Ever felt like no women is worth it ?
I'm not talking about MGTOW, there is no hate, but more like, no women seems interesting to you or worth your time.
Ever felt like no women is worth it ?
I'm not talking about MGTOW, there is no hate, but more like, no women seems interesting to you or worth your time.
Eh, it’s okay. But at a certain point sharing your life is really fulfilling.
I had this with men. Turned out I was just a dirty lesbian tbqh
Lmao. I'm not gay tho.
Poor time in your life, probably.
Everybody has different periods where they just don't feel it. Like, sex might be interesting, but the overall interaction just doesn't do anything, and feels like a waste of time and effort.
I had that period after my first boyfriend cheated on me. Literally didn't care. Ended up with a sort of sex friend I slept with once in a while, but I didn't care enough for anything more, and when that died out, I just didn't bother finding anything else.
Then, a year or so later, I got the urge back, after having missed it for a solid 8 years. Suddenly dating felt like something I needed. My life had finally settled into something manageable, so I felt I had better time to focus on it, I guess? Not sure what the exact psychology behind it is though.
Guess it could be But it certainly doesn't have to be. It wasn't for me, at least, but it might be worth experimenting with.
Well, I'm a college dropout, i worked a shitty job for a few years, being depressed with no self esteem. Then i passed a test and managed to enter one of the best business school in my country.
Now I'm confident as fuck, I feel good and proud of my achievement. I work 7days a week, school or at my job to pay my rent and feel extremely proud to be such a hard worker.
The few girls I've talked to lately have succumbed easily. Some very hot girls in my school want my validation and are insecure around me, even if by texts they act all childish, and pretend they don't care.
I feel like I have reached a good social status thanks to my hard work and i'd like to meet someone who can turn me on with how smart, confident and responsible they are.
Some girls invite me to their place and I might cancel or be too lazy for sex. I actually don't even want to fuck anyone, I want to save myself for someone worthy.
To add more to what makes me proud. I had a difficult childhood with neglecting parents. I worked hard against to heal my wounds, to become a self dependant and ambitious person, I carried my own burden and dealt with it on my own. I suffered hard by myself, with no support and still made it to a better future. That's where I god damn come from.
Only because I met one who was. So warm and compassionate, and she could cook well and was polite. Very smart and well spoken, very pretty. Didn't use social media, wasn't materialistic.
I blew it, user.
Not saying you are, but I didn't think I was either to be fair - I thought I must just be really picky and hadn't found a guy who I actually liked enough to be with yet.
It’s not worth the fucking stress, jacking off is so much less expensive and aggravating.
If we soften it up a bit, and apply it beyond the dating meme, and on all sexes, then yeah, I do know the feel.
Like, I love humans and everything but I have to meet someone I'd rather spend my time with than with myself. And I met fuckloads of great people.
Never get married, not unless she’s rich because guys like you get fucked in divorces.
Why do you think that ?
Best choice I made was marrying a rather unintelligent but always bubbly and happy girl. There's beauty in that blissful bluepilled ignorance
how does one act bubbly?
>good social status
>visits Jow Forums
Alright buddy.
But I do sorta get it. I was working 30 hours when I was with my boyfriend, just going for the low wage to have time with him. Upped it to 70 hours a week after he cheated, added some education on top, and started working out intensely several days a week to be in a good shape.
I am still autistic as fuck, which is a rather large barrier, but even before I got interested in something again, I had very little interest in a relationship. I just felt like I had more important things to do, and it sounds like you have it the same way, especially due to
>i'd like to meet someone who can turn me on with how smart, confident and responsible they are.
I had more or less the same kind of "requirements", except it was more of an excuse to not bother, than an actual requirement. I don't think anyone would have hit my "standards", because if they had, I had found some other excuse as to why I wouldn't want to date them anyway.
It went away after almost a decade for me. Just wait it out, I'm pretty sure you'll one day feel more strongly for it. I can almost guarantee you that even if you do find the type of girl you describe, something else will make you feel like it isn't worth the trouble.
I haven't consciously made the MGTOW decision, but this user is correct
I had pretty early success, but there was a point where I realized that it seems that every romantic or sexual interaction is actually a net negative rather than a net positive, both financially and emotionally
>there was a point where I realized that it seems that every romantic or sexual interaction is actually a net negative rather than a net positive, both financially and emotionally
You guys are finally learning how it feels.
