Cheap affordable housing should be priority #1...

Cheap affordable housing should be priority #1. I think it's disgusting that most of what people earn goes just having the privilege of shelter. Imagine how easy it would be to live if you didn't have to worry about rent/mortgage anymore.

Attached: - 3d_printed_home_can_be_constructed_for_under_4000_wCzS2FZoB-I_360p.webm (640x360, 2.27M)

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imagine how HARD it would be to live if you had to pay for all the lazy homeless people with their burned bridges and bad families

I'd like to have one of those built by a lake somewhere.


so do you think the rothschild family should take a fraction of their billions and land holding and donate it so everyone can have a house?
are people entitled to electricity and water too?
and internets?
Is this for every single person on the planet or only families?
Do you get to choose who your neighbors will be?

I also get the feeling they charge more than $4k, especially if it's your little vacation cabin.

>Universal basic income, contingent on sterilization.

Imagine how inspired to work millennials/homeless would be if they could buy a small house for under $10,000 and have it paid off in under 2 years. Such people could work a McJob for that time and be able to become home owners. Albeit, it wouldn't be much, but it would be way better than how things currently are.

water, electricity, and internet are a drop in the bucket compared to rent. I don't think people should be entitled to those things and you can make due without them.

Shelter is something that every human needs. Worst case scenario, if you're fired from your job, you would be able to LIVE in such a shelter by candlelight and beg for food/water by day.

Constructionfag here, It would take longer then 24 hours for the cement to cure before you could even start building the roof which is hand made by a framer also the detailed finish carpentry around the windows and door. after the roof is built it needs some type of shingles and venting.. Did we all forget the electrical and plumbing? No a house cannot be built in 1 day. You would need a team of highly motivated tweekers and all of the building supplies on site to get it done in 3-4 days min.,

Attached: 1545614827183s.jpg (200x250, 9K)

>I also get the feeling they charge more than $4k, especially if it's your little vacation cabin.
The "Costs" are 4k. This more than likely does not include the wages of the workers. The "Cost" of new shingles on a home is only a few hundred dollars.