>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
>Weed --> Fressanfall Potentially, not as much of a rule as some people make it out to be. I have Almonds, various types of Jerky and black olives filled with cream cheese for snacks if I ever want any, high or not. Assuming you know how to Horticulture, try samenwahl.com if you don't know someone with a good setup that can give you some cuttings in person.
Adrian Reyes
mallorca, they sell it there legally in store and stuff (the seeds) inform yourself what kind of hanf you want personally, i would take one with less thc and with some relaxing/getting awake effect and use it as tea or smoke it a pipe
I just thought of a joke, but i think it's tay-level of intellect and will fly over everyone's head.
Every time i make my own jokes, they are insider material that no one will understand. and people think i have no humor because i don't laugh when böhmi talks. life is suffering, anons
Jugendclub yes, but there are just weird ANTIFA-people there, I don't want to have anything to do with them.
Nicholas Moore
>Every time i make my own jokes, they are insider material that no one will understand. and people think i have no humor because i don't laugh when böhmi talks That's a typical consequence of loneliness
>weird ANTIFA-people You want to buy weed not become besties with them.
Parker Murphy
I wait for my MHD to expire. you go and do that.
Chase Evans
>life is suffering, anons It could always be worse
Cameron Watson
saved, now im seeing the truth
you drunk?
>but there are just weird ANTIFA-people there, I don't want to have anything to do with them. dude, if you want drugs you must go to the most degenerate kids in town.
the 4plebs archive is now going down for good and all Jow Forums archives will be lost forever on purpose to cripple Jow Forums's future, by destroying its past. i kept telling people about it, and its painfully obvious i was right!
Jacob Hall
>Buying weed from youngins >In Bavaria >When he asked for seeds Not only is that the worst possible way to buy skunk weed at a massive surcharge but he won't get seeds there either.
Jayden Cruz
>you go and do that. Nah I'm enjoying life too much
Nah, rather try to grow them myself, I have a huge garden.
Blake Miller
>that pic Jesus Christ. Better consider playing that game.
Austin Martinez
I personally wouldn't grow weed, too much work if you don't smoke daily or plan to sell it.
Julian Mitchell
>but he won't get seeds there either. No, I know that you can buy seeds on the Internet (legally).
Bentley Anderson
>Buying Drugs from People you don't know. >What could go wrong? Maybe he ends up with a gun pointed at him,getting robbed and without dope? I think this happens from time to time...
He said Bavaria, not Albania. No but you live in a state with the most weed-unfriendly police force in the republic. You can keep it fresh for over a year after fermenting and drying in an airtight container away from the sun. "true fruits" smoothie bottles are becoming quite popular, the vanilla kind.
Benjamin Gutierrez
>Frank = French
Other way around. France is named anfter the Franks.
They will be back,it's not the first time that plebs is down. twitter.com/4plebs
Logan Thomas
>Buying Drugs from People you don't know. >getting robbed and without dope? That happend to the best of us kek but the risk that something like this happens is low if you buy rural.
If you do it correctly you can store it for a long time before it gets brittle and lose potency.
Andrew Cooper
Now that's a bold-faced lie if i have ever seen one.
I looked it up just a Minute ago,downloading Ep.1 now. I hope it's not total garbage...
Xavier Sullivan
>Is it even illegal to grow it for self-consumption??? Yes you can't grow such plants. I have Schlafmohn in my garden, it already grew here when I bought the property, in the worst case I could go to jail for it kek. This country is such a joke.
No seriously, I like my life, otherwise I would change things immediately
My best friend tried to show me this. hated it, but i hate a lot of anime.
anime often has these predictable cardboard characters that are always over the top with their personality. a guy that's a little brooding would be super duper sonic the edgehog, then coquette girls are super bimbo risqué and then there is the archetype of the scatterbrained sped et cetera.
I was okay with Overlord for like 2 minutes, and then i saw albedo. and then the trap-twins.
Tyler Fisher
Yes it is illegal and no you can't grow the poppy type that can be used to refine opium in any viable concentration. What you can do however is grow yourself a colony of Engelstrompeten and off yourself getting high on those. It makes no sense, thank the colonials for their war on drugs when we still did everything they asked us to.