GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

I need to distance myself away from you
Unless I hurt ourselves again.

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Being alone here kills me nowadays. I cant help staring at my mobile, waiting. Somdone call me. Someone message me, tell me that they miss me. That they want to do something and actually mean it. No flaking, no silence, just me and another person having a positive time.

Please jump off a bridge, you're a nuisance in our child's life.

Until about three months ago, I'd never even felt anything you could vaguely describe as love in any romantic feelings. At some point I thought I was broken, because for however I was a romantic, I was with idealized relationships flourishing in my mind, I'd never even remotely felt anything regarding anyone. I chucked it up to the Asperger's.

Then three months ago I met this girl by what I think is borderline accident, or fate if you will. Her name's Rachel, and I just approached her in the very beginning of college with no clue as to how amazing she would be, and struck conversation. She quickly became one of my best friends, we matched up on just about every level. And now there was some sense to the almost overblown definitions of love I'd heard a thousand times before. Even if my autistic version of love was what I was feeling, there was some sense where before there had been none. Rachel attracts me on a psychological, intellectual and even physical level. I may be idealizing her, but whenever I tell my friends about the shit she does they all concur she seems a perfect fit.

However, Rachel has one fatal flaw. She's got a boyfriend (better than having a girlfriend, I guess). She's had him for I'd say over six months now. I wasn't even in this country six months ago. I didn't lose the race; I got to the stadium, the race had already finished. She's been a bouncing thought around my head ever since, I can't get her out of my head. And I keep stumbling onto her at random moments, to add to it. It doesn't help that she's adorable, and we're great friends. I met her boyfriend. Elsewhere, elsewhen, we might've been close friends; he's honestly a great dude.

I just hate how I've found someone I like so much that I don't even wanna see her break up with her boyfriend because I don't wanna see her sad. It hurts to feel you've found a girl you're sure only existed in your dreams, struck a close friendship, and loving her so much you don't wanna even risk anything.

Weird day.
Had a dream about this one girl from my class and she was all bubbly, and friendly with me, hugging me etc. And then today, we also talked and I helped her out with one task.
But to think of this logically, she has a similar name to my ex and my brain was probably projecting my relationship desires onto her due to loneliness.

I think you like this girl, but your conscious self doesn't want you to like her because she reminds you of your ex.


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She's way out of my league though. And we never text each other or something.

i’m really lonely, and it’s because of my own doing. i’m attractive enough, fit, have both social and individual hobbies and am passionate about them, great job, my own place, and people approach me and engage with me. however for some reason i get incredibly anxious and feel like im “not enough” and withdraw and don’t pursue or engage anyone. i literally paralyze whenever i match with someone and they start talking to me. i just never answer, and just go into a nervous breakdown. i recognize this as a me problem, but have no idea how to get over it. therapy isn’t doing much. i feel so alone, and it’s hard to know that the only this stopping me is myself. what do i do if i already feel like i’m doing as well as i could, and lack of offers isn’t the problem, but this deep seated fear of something i can’t quite define? cute person says hi, smiles, makes flirty small talk with me, and i just become a rock and leave asap, panicking internally. wtf me.

I feel like I do TOO much in my friendships with nothing in return. I typically give my friends rides when it usually tacks on an additional 40 miles (or 50 minutes of driving) to our outtings, sometimes more. Or last night I asks if they everyone wanted pizza, after everyone agreeing and me ordering I realized they weren't going to chip in any money for it. I ended up spending $80 on pizza delivery. I by no means have extra money to blow on things, but I almost feel like they don't even care. I mean, I work part time making $12/hr.

Life is going fantastically.
New job.
Doing well in uni.
Finally made friends.
Family appreciate me for who I am, and want the best for me.
But I can't help the feeling of encroaching dread that everything I have will just leave at some point.
Which. You know. It does.

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Just embrace the moment. You will regret wasting the goodness in life by worrying about losing it once it's gone.

I wonder if I really like this girl or if I feel this way only because I'm lonely. I like talking with her but I don't know. I doubt she even likes me, and in a way that might be for the best. I'm sort of an awkward friendless idiot anyway. I'm working on being more social and interesting but it's not something that happens overnight, so maybe I should just let the whole idea of ever being with this girl go and wait a little longer before I start seriously considering dating anyone.

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why the FUCK did i send you flowers??
why the FUCK did i not say anything when you told me there was someone else who said he loved you
why the FUCK am i letting myself get strung along by you for 2 months

why the FUCK can you not be honest for one god damn second
you broke up
you clearly have buyers remorse
for fucks sake

I have been. this girl I think i'm falling for and I have been embracing moments together but she seems to not want anything to do with me past the end of the year. which I guess is fair. But it's also part of why i'm losing my mind

I hate that you caused me to not trust you fully, but I can't help but be a little paranoid when you act all suspicious like this. Goddamnit.