It's a board, like any other. Stop with that so called, you're shit cause you're on Jow Forums. And don't call me buddy.
Anyway thanks for your answers, provides some interesting point of view.
>You guys are finally learning how it feels.
What do you mean?
Not sure if this is what they're talking about, but here's what happened to me, in simple terms:
>get gf
>date for 9 months
>break up
>fall into depression for 2 years
Or, more recently:
>get gf
>date for 3 months
>break up
>3 months since, and I'm still awful about it
See? Overall, I've had greater emotional losses than gains. Basic economics, user.
Oh my god.
These lil' weak ass faggots involuntarily made me realise that I was being a pussy.
I can deal with those hoes, I can make them fall in love. But I made excuses not to, because I just didn't want to fight, I was too afraid to raise my sword and cut their bullshit, I just let them do and left.
Poor women, what did I do... they needed me and I left them.
>That's where I god damn come from.
That sounds like you're making excuses.
It seems to me that you are not confident as fuck, actually you feel uncertain of yourself (obviously, since you're asking here for us to validate your feelings towards women), and probably unsatisfied with what you've achieved (since you're bragging about it).
You don't have to prove anything, even to yourself, you are not special, and you don't have to force anything either way in regards to relationship.
You're right see this ;
The issue is with you though, not with relationships.
Have you tried not being a pussy ?
Yeah, that's a better mindset. Still, chill out.
Yes, and then I met one. It's okay to be picky as long as you're not being an Intel about it.
Don't fucking tell me to chill, it's making me even angrier, you hard don't know that's the last thing you should someone who's angry ?
I’m telling you that women are snakes when they feel comfortable. They get to a point where they start giving up on themselves and the relationship because there’s no challenge aside from maybe raising kids. Basicly just watch out for “feminists” (they’re never real feminine feminist just full of leftist communist bullshit), they pretend to be great in the beginning but they slowly grow this self hate that you can’t fix no matter how hard you work bro.
>You don't have to prove anything, even to yourself, you are not special
I don't understand why people don't realize this. Or worse, they know it but are in denial.
You're right but that's not my problem. Sometimes people chill and it's good, sometimes they get angrier and it's funny.
Without something to prove, insecure people feel empty and scared. Once you go through some actual shit that fucks your life up and deal with it like a man, then there’s no illusion of “being good enough”.
I know that perfectly.
Exactly. Or when you realise, that you have already done enough to be proud, even though you still have to go on.
Girl here, the issue is why a lot of girls whore themselves out and go for quick cheap flings.
>Find a guy
>Date 1 month+
>Quickly develop emotional craving for him
>Get absolutely fucking destroyed if he breaks up with me
>Spend the next 2-3 years recovering
>If I moved in with him, I will likely throw myself into the first affordable apartment I can find, likely costing at least twice what I should be paying because I need to get out as soon as possible
I always end up in a worse situation both financially and emotionally. I just suck at dating, and I really get why some of my friends just developed the detached "Fuck and move on if someone better comes along" mentality.
I am just not built for it, so I'm stuck being miserable if I ever fall for anyone. It's good to hear guys having the same issue, honestly.
That's sweet though. Men don't get this benefit but someday a guy's going to come along that really appreciates that attitude.
Any fool can have pride brother, it’s the goals and morals that makes a man strong. Good women, real women know a real man when they see one. They’ll leave the chump they’re with just to get next to that man, because the chump is a fool who’s goals have been met. He’s stagnating like mud and she feels stuck. Where as a guy that pushes forward, keeps expanding on his horizons will always keep her interest. she wants to be in the drama of the challenge, she wants to be part of something bigger than her mind can imagine. That’s why these small thinking sex hounds think fucking is the end all be all, it’s just part of keeping things healthy. Like brushing your teeth, it’s got its benifits but it isn’t a big deal. The big deal is keeping a woman who’s worth her fuckin keep, instead of messing around with these bitches who can’t wait to back stab a guy for some shit that another foolish man did to her.
Telling any guy about this seems to work like kryptonite against men. They instantly assume I am still waiting for my ex, and at best want a quick fling.
Maybe one day, but right now I'm still recovering after my ex cheated on me 2 years ago.
Odd, in part I replied because you reminded me of my gf in that sense.
In any case fuck that guy and I hope you find the strength to move on. You and everyone else here that's been through that.
Must add. There is that girl, I think she sees it, I god damn want her and I god damn want to get her and I fucking will.