Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new president and enacts a 70% tax on the top 1%

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new president and enacts a 70% tax on the top 1%.
Your reaction?

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start hoarding food, water, and ammo


But in truth, you better be doing that now.

The top 1% are Zionists, oligarchs and other parasites, not White patriots. Fuck 'em. The rest of us Whites fight their wars. Let them pay for those wars.

Bafflement because the President doesn't have the power to set taxes.

>Only those making 10 million or more a year will get taxed 70%
>Hyperinflation within a year of her election, suddenly 95% of americans make 1 billion dollars a year
bravo marxism

>tax on the top 1%

All the top funders of her and her party are the 1% dumbass.

She is sheep herder like Bernie, designed to gather a young following and then pass them over to vote for the establishment candidate in 2020. She's dog and pony show.

Watch who she finally endorses against Trump and it'll tell you everything you need to know.

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She's got the eyes of a mass murder/drug addict. Wonder if she's possesed

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How about you introduce a 70% jew tax

I would recycle my urine to make green tea.

It goes in the options field

>70% tax on the top 1%

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Vote for her again. Can't wait to see all the drumpfcuck tears.

How many of you idiots actually understand what a marginal tax rate is.

Wow, she took out the Rothschilds just like that.
So easy, all we had to do to destroy the oligarchy that runs America was raise their taxes.
Holy shit man, Jews btfo forever.

All her friends receive hundreds of millions in tax dollars only to suddenly go into bankruptcy, all millionaires/Billionaires flee to tax havens prior to her office, everyone has to drink their own urine, she builds train tracks that go directly into the ocean with the trains being filled with conservatives. U.S. becomes Venezuela within 2 years

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Suddenly the petroleum shortage doesn't seem so bad here. Does it apply to citizens that live overseas though? I might be in trouble if so.

She would probably have an unfortunate car accident.

Laugh at her because the real 1% has their money hidden in offshore accounts and (((charitable foundations))).

hand that money over to blacks to make reparations for the white hate crimes against them

is this a santa claus thread?

Occluded Cortex? Never happen.

Sadness because the top can just offshore. They are the ones that own all the mega corps. Their competition, the lower rich, would get hit hard by the tax and they can't offshore. This means the mega corps get even richer, the wealth gap widens, and wages fall even more.


Jow Forums had better wake up and realize what it's looking at.

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Shes right about all the economic shit, stripped the Jews of their money is a GOOD thing for the common man. But she bundles social justice shit into it so I can't support her.

Think about how long they stood there as the photographer crouched and angled taking multiple dozen shots of them. Think about who pored through them all looking for the perfect shot. Think about how that person knew that PHOTO RIGHT was the perfect shot. Think about the fact these operations are intentional and being funded.

This is a declaration of war.

Being in the top 1% is a fuckton easier than you think.

I own three duplex houses in the Minneapolis area and my annual income from my job is 100k. Rent per unit is $1100-1200. It is stupid easy to buy houses and use dumbfuck tenants to pay for your house for you. Kinda surprised most of the Jow Forums brainlets havent figured this out yet.

Problem is that most of my money goes right back into the houses and my property taxes at $6000 apiece.

I am in the top 4% and I am just a fucking schmoe scraping by.

If I buy 3 more houses, I am in the 1%.

Relevant photo

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Options field seasoned

Instant boner

Not everyone had your privileged up bringing and parental financial support.

She won't have a second term let alone be president.

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Sage this shit

Its a wealth tax, if yu earn more than 10 milion you pay 70%, why shouldn't someone who earns more pay more in taxes compared to someone who earns much less? Its a wealth.

How many of YOU idiots know how a living trust works?

Wait, why *should* they pay more again? And a wealth tax is literally unconstitutional.

deport her back home over the wall via catapult

What the actual fuck does any of this have to do with a living trust

>literally unconstitutional
Spoken like a true, 15 year old libertarian. No it’s not btw

No. You're too stupid to be in the top 1% or even the top 4%. If all the money you get from rent goes back into those houses, then it isn't income, is it? Jeez.

Wealthy people know how to shield their money from taxes.

