I found a profile of my bf on Grindr just now. Very upset right now, not sure what to do. It’s not like it was inactive for months either. It’s an ldr.
I just don’t know what to do, like fucking damn I’m upset right now.
Bf cheating on me(I think)
Screenshot it and just directly ask him what it is. Don't play games with him.
He's probably cheating on you, but it could also be a fake. I mean there are tons of fake Tinder profiles using pics of random girls so it's possible that could be a scam profile. But don't get your hopes up because 99% chance he's a shithead.
Confronting him over it would be the best option. Does he seem gay/bi/experimental?
I’m the bi here and I’m a guy too.
This , except before showing him the screenshot ask him directly if he has any online dating profiles. Give him a chance to fess up and tell you himself. Read his body language to see if he acts nervous or like he genuinely has no idea that there would be something like that out there. If he doesn't admit it, then you know right there and then that he is most likely lying to you.
BTW, how'd you find yourself on that sight to find out? were you looking for yourself or did you suspect something?
I went on there to see if he was there, I now wish I hadn’t.
ignorance really is bliss.
Like I said I downloaded Grindr just to see if he was on there.
What made you suspect that he was on grindr?
It’s a few things that just made me suspicious he wasn’t faithful/honest, looking on Grindr was just the next step.
Wait are you both gays?
I’m bi, he’s gay.
Haha fags are so gross. Pretty hilarious how fag marriage won't even last ten years now that Hitler is back.
You do know what to do OP, you’re just afriad of the repurcussions.
Break up with him. The less drama the better, but he should know why, even if it doesn’t faze him. You can do better than put up with lying, cheating immoral douchebags. The quicker the better.
There's your problem, you're degenerate faggots. Queers are physically incapable of reproducing and so sex devolves into a means of pleasure and nothing else which results into a long series of miserable and unstable relationships. Enjoy your AIDS, depression, and tendency towards suicide.
Fuck off. I’m capable of love and connection and want a family.
Why don’t you go look at the amount of partners women have now a days, striqhht men are no different but unlike bi/gay men the women they’re solely attracted to don’t have as strong of a sex drive nor the same, lower, standards so it’s less easy for them.
Queers being promiscuous and untrustworthy, surprise surprise.
>It’s an ldr.
Not a relationship. Get yourself a real bf.
Do you think you were born gay or acquired the taste later?
We met irl for a while and was planning to again later, maybe even move in together in the future but that idea is pretty much gone from my head now. It’s not like the profile eben listed as being single and just looking for friends, which is not believable given what Grindr is but it’s listed as single.
I’m not gay, I’m attracted to women as well but yes, my attraction to men is recent.
*listed as exclusive looking for friends*
And also, I’ve been flooded with messages since I got the app. There’s no profile picture and no information on the profile, I’m sure him having a photo and being cute gets way way way more messages than, me specially since he lives in a much larger less anti gay city.
Gays are virtually incapable of maintaining a committed, monogamous relationship. About 50% of gay marriages are explicitly open marriages.
Why did he say he wanted that? He even told me hates Grindr and hook ups, it’s gross to him. His posts before we met said this as well.
> Fuck off. I’m capable of love and connection and want a family.
you'll literally never have a family faggot
cringe and bluepilled
Long distance relationships are not real relationships. Just stop contacting him.
Ignore the Jow Forums posters, please
We all hate them and want them to leave
Hey man, the truth is your bf is suckin off a whole bag of dicks behind your back.
Find a new twink.
But then why say you want a monogamous relationship? Why string me along?
I just don’t understand that.
I'll pack your shit if you're a trap, otherwise, I can't help you, faggot.