
> conservashits

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> Finnish Hockey

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both are true

See, both are bad. And both are true. Say half are lazy and are sucking the governments tit, the other half are hard workers. Both are an issue. I have 16 beaners across my street in one house. The father works like crazy to provide and he does but only with government aid. Both are a cancer. If they had come legally then that's fine, the welfare is still shit but at least they would have the respect to go through the process

You are a nigger, The government uses my taxes to subsidies them working at a lower wage So that Mr Noesimberg and Sheklestine's companies can make larger profits. To which they donate to politicians that keep the borders open and the taco niggers on the dole. What is so god damn hard to understand about that?

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This is really one of those paradoxes that you can't deny exists which proves that mutts are pure reactionaries and eternal victims just like the Jews.

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Reactionaries are enternal uneducated dipshits who unironically vote against their own economic interests

conservatards epicly owned with facts and logic style

Immigrants aren't one person. Both kinds exist and both are bad.

Ok 1/2 steal your job and lower wages, the other 1/2 are lazy and live off benefits. Either way we lose. With the jooz, we always lose. Happy now, you kike faggot?

The other Schrodinger's immigrant:
they take the jobs natives dont want

Somehow they dont depress wages or need welfare.

>white immigrants stealing our jerbs
>nigger immigrants stealing our taxes
they both need to go

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Actually they do both.

I live in the heart of farming country and what they do is work for a few months seasonally then apply for Unemployment. All the while they are still working for cash under the table AND collect gibs. Most farm laborers have more money to blow than white people. Old farmers like it because they can pay them less on the taxpayers back so it’ll never stop

Immigrants are destroying American culture
I dont really care about them working shit tier jobs

wtf I love the abuse of H-1B Visas now

Illegal immigrants take the low paying jobs poor Americans would otherwise need to take were benefits not dished out like birthday cake. But illegal immigrants are also payed under the table, no tax. THEN they double dip and claim benefits from state and fed govts, leaving less for real Americans.

>Immigrants don’t belong in this country
Neither of those are good things.

They steal our jobs and then half ass them.

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>Stealing jobs and doing half assed shit work
>Lazy and live off state benefits

But thats right you fucking retard

Does the Discord gig allow for regular dialation breaks?

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Illegal immigrant men steal entry level jobs, illegal immigrant women are lazy sows. I guess since gender is just a social construct to you, you cannot tell the difference and understand why both can be true.

No. illegal immigrants take the high paying trade jobs americans want but want to be payed reasonably for. Criminal aliens can work for less because they dont report their incomes, pay no taxes, and then collect welfare to subsidize it all.

>there can't be multiple classes of immigrant coming into the country that affect it in different ways
Why are liberals such dumb fucking brainlets that simplify everything into a simplistic, black or white issue?

>if you oppose illegal immigration you're a racist
t. retard

Nice argument, moron. Also, the two aren't mutually exclusive.

Immigrants flood the labor market, depressing wages.
Immigrants are on benefits because they accept below minimum wage, and libshit democrats enable it.

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