Paola I like you very much, I want to dates, cuddles, kisses, passionate sex, and be together every we can... but I know it’s no posible you have a boyfriend and plans to move to Argentina to live together with him when you graduate... I felt genuinely happy when you told how you were thinking moving to Spain it made really happy, even If it’s because he wants to move out of Argentina, just thinking that we can continue being together even if it’s just as friends. It also makes my heart race when you don’t wear the half heart shaped necklace with the first letter of his name. If I hear that whatever is making you feel like shit lately has to do with him... I might be a fucking damaged goods cuck omega male, but I will try my hardest to come and swoop you... I love you and I want you to smile again, even if you don’t want to share your feelings because to you that would mean being a burden I’m still here for you. You are not a burden, you are precious to me

I wish I could move past how I used to be like in the past. Part of me wants to join one of the local churches now that I'm over and start over by apologizing to people from the past that I hurt and said stupid things to/about. I don't expect any forgiveness and I know some bridges are permanently burned, but I want to become better and help others. I don't want to remain stuck in a bubble where I internalize everything and be defined by how I used to be like instead of bettering myself. I want to volunteer, mature, grow, and make amends with myself and others. I don't ever want to hurt anyone ever again.

But I'm not sure if that's possible for me at this point. I'm scared to even take the first step at doing so. I find myself drifting along life again with no way out.

Wtf is wrong with you? I'm the only parent he's got! You want me to jump off a bridge because you think you'll get him? Think again. If anything happens to me, My family will be taking him and my life insurance policy is in my brother's name now. I forgot it was left to you from last year. Glad I checked on that.
So no, kms won't help you. I'm going to make sure I live for a very very very long time. Or at least until he's grown and able to care for himself. Unlike you.

I'm the most depressed I've been in a while and struggling to cope now.

Me and my ex-partner have been broken up since May and i'm still finding myself reeling in it. It was a fucked up 3 year long relationship, we needed to break up so the breakup was mutual, but I'm still missing them and coping with the loss of a part of my life. I've blocked them from everything but i'm constantly running into our old shit. I cried like a baby last night when I stumbled on a stuffed animal I won for them at a fair and saw him as our child.

I'm lonely as hell and don't really have any close friends. I do have acquaintances, people I go to DIY shows and drink with, but that's all they are. I've been escaping through substances and feel like a complete fucking loser.

I sleep around and hook up with people in my the circles I hang in and off tinder, but I still feel like shit. I'm actually emotionally attached to someone but it's just me texting at them and not reciprocal.

I'm never one to look and compare other my life to others, but i'm so vulnerable and bitter as shit right now. Everybody else seems to be happier or doing better off than I am. My ex is with another partner since September and seeing them happy makes me happy but I revert back to feeling like shit and a loser. I've let seeing people that have severely wronged me with their happy shitty lives get to me. I hate myself for going to that place. I hate myself for being this vulnerable and petty.

I'm struggling artistically. I can't concentrate on my shit. I'm more self conscious than I am lately.

I'm fucking 26 and struggling with employment. I quit my job a year ago, moved back in with my parents, and went back to working at the family business while I look for another well paying job. It's been a year now and I'm worn out constantly since I don't get along at all with my parents. I would work somewhere else but it's actually well paying and i'm saving a lot of money.

I just want to be a good person.

I wonder if you’re okay. I won’t ask you since you hate stuff like that.
I don’t love you anymore.

My parents still find ways to make me feel, unloved, like an object. Like a machine, for mom a machine designed to solve her problems, for dad a machine that studies.

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My son and I are getting so excited about the holidays!! It's going to be his first Christmas where we can celebrate it so openly and happily! We're decorating the entire house and doing it right. Previous years was with his father and grandmother who are JW and we could only get a little tree for the bedroom. Fuck that shit. WE LOUD AND PROUD AND LOVING IT this year and every one to come. Holidays, birthdays all of it.
Those sad sacks can be miserable with themselves every day of the year lol so thankful to be free.

We all hate our parents at some point. It's natural.

They dropped divorce drama on me... 10 years after their divorce.
They're like children who refuse to talk to each other and send their friend as a messenger.
They haven't changed, but i have a lot.
Thank you for hearing me out user

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You think I’m supposed to like it. No, actually when you’re in love with someone you don’t appreciate to be shown photos of females they prefer over you.

