So...what do we actually think about it?

So...what do we actually think about it?

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Green is the new Red, Comrade.

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It's retardedly pie in the sky but some of it is reasonable. AOC is just such a cunt though that I have no desire to support the reasonable bits.

Agenda 21 is alive and well.

Fucking "Melons" everywhere.

The reasoning and "goals" articulated had the thought process of a kindergartner. Any prospect of it being feasible and enactable policy were squashed by her trying to make it a cornucopia of every single feelgood plank of the DSA platform. AOC is going to get really cynical after seeing how slow things are to change in DC so at least we can probably look forward to her quitting after her 2nd term.

Think for yourself user

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Doesn't include new nuclear and includes closing old nuclear. What's green about removing the cleanest safest source of electrical power?

It's genius.
A part of me hope to see the burger implement this, and kill thier country.
It' would be a tragedy, the loss of freedom worldwide, but think of the memes!!

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I guess if you fire the waste into the sun and hope to god it never melts down, sure.

How you doing that?

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I'll make coffee for you like this anytime commie babe.

>"Economic security" for those unwilling to work

Why should they get anything other than a bullet to the head?

cause neets need monies for vidya

JUST LEAKED! Cover of Original Copy.

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Part of me wants to see it pass in full and be signed into law. If they thought the yellow vest riots were something.. oh baby. Haha. I mean shit man.

>Agenda 21 is alive and well.
Based and redpilled.

gonna need some source material on that pic

You can go and read it. I read it and it’s just a bunch of vague bullshit. It reads like a political speech and has no hard numbers or specific policies in it. It would be like if you put out “bill” saying you were going to end poverty, because we are the wealthiest nation in the world, yet every day millions of families don’t know where their next meal will come from, and there is a homeless epidemic, and yet the wealth disparity blahblahblah see how I’m not actually giving any plan as to how to solve poverty—I’m just going over a bunch of talking points? That’s what the fucking green new deal document does. It’s like a fucking transcript of An Inconvenient Truth—no actual concrete solutions, just soapbox bullshit.

She knows we NEETs love her crazy eyes.

Whenever I read the word deal I think of schlomo rubbing his and saying " This is working great for us Ari, we are goimg to make a real bundle off of these goyim, is that next pot done yet? Oy vey, been a real ringer today. *Lights up cigar*

If you’re not already collecting your urine, so you can filter out the nitrates for gunpowder making, you’re a cuck.

It's a good plan but realistically it needs to go much further to stop global warming.

Dems wont be able to control AOC, at the same time theyre having a meltdown, she has the support of the youth and its growing, even though how ridiculous this deal is.

Only a diseased mind could come up with such ridiculous donkey shit


Its amazing. No more beef, planes or cars. There we be transnational underwater railroads and ICE will be abolished.

Nonsense bullshit by design, the idea is too give us some outlandish shit and progressively tone it down until accepted.

Its alarmingly childish
It reads like a Christmas wish list

I think I'm getting really fuckin tired of Absorbent Odiferous-Kotex threads.

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Why are you asking us how you should think, you fucking sped?

It's so poorly written I'd suspect it was a GOP hoax if its author wasn't a waitress LARPing as a politician

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>Remove all nuclear power

I don't even want to talk to a human this stupid

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It's bold and brave just like AOC herself. This is the kind of forward thinking that we need to finally impeach the orange cheeto motherfucker. #AlwaysWithHer #Resist #NotMyPresident #NeverDrumpf #FuckDrumpf #AOC2020

i love sniffing cow farts so i am against this.


It ain't easy being green

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Kill the cow farts

I love the parts about slashing our military budget and getting rid of nukes. It's like they actually want to destroy America. People don't realize, were stuck in the position were in. We will immediately be faced by commie expansion in the east and bullied by the rest of the world.

The same Jewish nonsense from before, framed as something new. Just like most other "new" political ideas.

Socialism disguised as environmentalism.

It reads like some 9 years old school project wish list for the world.

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I want anything radical, left or right. Radical left is accelerationism which will bring radical right. Radical right is just fantastic.

You know what we think about it

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Found it here, and heard about it in Styx Channel.

She's one of over 400 Congress members and can't even run for president till 2028. She's not important and nothing she says actually means anything. Who cares

green doesn't fly

Can you put a modicum of effort into researching your opinions before spouting them?

Cause that's literally communism

government can't run anything effectively, and to think that they can run climate policy, that's smoking the funny stuff
three words: watermelon parties; green on the outside, red on the inside

smoke weed everyday

It's a fucking scam. It locks the US into enforcing the entire Green Party platform without any sound explanation or plan as to how.

It will create a massive legislative mess on the scale of Brexit. The economy will react in kind.

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Oh boy, now Bernie has just come out and vowed to support the deal. It's not like he has much of a choice - hard to go against AOC if you're in the party.

Trump has won 2020. Moderates will rightly get scared of this clusterfuck policy.


Frances gas tax has crippled their countries rural middle class. I don’t want to have to pay for clean air and need a hazmat suit to go outside, but the truth is communists care as much about the mantaining environmently commons as the coke brothers. Free clean energy has to come from infrustature, we have a moral obligation to be intelligent, which sadly ms Cortez is not.

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Absolutely retarded, why do you ask?

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