My reaction would be to say it should be 91% on marginal income over $400,000 a year as it was when Eisenhower, a Republican, was POTUS. I would encourage Congress to raise it to that and my queen would then sign it into law. Don’t like that? Fuck off.

my reaction is "where is the money going"

i base my like/dislike on that answer.

surprise because the president doesn't control the budget

Steal a sailboat and gtfo before the red terror begins

Because they make more, but it needs to even out, but corporations hoard all their money and get bloated and insufficient and can't do anything with it, they also don't pay enough taxes, because of no wealth tax is in place.

sage again


>AOC wins based on socialist rhetoric
>Tries to implement 70% tax
>Gets blocked by dems who aren't socialist and GOP because they rich and don't want to pay it
>tries other stupid socialist stuff
>they shut her down completely
>Presidency ends in abject failure
>Republican wins next election
There's no changing the system we're in folks, and your commie goblina won't be able to accomplish anything more than the last.

No, it isn't. Trust me, I'm a Tman.

What does a tax rate have to do with the budget moron. Congress decides tax policy...the POTUS signs it into law.

>top 1% at 70%
>200 billion extra collected by Uncle Same

I went to public school (Anderson) and lived in the Phillip's neighborhood. I'm Native, btw.

Grew up significantly below the poverty line with three other brothers. Went to the Ramar building to get foodstamps often with mom.

Went in the military because I wasnt an idiot who did illegal shit and wasnt a nigger, kind of the same thing but whatever.

Came back, bought first house. During post 9/11 stupidity, bought houses, didnt sell just for money, just rented to college shitlords who were nearly the same age as me.

Now Liberals hate me even more.

"oh look, all the rich people moved to the Cayman Islands"

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Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

all the money and 1%niggers will GTFO america ASAP and there will be nothing left for 99%niggers

Claim she's a Russian spy and literally Hitler and make the same insufferable jokes about the way she talks and her physical appearance as well as quotation her mental health on every channel nonstop for fucking years. Oh and censor anyone who tries to defend her on the internet. Yea go fuck yourself.

Question her mental health *

1% is those earning more than 390k per houseland, I think.

10 million is completely different.

I'm prefer to live in a communist western country than a capitalist multiculturalism

>hurr durr it's so easy Jow Forums you fucking retards
>buy slums in nigger city
>all profit goes to taxes and fixing slums
>scraping by
This is what you said just now.

her tax is dumb because those millionaires arent gaining money through "income" but assets

Get to the top 2% and then leave

Are you saying that these assets are farting out magic money that doesn't count as income?


>1 post by this id

^ pretty much this... also sage

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congress can override a veto too. my point was that president ocasio-cortez won't be setting any tax rates at any percentage, all she gets to do is ask nicely

Looking forward to quitting my wage cuck job and sitting home with my UBI bucks playing video games.

I mean when you think about it, I am still employing someone by playing their games and consuming porn, so I am still creating some economic value.

The future of America is looking brighter, or should I say browner, with each passing day.


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yes. they count many things as "business expenses" which are not taxed in the same way.

look the companies that are listed. even banks they "Only" profit around 10% of their revenue.

very fishy


why not 95%?

I honestly wish she would. I think God sent her down to accelerate our demise.

Laugh at Americans as every wealthy American takes their money elsewhere.

I'm sure we'd get a fair few of them moving their businesses down here in New Zealand. AOC may as well have sent us a big cheque directly.

*dabs on richfags*

Don't worry the Neo-Bolshevik spics will do what Lenin did and eventually set up a 100 percent tax which basically means just killing anyone that isn't a peasant or Jewish

Wake up, obviously a nightmare

Do you also think your debt is an asset?

2nd civil war. i will not be ruled by a woman.

We would go back to being a slave to corporations that can treat us as they please because no one else is hiring.

I got a hot take for Jow Forums. C level executives are overpaid (stock options, compensation, golden parachute perks).

The new CFO at Netflix is paid $10M after his previous company lost over 30% in stock and market price. Netflix is losing money hand over fist and they somehow have the cash in hand to give someone that lost his previous company billions of dollars.

Where I live, the CEO of the minority public owned utility company was paid ~10M CAD to get the fuck out and ended up costing the company ~130M in fees as well as a tanking stock value because of a stupid plan that was never going to work.

If you are a Steve Jerbs, Bill Gates, Jeff dick pic divorcee Bezos and you make obscene money by actually building something that creates value; awesome. That is what the west built upon. However, if you are some pencil pusher that faces no consequences for losses and still gets millions after tanking the business and selling your own company stock before walking into the next business and doing the same thing; you can get fucked. All of the hedge fund managers, currency traders and ratings agency fucks that were given trillions of tax payer dollars as a reward for bankrupting the world and then don't face jail time, fines, or violent mobs in the fucking streets that means this sort of crony-ponzi capitalism isn't working.