Fucked hookers on a trip. Did mdma and coke. Saw some other shit. Had my perspective on women and politics changed. Much more empathy now, toward everybody, especially women. Came back, I feel like im a different person, or that ive grown up. Even my voice feels to have changed. Dont know what the fuck is going on with me. I feel reborn somehow. I can actually smile to little children now and not shy away, or talk to homeless people without feeling superior. I pray to God this change is here to stay.

>message my crush
>she responds
>we connect
>she's up for spending time with me
Sounds great, but this is on the last day, of the last semester of the last year of my degree. This is a complete and utter joke. On the bright side I squeezed a cute girl's ass today. Didn't feel like anything, which must be because I don't have any attraction to her.

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I just talked with my fiance's ex boyfriend. He talked about how romantic losing each others virginities to one another was and how he is sorry for my loss. Im going to explode.

I hate you.

i hate the name mischa joan my sister named her newborn that and i'm losing it should i tell her?

how the fuck am i supposed to feel when i find out my partner pretended to love me and just went along with me so they wouldn’t lose their friend because they were lonely and depressed and afraid of confrontation, but now they’ve decided to be mature and stop settling and be better and beat depression and grow and everybody is just so fucking proud of them and i’m left in the fucking dirt and being told this is for the best after years of tending to their depression. i was actually in love, i fucking loved them and they had the fucking gall to say they still want to be friends with me. should just off myself and get off this shit train.

Yeah and Ill join you

Hang in there bruh

>be wagie
>spend most of workday shitposting on Jow Forums
>bossman doesn't give a shit, it's slow most days
>hours on end with no activity
>customers start showing up and calling all at the same time

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For the past few months I've been waking up with migraines, I constantly drop things, my hands shake often, I have a terrible time speaking, and I'm finally seeing a doctor today to see what the fuck is wrong with me.

I'm happy that I'm finally getting help for this but terrified that something is seriously wrong with me and think I might have a brain tumor or some shit. It's a double edged sword.

You always did.

Do your job, wagie!

its been like what, five or six months already, but i still miss you

I lied anyways. I love him so much and I’m just bitter because he doesn’t feel the same.

>amazon says order was delivered at 3:46 PM
>it's 4:33 PM and nobody has left anything on my door or knocked


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inside Im a really lighthearted humourous person, but outwardly to strangers I come off as cold and emotionless

back home around my friends and family Im always joking around and having fun, but here at uni I dont feel like I can act that openly like that, which makes me come off as boring, which makes people not want to be firends with me, which leaves me unable to act like my true self

its a vicious circle. If I had one friends to play off here I could easily make tons of friends, but I have no one :(

its so frustrating overhearing people talking and thinking how I would really click with them if I could just be who I am with my friends at home

Went to library w kid. Got book called Someone Farted. Dno why, it's not a humorous subject to her or me. Get home, she's asleep, look at book. Stop and think. Why did... Oh. Oh, fuck me, it was him? In the back of my mind? Maybe? Fuck. Curse my malleable human mind.
It's fine

Ugh it's dumb bitches like you that give us women a bad name

Check your mailbox if the package is small enough, they sometimes put out in there even though they're boot technically supposed to

Why? I said it in a venting thread instead of to him. You don’t have to be so mean.

It's been about six months since I stopped talking to you. I'm sorry I'm not mature enough to deal with not getting what I want and just be your friend. I hope you're doing well and that you've found someone that makes you happy.

>flatmates invite me drinking
>half want to go
>half want to stay home and be comfy
>decide to stay in
>hear them doing pre drinks
>feel conflicted because I know I dont enjoy going out and drinking, but feel ashamed of being a social recluse at the same time

>hearing qt girl make dumb joke you and your friends at home would make/lmao at
>know youd get on great if only you could join in
this is the worst part

how did you end up talking to him? why would you?

He is a friend of friends. Expected to go out drinking with just friends, but surprise he was there.

make fun of him for being an incel who cares about virgins

I'm getting him back and we're going home. Even if I have to take him from you. Watch your back.

my special talent is seeming interesting at first
but ultimately disappointing everyone

I found the package, but the thing I ordered came in the wrong size.

It was supposed to be a gift for someone who's only going to be here for a week.

Thanks anyway user.

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>spend better part of this year trying to get close to emotionally unavailable bitchy woman
>she dogs me out til I've had enough and split
>immediately meet girl who's been creeping on me for months and is so excited to get to know me she's already planning dates and talking about how she wants to cook for me
>wonder wtf was wrong with me that I was pursuing the first girl
Oneitis is a fucking lie

my therapist thinks im a loser

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You know you hit rock bottom when that happens.
Seriously though get a new one. Who needs that crap?

