigger are you seriously expecting me to read all that stupid bullshit. If you'd have posted a cute asian I would've considered it. Sage this shit

Attached: 6ee.jpg (491x491, 43K)

>Leave it to a leaf to post such a faggy wall of text.

LOL You guys consider any substantial amount of text to be a "wall of text". I thought white people were supposed to be smart! I guess you won't find any "great white geniuses" on Jow Forums. How ironic.

>Most white men are nationalists.

Explain why the most popular politician in America right now is Sanders.

>"if you're not a nazi, you must be a commie"
I never said that. I only said that Karl Marx was not an SJW in the modern sense.

>More men with post-secondary education will laugh in your face if you bring up Stalin and tell you to fuck off and get a job.

YOU were the one who brought Stalin into this. I didn't.

>Which is what you should do since you're such an enormous faggot: fuck off and get a job.

LOL You can't even address my criticism of white nationalism and so you resort to ad hominem attacks. This is why Sanders is more popular than any white nationalist. Also, the differences between Nat Soc and other forms of white nationalism are too small to be significant.

Why does hybridization occur in nature than?