Stop buying so much perfume, jesus fucking christ.

i don't get why someone like you could ever feel lonely. i don't believe you. you're attractive, you have everything you want. are you just acting like a victim when you're talking to me to have some pity? are you lying? do you even feel anything for me? are you playing with me? do you think I'm pathetic, and are you using me? will i have to settle with being alone again?

To be fair, your therapist is uniquely equipped to help you NOT be a loser, or at least they should be

i know i did this to myself by being scared, but I really thought you weren't that kind of person, you probably do this every weekend instead. i don't know what to do, i just want to lie down and sob at the thought it's never going to be the same again, but i have accepted it already.
you still don't know what kind of person *i* am instead. when you'll realize it, it will probably be too late. I'm so sad. have fun with your life. if i don't deserve this then i don't.

yes, and we'll get there eventually user

for fucks sake, you crotchety old man what are you even doing. what gives?

Every time I leave, I feel so much pain, I can barely breathe and function. You were my greatest love, my dreams, ambitions and hope all rolled into one. All I want to do now is get drunk and get high to avoid this pain. Will it ever be over?

Maybe they love you...

Enjoy that job while it lasts, user. I had one like that ages ago at a very small local store. Pay was shit, I hated most customers, but I miss finishing tasks and just getting paid to browse Jow Forums and play games on our display systems.

So much is happening. My mind is growing more than I think I'm able to handle. My physical is deteriorating, my health is going to shit and there isn't much I can do about it right now.
My self-esteem is growing like crazy, and I really love myself, but I'm feeling guilty for being more selfish and less sensible.
My romantic failure is weighing somewhat less, as I feel complete by myself, yet I miss her despite not wanting her to come to my life anymore.
I wanna have an accomplice, to take care of and who can take care of me when need be. A real friend, a partner, a left leg.
But really I just wanna talk. I want support. I want many things, I want to practice my english again.
But despite wanting so much, I don't really know what I want.
I want to learn music and listen to new things, and I want to enjoy the work without remembering that I met such works because of her. I don't want her anymore, I said it already. She and I would not be happy. She runs away from me, and from many things she always wanted. And I don't want that in my life.
But here I am, not wanting, but talking about her. Listening to Ludovico and hating the fact that I only know it because of her.
And it wasn't even such an important thing for us. It's just something I know she liked, and I got curious.
Will I ever be free?

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I feel you. Every time I'd go out to large bars with friends, or parties, even if I was drunk, I'd hate the fucking noise and crowds. I used to feel bad but realized I just prefer staying in or smaller events. Going to a friend's to sip drinks, play cards, vidya or do a small cook-out is my thing.

Get your money back. Amazon is fucking great at refunds.

What do you think they do every weekend? You can just ask them about their plans.

I wish I had someone I was telepathically linked to someone so I could just beam all my confusing emotions to them and they could help me understand, and hug me and tell me what it means. fuck my autistic robot brain

all my life Ive only had male friends. I never talked about emotions or anything like that with them, then I was a neet and my only friend was my sister which made me realise how great being friends with women is. but I dont know how to make friends with women

I’m tired of being such a coward and a recluse. All I do is go to school, go home and study, 24/7. Girls check me out but I’m too much of a sissy to do anything about it. I talk to a cute girl, I’m fine on the outside but on the inside I’m internally freaking out. I’m sick of it. I don’t know what happened. Back in high school I used to be social butterfly but now I’m a shell of my former self. Too much of a sissy to make new friends, my friends just wanna go smoke 24/7, other friends won’t introduce me to new people. every new person I do meet I don’t feel obligated to hang out with due to th fact that my mom freaks out whenever I try to hang out with someone outside my circle. I feel like crying I hate this I wanna change literally I can make a complete 180 if I wanted to all I need to do is stop being such a social coward.

Make amends and start over with them, though it will require you to have a bit of courage and humility (which you apparently don't have). Good luck, anyway.

I loved you more than anyone will ever love you and you know that. You hurt me in such monstrous ways and tore my soul apart for no fucking reason. I was happy when you left, I could finally live my own goddamn life away from you. Then you have the AUDACITY to make me feel like an asshole for leaving. You the person who fucked her x twice behind my back decide that I should feel like shit for leaving? You tell me that you tried to kill yourself again and act like that doesn't fucking destroy me on the inside. Fuck you I hope you fucking succeed next time you fucking whore

Getting the forever lasting cold shoulder from the love of my life

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Time to mog. These fucks have it coming.

I'm trying to not expect anything, and just enjoy the feelings you cause. You're a distraction at work, a fantastic, wondrous distraction. If we do hook up, I'll probably have to transfer just so I'm not tempted to constantly sneak into the back with you for some grab-ass. I got bills to pay, and bar tabs. That place I went to on accident has some cozy little booths that we can cuddle into for some good booze. I'm so wired after every flirty encounter with you. I thought it was the beer that gave me this shaky, weak shit last time. I didn't realize that it was from being close to you until today. It's crazy. You're like a drug to me. I've been around girls who are "my type" before. You're the first who's been so overtly sexual with me. The braless bit, that cute thing you did where you yanked your pants up in the back (yeah, it's a nice ass, as if no one's told you).

I know you want me to do it, you were complaining about your ex's lack of initiative in this, but if you could initiate that first touch, could be anywhere, I'd be grateful. I haven't done this before. I'm scared of frightening you off, even though you're evidently so much more worldly with sex than I am. Just a little nudge, a little grab somewhere, something that shows me you want to be touched, and I promise I'll show you, in-depth, what you've done to me.

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It's good for me to come to Jow Forums because he is exactly like the boys here. When I feel so sad and miss him, I can remind myself that he was just a sexist jerk. Thank you Jow Forums for showing me this.

I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for hurting you for so long. I wish I could take back all the mean things I've said. I wanted to make you the happiest woman in the world and make you a mother, but you've moved on from me. I want to die and it's my own fault. I will always love you and wait only for you, even if it means being heartbroken til the day I die.

I hate being in love with you, I hate knowing that you want to be with someone else, I hate knowing that I'd never make you as happy as I wish I could, I hate knowing that you'd be better off with anyone else, fuck you, why do I have to love you so much?

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You're being delusional. How about you talk to him instead?

I don't hate you, You know I can't.

But it's time to walk away.

Most straight guys are sexist at some level.
It's just a matter of whether or not they're misogynist, because these words aren't the same thing, in spite of efforts to conflate them. A sexist will gripe about women losing their keys all the time or nagging too much, or even fucking around too much, but there's still a way for a girl to speak to his heart. He'll bitch about them, then fall in love with one for her laugh, her wit, her willingness to treat him like a man.

A misogynist is usually sick. He "hates" you all. What sexual satisfaction he seeks from you will be entirely debased and sadistic.

I'm a loooongtime lurker of this site and honestly most of that shit is jokes and bants. The people who take Jow Forums shit seriously have totally gotten out of hand. But then you got back to the ever present sjw boogeyman and the cycle continues. Hoping it levels off but the people who engage in all that shit without humor or at least tact are the worst.

I just wanted to say I hate niggers so much

Please don’t be for me.

That’s why I started coming here too. I still love him though.

Millions of people browse Jow Forums - it's popular. You underestimate the diversity of people that browse this shithole. Don't delude yourself into thinking that because some literal random Anons shitpost with such hate that your guy is on it.

I deserve so much more than what I've been shown. You have no idea what you did to me or how you destroyed my soul. I am a fucking idiot for putting up with your abuse for so long, making me feel like shit when it was YOU with the problem. This is what abusive people do and I know you're a victim of your past but that's no excuse. I overcame my past and turned it into something positive. I just can't do this to myself anymore.

Welcome to the club.

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There is nothing delusional in what I say fucking asshole. No I won't talk to him. Piss off.

Most men are not sexist. It's just the people you see on here in this echo chamber.

No reason to joke about it if they didn't think it was true, they wouldn't say it if they didn't.

Walk away. He's not worth it!

What did they do?

There is plenty delusional in what you say. You're projecting what you see here from Anonymous users onto him - it's not fair. If you've got a problem with him then talk to him about it.

I've seen his sexism many times, he holds the common Jow Forums views. You're all the fucking disgusting personality. Just no, I'm done with all of you assholes.

>I've seen his sexism many times, he holds the common Jow Forums views.
Give examples; what did he say or do?

I'm going to be okay once I break this addiction to this former idea of what I thought you were. I just have to look at reality and I will no longer want you again. I will be free.

>I just have to look at reality and I will no longer want you again.
>Posting on Jow Forums.
The irony.

He holds the Putin/Trump/Assange view of women. I'd say Snowden as well but that would be wrong, Snowden is actually not sexist, maybe because he found true love and not a gold digger and shallow, fame whore. Objectification, mansplaining, rapey-like behavior. God, I hate these types of men.

Really, fuck you all. You're all the same.